Page 6 - PGA Community News - September '24
P. 6

Page 6, PGA C.A.N.!                                                September 2024                                                                                                                                                 September 2024
      Have You Lost Your Awe?

      By Marie Pinschmidt                               of Maine, the Alamo, San Antonio, and the hill country of      “Things” only bring pleasure or joy for a moment. It’s the
         Last month, I wrote about                      Texas. The amber waves of grain through Kansas presented   simple things, the often mundane but beautiful encounters all
      stress. This month the subject                    an awesome view of the Colorado mountains. Eating a   around us that bring lasting memories. Material life will let
      is more upbeat. You may have                      chuckwagon dinner at the foot of the mountains, the Garden   you down. Friends and governments often disappoint, and
      noticed a shortage of smiling                     of the Gods, and riding a ski lift in Vale – all memorable.   so can children and loved ones. We need to love ourselves
      faces in recent months and                           Catching a trophy Northern pike in Canada was fun   enough to search until we find that certain something, that
      for good reason. Maybe we                         even though our Indian guide had to be sobered up before   new experience that can change lives, health, and happiness.
      are looking for awe in all the                    the fishing trip. What’s more fun than Canadian sunsets and   We should not envy others their experiences or allow others
      wrong places. Most of us find                     inebriated Indians?                                to diminish us. Express your uniqueness. Reach out to
      awe in sunrises and sunsets,                         Travels to Guatemala, Mexico City, the Mayan ruins of   others that you find interesting; they may need you more
      a magnificent sky, in books                       Tikal and Capon were awesome as was being unable to find   than you need them. When we were children, everything
      or music. When a cloud of                         the landing strip at Capon. Flying in a five-passenger plane   was new and interesting. I now wish I had lived some of my
      uninvited memories, or current events threatens to darken my   from Guatemala City to Belice and landing in the middle of   past experiences more fully. The term “second childhood”
      day, I try to think of happy times, until the past gets in my way.   a huge pineapple field for a customs check at a one-room   is not such a bad thing. I choose to think of myself as
         I grew up in a small town where I watched river barges   building surrounded by men with guns was awe-inspiring.   chronologically challenged rather than old. Allow yourself
      gliding up and down the Ohio River, traveled the majestic      Many of us go through life with our eyes closed or   to be a kid again.
      mountainous  landscapes  of West Virginia  and Virginia   we are oblivious to the awesome wonders of nature in      The above being said, we should also allow ourselves to
      alongside babbling roadside streams and parks. I’ve explored   our own country. Ernie Pyle, a news correspondent from   be angry occasionally, especially when the world presents
      the low country of Georgia and South Carolina, partook of   long ago once spoke of “that long, sad wind that blows   us with food and drugs that destroy our health and fill our
      amazing seafood cuisine, and painted the tobacco barns in   so steadily across the hundreds of Midwest flat lands in   mind with mistrust and fear. We must fight back by refusing
      North Carolina. I cruised beautiful Lake Placid in New York   the summertime. To me, it is one of the most melancholy   to buy (literally) what the world offers. I have done this in
      and waved at Kate Smith in her boat. For eleven years I lived   things  in  life.  It  comes  from  so  far,  and  it  blows  so   recent months and benefitted by doing so in many ways.
      in New Orleans, and they were awesome years in many ways.   gently, and yet so relentlessly; it rustles the leaves and      If you wish to know more about my adult life and its ups
      I later lived in Savannah, Georgia, on the ocean in North   the branches of the maple trees in a sort of symphony of   and downs, read Life Interrupted A Memoir When the Doctor
      Carolina and now Florida.                         sadness, and it doesn’t pass on and leave them still. It just   Becomes the Patient, available on Amazon, etc.
         I’ve also traveled to other exciting places that brought   keeps coming.” As you can see, even the putting together                  Until next time,
      awe to my life. To name a few: Twice to the Rocky Coast   of words can be awesome.                                                             Marie


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