Page 12 - The Jewish Voice - August '24
P. 12

Page 12, The Jewish Voice

                  simchas                                                         aLL about Kids

      Daniel Robert Glassman

         Daniel Robert Glassman                            CTeen Visits Busch
      will become a Bar Mitzvah
      on  August 24, 2024, at                              Gardens
      Temple Beth Am in Jupiter.
      Daniel is a seventh grader at                           CTeen of Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens
      Jupiter Middle School and                            recently joined scores of Jewish teens from
      enjoys spending time with                            different Chabad locations in Florida as they
      his family and friends. Some                         united together for the fifth annual CTeen Florida
      of the activities he enjoys are                      Busch Gardens Regional day of unity and fun.
      fishing, playing basketball,                            Before arriving at Busch Gardens in Tampa,
      and video games. Daniel                              the teens enjoyed a lively tefillah service on the
      plays football for both JTAA and Palm Beach Gardens and   bus, with songs, prayers, and an overwhelming
      participates in an improvisation class as well as acting camp at   spirit of Jewish pride.
      the Performing Arts Academy of Jupiter. Daniel is a wonderful      At the amusement park, participants were
      son, brother, grandson, and loyal friend who is happy to   instructed to break up into groups that included
      entertain friends and family with his wonderful sense of humor.   teens from different locations to ensure that new
                                                           friends were made. The teens enjoyed unlimited
      Dylan Ethan Soule                                    access to all the rides for hours and also had access
         Dylan Ethan Soule is                              to see all the animals in the park. Later in the day,
      proud to be called to the                            they assembled in the food court for a catered
      Torah for his Bar Mitzvah                            kosher dinner, games, and afternoon prayers.
      on September 14, 2024.
      Dylan is entering eighth
      grade at Independence
      Middle School, where he
      is an honor roll student and                         Emanu-El Launches Arts                             Merkaz Emanu-El is a new kind of religious school for
      active member of the school’s                                                                        grades K-2. Students will learn Hebrew and what it means
      Sci-Quest Academy. Dylan                             Program                                         to be Jewish by means of an exciting and innovative arts
      also participates in the chess                                                                       curriculum. No special art skills are required, just a desire
      club, ping pong club, and                               Temple Emanu El of Palm Beach is proud to announce  to learn and have fun.
      E-sports club. Dylan has been recognized as the student of the   the launch of Merkaz Emanu-El, Jewish Arts Center.
      week and regularly receives recognition from his teachers for
      his positive attitude, kindness toward his peers, and for regularly
      volunteering to assist when needed. In his free time, Dylan is
      an avid pickleball and tennis player, enjoys designing items
      to print with his 3-D printer, and has extensive knowledge of                      It's Back To School Time!
      Japanese anime. Dylan is also a student of the Harmony Martial
      Arts Center, taking weekly classes in krav maga. Dylan has a              Drivers, be aware of students and school zones.
      pet leopard gecko named Pico de Gallo and is a loving younger
      brother to his older sibling.                                                  Students, always cross at the crosswalks.

      Preston Lawrence
         Preston Lawrence is a
      smart, funny, sports-loving
      kid. Preston has a heart of                                    Experience Dentistry
      gold and embraces life,
      while fostering authentic
      connections. He eagerly
      explores new activities
      and experiences. He loves                                                                  with a
      sports (to watch and play)
      and is open to explore and
      discover new opportunities.
      The journey to his Bar
      Mitzvah has been a reflection of his true character. He has
      demonstrated remarkable dedication and perseverance,     Woman’s Touch
      cultivating the confidence to excel in new and challenging
      endeavors. Becoming a Bar Mitzvah is about coming into
      your own and his family has allowed Preston the opportunity
      to decide what this experience looks like; empowering him
      to take ownership of his Jewish education and allowing him   Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
      space to figure out what that means; and giving him the time
      and space to find his voice, to use his voice, and be proud of
      that voice — in a way that feels right to him.                   State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
      Stella Goldman           Zachary Lieberman

         Stella Goldman was called     Zachary Lieberman will          Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
      to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah  be called to the Torah as a
      on August 5, 2024.       Bar Mitzvah on September
                                                                        Joanne Green, D.D.S.
                               21, 2024.

                                                                  10887 N. Military Trail, Suite 6

                                                                  Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

                                                                          (561) 622-2815


                                                                 Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry - Cum Laude
         Send us your simchas! The Jewish Voice             Hospital of the University of Penn - General Practice Residency Training
       welcomes announcements of life-cycle events in
       the local Jewish community. The copy deadline                     Harvard Dental School - Former Instructor
       is the 15th of the month. Send text and images             Boston Brigham and Women’s Dental Group - Staff Dentist
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