Page 9 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - September '24
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Jupiter Ocean Mile, Page 9
      League Of Women Voters Of Palm Beach County

      To Host ‘Hot Topic Lunch’

      On School Year 2024 With                          and vice president. He also serves on
      Palm Beach County (PBC)                           the Governance Board and the Goals
                                                        and Budget Committee of the Florida
      School Superintendent                             Education Association, as well as the
                                                        Government Relations Committee.
      Michael Burke And Gordon                            One topic of discussion will be the
                                                        proposed half-cent tax increase that
      Longhofer, PBC Classroom                          would take place in 2026, after the full

      Teachers Association President                    penny sales tax expires next year.
                                                          If approved by voters, these funds
                                                        will help purchase, maintain, and repair/
        The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County   refurbish facilities and equipment to
      (LWVPBC) is inviting residents and parents to an upcoming   create a positive learning environment
      lunch  event  focused  on  local  education,  including  the   for Palm Beach County students. All
      proposed half-cent sales tax increase on the November ballot   district-operated and charter schools in
      and how it would benefit our local public education system.  Palm Beach County will benefit from
      Wednesday, Sept. 18, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.            this measure.
      Hot Topic Discussion, In-Person                   Where: Hilton Palm Beach Airport,
      School Year 2024                                  150 Australian Avenue, West  Palm
      The State of Education in Palm Beach County       Beach, FL 33406
      • Guest Speaker: Michael Burke                    Registration Fee: $40
        As the superintendent of the high-performing School   Notes:
      District of Palm Beach County, he is passionate about     • Doors open at 11 a.m. Lunch
      ensuring academic excellence and paving the way to post-  begins at 11:30 a.m., the program
      graduate success for the more than 170,000 students who   starts at noon.
      attend 182 district-operated schools. He is deeply committed     •  Advance registrations and
      to the School Board’s mission to educate, affirm, and inspire   payment must  be  made  online at
      each student in an equity-embedded school system. As
      superintendent of the tenth-largest district in the nation,     • Walk-ins cannot be accommodated.
      Burke also oversees Palm Beach County’s largest workforce   The fee is nonrefundable.
      of nearly 23,000 people.                            • The deadline to register is Sept. 6.
      • Guest Speaker: Gordon Longhofer                   The League of Women Voters of
        As president of the Palm Beach County Classroom   Palm Beach County is a nonpartisan
      Teachers Association,  he  represents  more  than  13,000   political organization of women and
      teachers. He began teaching in 1983 in Oklahoma and   men of all ages and backgrounds,
      has been here since 1988, teaching math and vocal   encouraging informed and active
      music at Pahokee Middle High School for 18 years. His   participation  in  government  through  education  and     For more information about the League of Women Voters
      wife, oldest son, and daughter-in-law are also teachers.   advocacy. The League of Women Voters of the United   of Palm Beach County, please visit or facebook.
      Longhofer has been an advocate for teachers as a union   States believes that voting is a fundamental citizen right   com/lwvpbc.
      representative, board member, negotiations team member,   that must be guaranteed.

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          SPOTLIGHT ON HEALTH CARE                                                                                               By Sue MacDonald

          Robotic Surgery Targets Common

          Gynecological Cancers Among Women

          The same robotic technologies that al-                                                                     It’s like a car —the driver has to turn it
          low cardiac specialists to perform del-                                                                    on, steer it, speed it up, clutch it, and
          icate surgeries inside the human heart                                                                     stop it to get from Point A to Point B.
          and send hip replacement patients                                                                          The robotic capabilities allow us to be
          home the same day with new artificial                                                                      more delicate with tissues so there’s less
          joints are offering similarly profound                                                                     trauma, less disruption, shorter down
          benefits for women experiencing gyne-                                                                      time and less pain.”
          cological cancers.
                                                                                                                     Robotic instruments also allow sur-
          Whether they are diagnosed with cer-                                                                       geons to access hard-to-reach tumors
          vical or ovarian cancer, or facing a hys-                                                                  and cancers,  including  those that are
          terectomy because of uterine/endome-                                                                       recurring or have invaded nearby tissue.
          trial cancer, women can experience less
          invasive surgeries with less blood loss                                                                    The benefit for patients: less blood loss
          and quicker recoveries thanks to the                                                                       during surgery and quicker recoveries/
          presence of robotic surgical systems in   view of the surgical field, compared to  “The DaVinci platform allows for the   healing for gynecologic cancers and
          the operating suite, says Dr. Michael   traditional laparoscopic surgery.”  surgeon’s right eye and left eye to have   lung cancer.
          Worley Jr., a women’s cancer specialist                                 actual depth perception and greater
          at  Jupiter  Medical  Center’s  Anderson   Jupiter Medical Center’s cancer special-  dexterity than laparoscopic surgery,”
          Family Cancer Institute.            ists and surgeons deploy the DaVinci 5  he notes, “and it increases the types of
                                              robotic surgery platform at The Johnny  complex surgeries we can do robotically
          Some women, in fact, are sent home the   & Terry Gray Surgical Institute, which  because it improves our vision.”
          same day after a hysterectomy, thanks   opened in late 2023.
          to the precision and minimally invasive                                 Robotic-surgery instruments also mim-
          nature of robotic surgery.          Technology beyond laparoscopy       ic the more fluid movements of human
                                                                                  hands and wrists, compared with lap-
          “Since the beginning of robotics as the   Robotic surgery’s benefit is that is pro-  aroscopic instruments that tend to be
          platform on which minimally invasive   vides better visual acuity and manual  more rigid, he explains.
          surgeries have evolved, the optics and   dexterity for surgeons as they operate,
          dexterity for surgeons have improved,   explains Dr.  Worley. Laparoscopy in-  “Cancer-based surgeries that used to be
          resulting in better patient outcomes,”   volves manipulating tiny surgical in-  done only through open surgery can
          says  Worley. “Robotic surgery has al-  struments through small incisions on  now be done robotically,” notes Dr.
          lowed us to do significantly more com-  the patient’s abdomen to the exact spot  Worley. “And it’s important to point   Michael J. Worley, Jr, MD
          plex  procedures  but  through  smaller   where surgery is performed, whether  out that the robot doesn’t do anything
          incisions. These new surgical systems   doctors are removing a defective ovary  autonomously. It’s not a robot doing   For information about robotic surgery
          provide binocular vision, which allows   or an entire uterus.           surgery. The instruments are really and   capabilities at Jupiter Medical Center,
          for depth perception and an improved                                    extension of what we do as surgeons.    visit
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