Page 4 - PGA Community News- July '24
P. 4

Page 4, PGA C.A.N.!                                                   July 2024                                                                                                                                                      July 2024
      Ask The Juris Doctor

      James A. Cioffi J.D.,                             Dear Rory;                                            The Agent can do whatever he/she wants on behalf of
      Attorney-At-Law                                      A Power of Attorney terminates at the time of death   the principal. Wrong!!
                                                        of the principal (signer). A Durable Power of Attorney      Powers of Attorney are complex. Some provide very
      Misconceptions About                              may continue to be effective after the principal becomes   specific powers and others provide multiple powers to act
      A Power Of Attorney                               incapacitated. I recommend that you review the document   on behalf of the principal. It is important you understand
                                                        with an attorney to determine when your authority   exactly what you are able to do as the agent, so you do
      Dear Juris Doctor;                                terminates.                                        not exceed your authority.
         My father is seriously ill,                       There are some misconceptions about Powers of      Once again, I recommend review by an attorney so all
      and I am appointed his agent                      Attorney. These misconceptions include:            your questions may be answered, and you fully understand
      in a Power of Attorney.                              The Power of Attorney can be executed by someone   the authority given to you.
         Until  when m ay                               legally incapacitated. Wrong!                                                         Sincerely, J.D.
      I continue to  act on his                            There is a standard form on the internet. Wrong!
      behalf??                                             The Power of Attorney can be executed without      If you have a legal question in the area of real estate,
                                             Thank you,   witnesses or notary. Wrong!                      estate planning, wills, trusts or probate, please submit it
                                    Rory at PGA National     The spouse or family members may act under a verbal   to this newspaper at
                                                        Power of Attorney. Wrong!!
        Reminder From

          The POA/ARC                                       Are You Ready                                                     Hurricane?

            POA   documents
         require that all residents                           For The Next Storm?
         apply for POA and HOA
         approval prior to making
         any changes to the exterior                                                                                      No Air Conditioning?
         of your home, including                                                                                            No Refrigeration?
         but not limited to tree removal or planting, new
         landscaping, painting,  roofing,  additions or                                                       FREE
         construction, fencing, hurricane shutters, impact                                                                         10% OFF
         glass, play equipment, garage door replacement or                                                   7 Year Warranty
         any other change, you must contact the PGA POA                                                      on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*
         Architectural Review Committee for approval.                                                        Standby Generators*
         Information and forms are available at www.pga-                                                       $ 350                     $ 1,000 under the “Documents & Forms” heading
         or call 627-2800.                                                                                      One-Time                OFF
                                          Thank you,                                                          Maintenance*                Install*
                                        Jack Hughes,                                                                           *Must show coupons. Call for details.
                                 Chairman, POA ARC

        Garage sales                                                                                              2271 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.
                                                                                                                   West Palm Beach, FL 33409
         & yard sales

           are NOT             SALES
          allowed in                                                   
                                                                                         Licensed Electrical Contractor #EC 13010145
              PGA                                         *Terms and Conditions: Offer only valid on purchases until 06/03/24, and when the Generac home standby generator is purchased directly from Generator Supercenter of
                                                          the Palm Beaches. Refurbished products are excluded from this promotion. This promotion is valid for all air cooled home standby generators in stock. Call for availability.
                                                          Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this
           National.                                                       offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

        Seabreeze Publications

                          M. Sean Reid
                       S. Miller • E. Miller

              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                Production Manager   Lee Nostrant                                David Valcich

                     Production Department
           Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
            Dianne Strout • Karen Kalisz • Michelle Feeney

          All rights reserved. Reproduction or utilization of these contents in any
        form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, including xerography and
        photocopying is forbidden without the written permission of the Publisher.
          The Publisher is not responsible or liable for misinformation or misprints
        herein contained and reserves the right to accept or reject all copy deemed
        unsuitable for publication.
                                                                    Nationwide Mortgage Bankers, Inc. (NMB) NMLS# 819382 ( 3 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite
                             403N, Melville, NY 11747 Branch NMLS #1822931 (833) 700-8884 NMB is in no way affiliated with
                                                                    Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. All loans are subject to credit and appraisal approval. Not all applicants may qualify.
            1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458      Minimum age is 62. A reverse mortgage is a loan and may result in negative equity. The borrower must meet all loan obligations,
                                                                    including maintaining and living in the property as the principal residence and paying property charges and maintenance,
                  (561) 746-3244                                    including property taxes, fees, hazard insurance & HOA fees, as applicable; otherwise, the loan becomes due and payable.
                  FAX (561) 746-2509                      This is an advertisement. Licensed by the Florida Office of Financial Regulation Mortgage Lender License #MLD713. Additional state licensing
                                                          information can be found at
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