Page 7 - Southern Exposure - July '24
P. 7

                                                                                                                                     Southern Exposure, Page 7

                                                             loCal govErnmEnt

                                                                     Tax Talk

      Dear friends:
        Most of you already                             Benjamin has created several murals throughout South     We are honored to be recognized for this award, as we
      know two of my passions –                         Florida. His style of art uses color and shapes masterfully   worked diligently to create a comfortable, welcoming space
      my cats, Biden and Bader,                         to create captivating imagery that brings life to an otherwise   for our clients when visiting our service centers.
      and my garden. Those two                          ordinary space. When asked about the mural, he had this
      things help me unwind                             to say, “The use of this imagery and various colors reflect   Mounts Over The Summer
      and disconnect from the                           both the ‘Gardens’ and positively interact with the existing
      day’s events. Whether it’s                        landscaping at that location, both under natural sunlight and     If you’re planning a day out to soak up some sun this
      watching the crazy things                         artificial lighting at night.”                     summer, now is the time to visit Mounts Botanical Garden.
      my cats get into, or spending                       So, when visiting our North County Service Center, snap   This 20-acre tropical oasis is offering discounted admission
      time tending to my beautiful                      a selfie with our new mural in the background and tag us   rates of $15 for adults; $12 for seniors, college students
      garden, creating “me-time”                        on social media (@taxpbc on Instagram and @pbctax on   and military with ID’s; $7 for ages 6 to 17; and free for
      to relax and unwind is                            Facebook)!                                         children under 6. Palm Beach County Residents receive
      crucial for maintaining overall well-being. It is important                                          free admission the first Wednesday of every month (proof
      to carve out some time for the things that bring you joy. Find   And The Award Goes To…              of residency required) as part of Palm Beach County
      your “sanctuary” and activities that you love to unplug and                                          Residents’ Days.
      disconnect and most importantly, make time and schedule     I’m proud to share that                    Dogs’ Days in the Garden will continue this summer,
      it. Always pay attention to your physical needs during your   our agency has recently                giving your four-legged friend an opportunity to visit
      “me-time” by nourishing your body with healthy foods,   been honored with two                        Mounts too! On the second Sunday of each month (except
      exercise, staying hydrated with beverages, and getting   awards.                                     during events and plant sales) dogs are free for members
      plenty of sleep.                                    On May 20 at our                                 and $5 for nonmembers. Mounts summer hours are Tuesday
        Remember that “me-time” is not selfish; it’s an essential   Westlake Service Center,               through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with last entry at 2
      aspect of self-care that allows you to recharge and show up   I accepted an award from               p.m. For more information visit
      as your best self in other areas of your life. By prioritizing   the Wellington  Garden
      relaxation and unwinding, you are investing in your health,   Club, in conjunction with
      happiness, and resilience.                        the Florida Federation
                                       Anne M. Gannon,  of Garden Clubs District
            Constitutional Tax Collector, Serving Palm Beach   X. The Westlake  Service
                                               County   Center was the winner of an “Unsolicited Landscape
                                                        Design Award” in the Public Facility category. As an
       Mural, Mural, On The Wall!                       avid gardener myself, I am proud that our service center
                                                        received this recognition. A beautiful facility and outdoor
        “Step into a world of energy and radiant hues.” These   landscaping are part of the experience we want to create
      may not be the first words that come to mind when visiting   for our clients.
      the tax collector’s office. However, this is what you can     I am equally proud that on May 2,  Florida Weekly
      expect to experience the next time you visit our North   (
      County Service Center, with the addition of a new vibrant   waiting-room/) recognized our new North County Service
      outdoor mural, entitled, Piece By Piece displayed on the   Center in Palm Beach Gardens, which opened in March,
      south side of the service center. The mural was skillfully   as having the Best Waiting Room in the county, as part
      crafted by Connecticut born artist,  Benjamin  Heller.   of its Best of 2024 Flamingo Awards.

                Susan Has Moved To A                                                                       Local Government on page 8

                                                                                                            Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
                               New Location!                                                                Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                                                                            the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

           Androcles Hair Salon

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