Page 8 - PGA Community News - September '24
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Page 8, PGA C.A.N.!                                                September 2024                                                                                                                                                 September 2024
      Northern Notes

      By Katie Roundtree,                               are also attracted by garbage, as it provides an easy and   Myths About Coyotes
      Director of Finance and                           reliable food source. Residents can significantly reduce      Coyotes are extremely dangerous: FALSE!
      Administration, Northern                          problems by moving attractants and securing trash.     There have been very few reported cases of Eastern
      Palm Beach County                                 Preventing Problems                                coyotes biting people. The coyote’s innate fear of humans
      Improvement District                                 NEVER feed coyotes! Don’t place food outdoors that   tends to keep them from getting too close, so there’s no
         The  foll owing                                will attract wild animals. Clean up pet food, fallen fruit,   need to fear them excessively.
      information is from                               and seeds around bird feeders. Secure garbage cans and      Coyotes are a new problem: FALSE!
      a publication by the                              compost in animal-proof containers. Don’t try to pet a      Coyotes have been in Florida for many years and will
      Florida Fish and Wildlife                         coyote;  teach  children  not  to  approach  any  unfamiliar   continue to make their homes around the state. Coyotes
      Conservation  Commission                          animal. Don’t let coyotes intimidate you. Frighten coyotes   should be considered native or naturalized species, not
      (FWC) and the University                          away by making loud noises and acting aggressively, such   exotics. Fossil fragments recovered from Florida indicate
      of Florida/Institute of Food                      as waving your arms or spraying them with a hose. Please   coyotes occurred in the state as early as the late Pliocene
      and Agricultural  Sciences.  It  provides  information  on   don’t attempt to hurt it because injured animals are more   (2 million years before the present). Coyotes are found
      coyotes and their interaction with people.        likely to attack.                                  across the state and have been documented in all 67
      Living With Coyotes                                  Close  off  crawl  spaces  under  porches  and  sheds.   counties. This  medium-sized  predator  is  exceptionally
         Coyotes are found throughout Florida. This adaptable   Coyotes and other animals use such areas to rear and raise   adaptable and thrives in urban, suburban, and rural areas.
      animal belongs to the dog family and resembles a small   young.                                         Coyotes need our help to survive: FALSE!
      German  shepherd.  In  Florida,  coyotes  typically  weigh      Teach children to recognize and not run from coyotes.      People like
      between 15 and 30 pounds. They have pointed ears, a   If they are approached, have them move slowly into a   to feed animals.
      narrow muzzle, and a bushy tail. Males tend to be larger   house or climb up on a swing, tree, or deck and yell.  However, providing
      than  females.  Coyote  fur  is  usually  grayish-brown  but      Educate your neighbors. By sharing this knowledge,   coyotes with a “free
      occasionally black. When running, the coyote usually   you can empower them to take the necessary precautions   lunch”  eliminates
      holds its tail at “half-mast” or straight out behind it, unlike   and prevent conflicts with coyotes. Ask them to follow   their natural fear of
      most domestic dogs.                               these same steps.                                  humans and increases
                                                        Co-Existing With Coyotes                           their population.
                                                           Coyotes can be curious                          Remember  …  a
                                                        but are also timid and                             fed coyote causes
                                                        run away if challenged.                            problems.
                                                        Just  remember  that  any                             Coyotes can be eliminated: FALSE!
                                                        wild animal will protect                              Removing coyotes is an inefficient and ineffective
                                                        itself or its young. Never                         method of controlling populations. Coyotes compensate
                                                        initiate a close encounter                         by increasing litter size, and new coyotes move into areas
                                                        with a coyote.                                     where others have been removed. Populations can quickly
                                                           Where  coyote                                   return to their original size.
                                                        encounters occur                                      NPDES tip: Please pick up after your pet. When pet
                                                        regularly, walk pets                               waste is washed into lakes or canals the waste decays,
                                                        at other times besides                             using  up  oxygen  and  sometimes  releasing  ammonia.
                                                        nighttime hours, dusk, and dawn. Carry something that   Low oxygen levels and ammonia combined with warm
      Coyote male (left) female (right).                will  make noise  or scare the animal, such as a  solid   temperatures  can  kill  fish.  Pet  waste  also  contains
                                                        walking stick or golf club. These things may deter the   nutrients that encourage weed and algae growth. Overly
         Coyotes, typically shy and elusive, play an essential   coyote at close range. Make a “coyote shaker” by putting   fertile water becomes cloudy and green – unattractive for
      role in the ecosystem by helping control rodent   a few washers, pebbles, or pennies into an empty soft   boating and fishing. Perhaps most importantly, pet waste
      populations. Their presence is a testament to the balance   drink can. Wrap the can in foil and tape it closed.  carries diseases which make water unsafe.
      of nature, and we should appreciate their contribution.
         The scientific name of the coyote,  Canis latrans,
      literally  means  “barking
      dog.” Coyotes use a variety
      of  vocalizations,  such  as
      barking like dogs, but
      they are most often heard
      making shrill yips and
      howls. Howling is often
      a group effort, a form of
      communication that helps
      them establish territory and
      coordinate group activities.
      It begins as a simple howl but quickly increases into a
      series of group howls and high-pitched barks.
      Keep Your Pets Safe
         Coyotes can prey on domestic cats and small dogs.
      To protect your pets, don’t allow them to roam freely.
      Most coyote attacks on pets occur at night, dusk, or
      dawn. During these times especially, be careful if you’re
      walking  your  pet in  wooded or heavily foliaged areas
      where coyotes could hide. Keep your dog close on a
      short leash. Keep cats indoors. When cats wander freely,
      they are more likely to be attacked by coyotes. Coyotes

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