Page 1 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - September '24
P. 1

VOL. 34 NO. 9                                                                           SEPTEMBER 2024

      Two Loggerhead Sea Turtles

      Released By ANGARI Foundation, Friends Of MacArthur

      Beach State Park, And The Florida Park Service

        Two juvenile female loggerhead sea turtles were
      released into ocean waters on Tuesday by Friends
      of John D. MacArthur Beach State Park, ANGARI
      Foundation, and the Florida Park Service.
        One-year-old Veronica and 10-month-old Freed
      have been cared for by a dedicated team of staff
      at MacArthur Beach State Park since they were
      3 months old. The turtles are part of MacArthur
      Beach State Park’s educational sea turtle ambassador
      program to educate visitors about the importance of
      sea turtle conservation. The state park receives over
      150,000 visitors annually and over 4,000 of those
      visitors are students who participate in education programs,   Friends of MacArthur Beach State Park. “It is these personal     John D. MacArthur Beach State Park is the only state park
      where the sea turtles are a major focal point.    interactions, that can spark people’s interests and can help   that is able to house sea turtles in Florida.
        “During their time at MacArthur Beach State Park, our   them on their way to becoming lifelong sea turtle advocates.
      sea turtle ambassadors educated thousands of visitors about   We look forward to getting a new sea turtle ambassador in   Two Loggerhead Sea Turtles Released By ANGARI
      sea turtles and conservation,” said Veronica Frehm, CEO of   the coming months.”                     Foundation on page 2
      World War II Veteran, 100, Weds Boca Beauty, 96,

      In France On Anniversary Of Normandy Invasion

      President Biden And                               day and in the weeks                               Carentan, a few miles

      French President Macron                           that followed to secure                            from  Normandy. And
                                                                                                           to make the occasion
                                                        victory over the Nazis,
      Congratulate Newlyweds At                         the now 100-year-old                               even more memorable,
                                                        Harold Terens ensured
                                                                                                           t he  h a ppy  c ou pl e
      Elysee Palace State Dinner                        the beginnings of new,                             were feted at a special
                                                        happier memories by                                state dinner hosted
        Eighty years ago, then 20-year-old Harold  Terens   marrying the beautiful                         by French President
      served in England and France during  World  War II,   Jeanne Swerlin, 96,                            Emmanuel  Macron,
      working on D-Day, June 6, 1944, as a radio mechanic in   a  member  of  Boca                         with President Joe Biden
      constant contact with allied fighter planes taking part in   Pointe Country Club                     on hand to extend his
      the invasion, many of whose pilots never returned.  in Boca Raton.                                   congratulations!
        During this year’s annual commemorative visit to     The ceremony took
      Normandy to honor those who sacrificed their lives that   place in the town of                       World War II Veteran on page 4
      Meryl Streep Narrates American Humane’s

      New Documentary Escape From Extinction Rewilding

        Sequel to 2020’s record-making Escape From Extinction     The film will open theatrically nationwide on Sept. 27.  ground-tested solution, ensures
      highlights rewilding as a sustainable solution for global     American Humane, the United States’ first national   that conservation efforts are
      conservation efforts.                             humane organization and the world’s largest certifier of   effective and sustainable.
                                                                                 animal welfare practices,     Directed and produced by
                                                                                 recently announced award-  Matthew Brady through MRB
                                                                                 winning actress Meryl Streep   Productions, the film will be
                                                                                 will narrate the upcoming   released in over 100 theaters
                                                                                 documentary,  Escape from   nationwide by distributor Joe
                                                                                 Extinction Rewilding. This   Garel and his Western Film
                                                                                 highly anticipated sequel   Services label on Sept. 27.
                                                                                 to the organization’s 2020     Rewilding is an innovative
                                                                                 documentary  Escape from   conservation strategy to restore
                                                                                 Extinction showcases how                            Meryl Streep. Photo by
                                                                                 rewilding, an innovative,   Meryl Streep on page 3  Getty Images
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