Page 10 - The Jewish Voice - August '24
P. 10
Page 10, The Jewish Voice
Local Happenings from page 9 Men’s Club — Stump the
After Shabbat services, the highlight of the evening begins Rabbi
with a BBQ & Open House. In the spirit of giving, attendees
are encouraged to bring a non-perishable canned good to The Men’s Club of Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens
support local food pantries. recently gathered at the shul for the final event of the
The concept of an open house is deeply rooted in Jewish season. The theme of the event was Stump the Rabbi and
tradition. As it is beautifully expressed in the Shabbat prayer all attendees were encouraged to ask any question they’ve
book, Mishkan T’filah, “May the door of this synagogue be ever wanted to ask Rabbi Dovid Vigler, with no holds
wide enough to receive all who hunger for love, all who are barred. A large crowd assembled to take on the rabbi in
lonely for friendship. May this synagogue be, for all who a classic Talmud-style confrontation.
enter, the doorway to a richer and more meaningful life.” The Men’s Club began with an informal cocktail party
This quote encapsulates the spirit of the event — opening and the crowd was invited to help themselves to london
our doors and hearts to all who wish to join. broil, cured meats, smoked brisket, roast beef, pulled Questions covered a plethora of topics: Who created
brisket, cold cuts, an assortment of salads, and a dessert G-d? What is Chabad’s relationship with the Israeli flag?
spread. Why do many observant Jews have an issue with the
Rabbi Vigler encouraged the attendees to ask tough Israeli national anthem? Why would orthodox Jews be
questions, but only if they were ready to listen to tough reluctant to enlist in the IDF? What does the Rebbe mean
answers. He alluded to the fact that it’s easy to be enraged to you? Who will be the next leader of Chabad? What is
by a thundering question, but only a truly open mind can the spiritual significance of this war in Israel?
accept a bold and courageous answer. The rabbi urged his Rabbi Vigler was not stumped, and the men had a lot
listeners to open their hearts to new wisdom and ideas to ponder and share with their loved ones in deep and
they might not have previously been exposed to. meaningful conversations.
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We appreciate your business. Local Happenings on page 11