Page 7 - Jupiter West - August '24
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Jupiter West, Page 7
      Busch Wildlife Sanctuary Welcomes

      New Animal Ambassador: Rihanna, The Virginia Opossum

        Busch Wildlife Sanctuary at Abramson & Schlaggar     Once Rihanna was healthy enough, the education and
      Reserve, a renowned nonprofit organization dedicated to   animal care teams moved her to the sanctuary and began
      wildlife conservation and education, is delighted to announce   acclimating her to life there. Busch Wildlife Sanctuary is
      a new permanent resident and educational animal ambassador:   honored to provide a forever home to Rihanna and, with
      Rihanna, the Virginia opossum.                    her help, educate residents about her species and how to
        Rihanna was brought to the wildlife rehabilitation center   cohabitate with native wildlife.
      on April 30 with most of her tail missing after an altercation     Virginia opossums are the only native marsupials in
      with a domestic cat. Fortunately, that was the only injury   North America. Opossums play many important roles in
      the juvenile opossum sustained. Staff treated the wound and   their ecosystems and are beneficial to humans. Opossums eat
      provided preventative care including antibiotics, antiparasitics,   insects, snails, slugs and other critters, which helps control
      pain relievers and fluids. Without the majority of her tail, it   their populations, in addition to eating unwanted household
      was clear Rihanna would not be releasable. An opossum’s   pests like rodents, cockroaches, rats and mice.
      prehensile tail helps stabilize it when climbing and latches     To learn about Busch  Wildlife
      onto tree branches to prevent them from falling, so Rihanna   Sanctuary, visit
      would have difficulty evading predators without one.  Nurture what’s wild.
      Financial Focus

      Whom Should You Choose As                         judgments, but if you serve as trustee, this protection will     • Mental and physical fitness – Your trustee could serve
                                                        disappear. It might be more advantageous for you to be the
                                                                                                           in that position for many years, so you’ll want to name
      A Trustee?                                        trustee of a revocable (living) trust, which can be modified   someone who is in good physical and mental health. Of
                                                        without much trouble and allows you to move assets in   course, things can change over time, so if you observe
      By Sally Sima Stahl                               and out of the trust and to change trust beneficiaries. You   that your chosen trustee has begun to suffer physical or
        When drawing up your                            should work with a qualified estate-planning attorney to   mental decline, you may need to name a successor trustee
      estate  plans,  you  might                        determine which type of trust, if any, is appropriate for   in your trust document.
      find it useful to create a                        your situation, and to get some guidance on the wisdom     • Conflict of interest – You want your trustee to carry
      revocable or irrevocable                          of serving as your own trustee.                    out your wishes in a fair manner — so, you should pick
      trust, either of which can                          If you decide to choose someone else as trustee, you’ll   someone who doesn’t have a conflict of interest with any
      help your estate avoid                            want to consider the following factors:            of the beneficiaries you’ve named in your trust. Of course,
      probate court and give you                          • Trust – In thinking about whom you might want to   this can be tricky if you want to name a family member as
      significant control  over                         serve as your trustee, the most important attribute is trust.   trustee. So, if you do, you’ll need to spell out your wishes
      how and when your assets                          Do you trust that this individual will always act in your best   clearly — to the trustee and to other family members.
      are distributed. But who                          interest? If so, then they may be a good trustee candidate,     Here’s something else to think about: Instead of
      should oversee your trust?                        but you’ll also need to look at other considerations.  choosing an individual, you could name a corporate
        As the person who established the trust — known as     • Financial management skills – The person you choose   trustee. By doing so, you can receive some key benefits,
      the “grantor” or “settlor” — you can also name yourself   to be your trustee doesn’t have to be an accountant or a   such as objectivity and potentially avoiding some of the
      as trustee. However, this may not be the best move,   financial professional — but they should be skilled at   family-related disputes that can arise when an estate is
      particularly if the trust is irrevocable. An irrevocable trust   managing their own finances. And they should be well-  settled. Also, corporate trustees have the expertise and
      protects the assets in the trust from creditors and civil   organized and good with details.         resources to navigate the various tax and inheritance laws
                                                                                                           affecting living trusts.
                                                                                                             Whether it’s a trusted individual or a corporate
                                                                                                           entity, the right trustee can make a big difference in the
                                                                                                           effectiveness of your living trust — and, by extension,
                                                                                                           the outcome of your comprehensive estate plans. So,
                                                                                                           start your search, get the help you need and take the steps
                                                                                                           necessary to arrive at a choice for trustee that’s right for
                                                                                                           you and your family.
                                                                                                             This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
                                                                                                           your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
                                                                                                           Member SIPC.
                                                                                                             Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
                                                                                                           and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
                                                                                                           and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
                                                                                                           Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
                                                                                                           Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
                                                                                                           Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
                                                                                                             Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
                                                                                                           cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
                                                                                                           qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
                                                                                                             Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
                                                                                                           AAMS , 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.

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