Page 6 - Jupiter West - August '24
P. 6

Page 6, Jupiter West
      Palm Beach North Chamber Of Commerce

      Appoints New Chairmen

        The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce is delighted
      to announce its newest Chairman of the Board as well as three
      new chairmen of various committees.
        The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce has
      appointed Timothy D. Burke as Chairman of the Board. A
      senior executive and digital pioneer, Burke advises companies
      on media strategy, leadership and technology. His extensive
      experience includes roles such as publisher/CEO of The Palm
      Beach Post and Palm Beach Daily News, group publisher
      for Gannett Media and vice president for Cox Media Group.
      Burke’s expertise will be invaluable in guiding the chamber’s
      strategic initiatives and fostering business community growth.
        The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce has    Tim Burke                Corey Saban               John Brandes            Taylor Smith
      selected Board Member Corey Saban to serve as chair of their
      Government Affairs Committee. He will work with their team,   fostering connections and guiding newcomers, ensuring     The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce is one of
      facilitating monthly meetings on timely topics that impact the   they feel welcomed and supported within the chamber’s   the largest and most active business organizations in Southeast
      business community in that region. Saban, a communications   vibrant community.                      Florida. Serving businesses in the ten municipalities that make
      strategist, works with numerous industries throughout South     Lastly, Taylor Smith will now serve as chair of their   up Palm Beach North, the chamber fosters a partnership of
      Florida with messaging, storytelling/speaking techniques and   Young Professionals Council. In this role, Smith will   private, public, educational and civic organizations working
      crisis management.                                lead initiatives aimed at engaging and empowering   together to ensure Palm Beach North is Florida’s “Prosperity
        John Brandes will now serve as chair of their   young professionals within the community. Smith, the   Coast.” The chamber’s four strategic imperatives are: a
      Ambassador Committee. In this role, Brandes will work   lead project manager at Everbright, brings a wealth   prosperous economy, high quality of life for all residents, a
      with the team to facilitate events and assist new members   of experience in project management and leadership,   smart and connected region, and regional leadership. They
      as they get acquainted with the chamber. Brandes, an   ensuring that the council’s efforts are impactful and   were recognized as 2023 Chamber of the Year for the state of
      experienced sales professional, brings his expertise in   aligned with the chamber’s mission.        Florida. For more information, visit
      Eight Estate Planning Things To Do Before You Travel

      By Anné Desormier-                                  6. Review your insurance. Check the amount of your   especially when any changes are made. The more they
      Cartwright, JD                                    life insurance coverage and see if it still meets your family’s   understand your plan, the more likely they are to accept
      Eight Estate Planning                             needs. Consider getting long-term care insurance to help pay   it—and that will help to avoid discord after you are gone.
      Things To Do Before You                           for the costs of long-term care (and preserve your assets for     If you have questions about your estate plan and what
      Travel                                            your family) in the event you and/or your spouse should need   documents you should have in place to plan your estate,
        Before any trip, most of                        it due to illness or injury.                       schedule a free consultation today by calling our office at
      us create a “to-do list” of                         7. Organize your accounts and documents. It used   (561) 694-7827, Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq., Elder
      things we have put off and                        to be that we could just point to a file cabinet and say   and Estate Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive,
      want to take care of before                       everything was “in there.” But now so much is done online   Suite 3, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      we leave. Here is a checklist                     that there may not even be a paper trail. Make a list of     The content of this article is general and should not be
      of estate planning things to do                   all of your accounts, where they are located, and the user   relied upon without review of your specific circumstances
      before you take your next trip.                   names and passwords, then review and update it before   by competent legal counsel. Reliance on the information
      Taking care of these will help you travel with peace of mind,   each trip. Print a hard copy in case your computer is stolen   herein is at your own risk, as it expresses no opinion by
      knowing that if you don’t return due to serious illness or death,   or crashes and let someone you trust know where to find   the firm on your specific circumstances or legal needs.
      you have made things much easier for those you love.  it. Clean up your computer desktop and put your financial   An attorney client relationship is not created through the
        1. Have your estate planning done. If you have been   and other important files where they can be easily found.   information provided herein.
      procrastinating about your estate planning, use your next   Make a backup copy in case your computer is stolen or     To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must
      trip as your deadline to finally get this done. Be sure to allow   crashes, and let someone know where to find it. Be sure   inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained in
      adequate time to get your estate plan completed in advance   to include on your master list any passwords that might   this newsletter was not intended or written to be used, and
      of your trip.                                     be needed to access your computer and files.       cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of avoiding
        2. Review and update your existing estate plan.     8. Talk to your children about your plan. You don’t   U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed on such person
      Revisions should be made any time there are changes in   have  to  show  them  financial  statements,  but  you  can   and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice from their tax
      family (birth, death, marriage, divorce, remarriage), finances,   discuss in general terms what you are planning and why,   advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances.
      tax laws, or if a trustee or executor can no longer serve. Again,
      be sure to allow enough time to have the changes made.
        3. Review titles and beneficiary designations. If you have a
      living trust and did not finish changing titles and/or beneficiary
      designations, now is the time to do so. If a beneficiary has died
      or if you are divorced, change these immediately. If a beneficiary
      is incapacitated or a minor, you should set up a trust for this
      person and name the trust as beneficiary to prevent the court
      from taking control of the proceeds.
        4. Review your plan for minor children. If you haven’t
      named a guardian who is able and willing to serve and
      something happens to you, the court will decide who will
      raise your kids without your input. If you have named a
      guardian, consider if this person is still the best choice.
      Name a backup in case your first choice cannot serve. Select
      someone responsible to manage the inheritance.
        5. Secure or review incapacity documents. Everyone
      over the age of 18 needs to have these: 1) Durable Power of
      Attorney for Health Care, which gives another person legal
      authority to make health care decisions (including life and
      death decisions) for you if you are unable to make them for
      yourself; and 2) HIPPA Authorizations, which give written
      consent for doctors to discuss your medical situation with
      others, including family members.

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