Page 8 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - September '24
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Page 8, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      Financial Focus                          ®

      Know The Risks Of Investing                         • Bonds – When market interest rates rise, the value   vacation, you want the money to be there when you need
                                                                                                           it, so an investment that offers protection of principal may
                                                        of your bonds can decline because investors won’t pay
      – And Not Investing                               full price for them when they can get the newer ones that   be appropriate, even if it doesn’t provide much in the way
                                                        offer higher rates. Another type of risk associated with   of growth.
      By Sally Sima Stahl                               bonds is credit risk, which essentially describes the risk     For those long-term goals, though, you may need
        Inves ting involves                             that the bond issuer may default, potentially disrupting   to build an investment portfolio that contains growth
      risk — and so does  not                           your flow of interest payments. However, you can help   potential and that reflects your personal risk tolerance
      investing. You should know                        mitigate this risk by purchasing investment-grade bonds   and time horizon. Over time, your risk tolerance may
      how both these types of risk                      that receive the highest credit ratings from independent   change. As you get closer to retirement, you may want
      can affect your ability to                        rating agencies.                                   to take a somewhat more conservative approach — but
      reach your financial goals.                         • Certificates of deposit (CDs) – Although CDs are   you’ll always need some elements of growth.
        Let’s start with the                            generally considered safe because their principal is     When you invest, risk can’t be eliminated, but it can
      risks associated with                             guaranteed, they do carry reinvestment risk — the risk that   be managed. Keeping this in mind, consider a long-term
      investing.  There’s not a                         you won’t be able to reinvest the proceeds of a maturing   investment strategy that allows for risk but also offers the
      single investment risk                            CD at the same interest rate. To help protect against this   possibility of reward.
      because different types of                        risk, you could own CDs of varying maturities. When     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      investments carry different types of risk. Here’s a look   market rates are low, you’ll still have your longer-term   your local  Edward  Jones  Financial Advisor,  Edward
      at three investment categories and some of the risks   CDs paying higher interest, and when market rates rise,   Jones, Member SIPC.
      connected with them:                              you can reinvest the money from your maturing shorter-    Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
        • Stocks – When you invest in stocks or stock-based   term CDs into the new, higher-paying ones.   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      mutual funds, you will incur the risk that the value of     Now, let’s turn to a completely different type of   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico, and
      your investments may decline. Stock prices can fall for   risk — the risk of not investing. And this risk is easy to   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      any number of reasons – lower-than-expected earnings,   understand: If you don’t invest, or if you consistently   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      a change in management, change in consumer tastes, and   invest only in the most conservative vehicles, your money   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      so on. Although the historical trend for stocks has been   may not grow enough to allow you to reach your important   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      positive, there will always be periods when prices are   long-term goals, such as a comfortable retirement.     Edward Jones, its employees, and financial advisors
      down. One way to help defend against this volatility is     Of course, this doesn’t mean you should never own   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
      to hold stocks for the long term, rather than constantly   conservative investments, including CDs and some types   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      buying  and  selling,  and  to  own  a  mix  of  stocks  from   of  bonds. When  you’re  saving  for  a  short-term  goal,     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
      different industries and even different countries.   such as a down payment on a house, a wedding or a long   AAMS , 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      Medicare Corner With Kathy O

      It’s That Time Of Year Again –                       What about your supplement plan? There are no changes  plans and believes an educated and informed consumer
                                                         to the supplement benefits, but with increasing drug costs,  is the best client. If you are concerned or have questions
      Medicare Annual Enrollment                         some people may want to take advantage of the free trial of  about changes to your plan or want to know if there is
                                                         the Advantage plan. This allows you to try an Advantage  something different that may better meet your needs, you
        Every year between Oct.                          plan for up to 12 months and still be guaranteed that you  can get a professional plan review.
      15 and Dec. 7, Medicare                            can go back to your same supplement plan.           For a no cost or obligation plan review, please
      allows beneficiaries to                              There are many other changes for the coming year. The  call me, Kathy Olejniczak, (561) 212-7640. I conduct
      make changes to their                              good news is you can think about it early and prepare. I  reviews in person and on the phone. I speak Medicare.
      plans. It is crucial that                          am a licensed insurance agent who specializes in Medicare
      your 2025 plan changes be
      reviewed since Medicare is
      making significant changes
      for Jan. 1, 2025, that will                                    Experience Dentistry
      affect all prescription drug
      plans and Advantage plans.
        The biggest changes to
      Medicare rules include a $2,000 cap on annual member
      medication costs (previously no limit), a new maximum                                      with a
      drug deductible of $590, elimination of the coverage gap
      phase (donut hole) and will offer the option to pay the
      maximum drug costs as a fixed monthly amount throughout
      the whole year, rather than as they are incurred.
        What do I do now? In late September, you will receive
      the Annual Notice of Change. It is imperative that you   Woman’s Touch
      review this document – this year more than ever. This
      notice will tell you the new costs and any changes to your
      plan. You may incur higher premiums, higher medical
      maximum out of pocket limits, deductibles and copays
      in 2025. This letter presents a side-by-side explanation   Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
      of 2024 benefits and 2025 benefits. Advantage plans may
      also have changes to the added benefits Medicare does
      not cover such as vision, dental, hearing and over-the-          State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
      counter products.
       NEED A/C? We’ve Got You Covered!                                Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available

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