Page 3 - PGA Community News - September '24
P. 3

September 2024                                                          September 2024                                                  PGA C.A.N.!, Page 3
      From The Editor:

      Expect The Unexpected…

         Marilyn was at a                                  Arlene decided to stop by Winn Dixie one evening to      I  think  of  Marilyn, Anne, Arlene  and  Safwat’s
      crossroads in her life when                       purchase a few extra steaks because she had invited some   experiences when I hear of people in despair about their
      she left California to visit                      friends to dinner but did not have enough steak for all of   lives. Tomorrow can bring a chance meeting that will
      her parents in Florida                            them. She inquired at the meat counter for the specific   change a person forever. Expect the unexpected…
      before college began. While                       steaks, but the employee said, “See Safwat.” Arlene could                         Until next month…
      driving to the restaurant                         not distinguish the response, so she repeated her request and                  James A. Cioffi, Editor
      for dinner one evening,                           was told again, “See Safwat” as the worker pointed in the               
      her parents discussed                             direction of the doorway. Arlene proceeded to the doorway
      the choices for dining                            and a gentleman appeared. He said his name was Safwat.      P.S.  If  you  experienced  a  chance  encounter  that
      without much success. Her                         Now she understood what the employee said. Safwat was   changed your life and you would like us to highlight it
      parents could not reach an                        the manager of the meat department. Arlene repeated   in this newspaper, please contact me.
      agreement – so her mother                         her request for steak and Safwat advised her to select an
      made the decision. While dining there, Marilyn met the   alternative. Arlene repeated what she wanted, and Safwat
                                                        explained that his suggestion would be tastier and more
      man whom she would later marry. If they had selected   enjoyable. Arlene relented and purchased Safwat’s choice.  Reminder From
      a different restaurant, Marilyn would have remained in
      California – single. Instead, she moved to Florida, married   Her guests raved about the dinner and Arlene acknowledged
                                                        to herself that Safwat made the right choice. A few days
      within a short time and gave birth to their daughter.  later Arlene was at the mall when she heard a voice calling  The POA/ARC
         It has been said that every day we make 23 decisions.
      Each one affects 28 people.                       her. “Arlene, come here” the gentleman shouted. She did
         Anne grew up in the Midwest on a farm. Her parents   not recognize him and hesitated. “Come, come, Arlene,”      POA documents
      encouraged her to study piano. As the years passed, she   he repeated. “How did you like the steak?” Arlene did not   require that all
      honed her skills and began teaching music and performing   recognize Safwat without his supermarket white uniform   residents apply
      professionally. One day while in a music store she noticed   and hair covering. She had to admit to Safwat that the   for POA and HOA
      a harp in the corner. Upon subsequent visits, the harp was   steak he suggested was delicious – better than what she   approval  prior
      still there – almost drawing her near. She inquired about it   had requested initially. Safwat then invited Arlene to have   to making  any
      later and was advised that the harp was for sale. Anne was   lunch, and she did not respond. “I will make lunch for you,”   changes to the
      intrigued since she had never attempted to play the harp.   Safwat implored. He advised her that he was also a chef   exterior  of  your
      On her next visit, Anne purchased the harp and attempted   part-time at a local restaurant. The chance meeting at the   home,  including but not limited  to  tree  removal
      to teach herself. She eventually took lessons and was   supermarket changed both their lives. Safwat is from Egypt.   or  planting,  new  landscaping,  painting,  roofing,
      called one evening by her instructor. A harpist was ill who   His family is Coptic Christian, a group that is persecuted   additions or construction, fencing, hurricane
      was to perform at a restaurant and the restaurant owner   in Egypt. Since the fall of Hosni Mubarak, many churches   shutters, impact glass, play equipment, garage door
      needed a replacement. Anne hesitated but then accepted.   have been burned by religious extremists. Arlene helped   replacement or any other change, you must contact
      She was nervous as she played for the restaurant patrons,   Safwat study for his U.S. citizenship and Safwat is now   the PGA POA Architectural Review Committee for
      but they did not notice. She completed her performance   a proud American citizen. He has aided countless Coptic   approval. Information and forms are available at
      to  positive  reviews.  The  unexpected  presence  of  the   Christians establish themselves in the United States and under the “Documents & Forms”
      harp in the music store changed her life. Anne is now an   avoid the terror of present-day Egyptian life. He lives the   heading or call 627-2800.
      accomplished and sought after harpist and pianist. She   tenets of his Christian faith by devoting many hours and                        Thank you,
      entertains countless persons professionally and has joined   resources to those in need. Arlene and Safwat enjoyed a                   Jack Hughes,
      the close-knit network of proficient harpists in the United   special relationship that transcends the differences in their     Chairman, POA ARC
      States.                                           language and cultures.

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