Page 3 - PGA Community News- July '24
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July 2024                                                                  July 2024                                                    PGA C.A.N.!, Page 3
      From The Editor:                                                                                       Editorial Board

      Let Freedom Ring…                                                                                      Editor:       James A. Cioffi

         While driving in my                            Rabbi Wechsler commented that the works showed great   Feature Writers:  Dawn Levinstein, POA
      car I usually listen to talk                      insight into the meaning behind each “commandment.”                Gail Coppage, POA
      radio and my choices have                            In the month of July, we celebrate our freedoms that            Commissioner Maria Marino
                                                                                                                           Katie Roundtree
      increased to almost 200                           are unique to the United States. No other country offers   Contributing
      since Sirius Satellite Radio                      the ability to exercise freedom of speech as we Americans   Reporter:   Don Kiselewski
      was offered on my vehicle                         do. There are forces around the globe that attempt to limit
      when I purchased it. While                        speech through intimidation, force and violence. We hear      Your editors strongly believe that the number
      driving to Ft. Lauderdale                         and see the citizens of countries who risk their lives when   of people who do become involved with any
      I heard an interesting                            they go to vote. We enjoy the freedom to worship without   news medium directly reflects on that medium’s
      program  by  Rabbi  Harlan                        fear. I have a friend whose relatives in Egypt never know   excellence, versatility and broad viewpoint.
      Wechsler called “Rabbi                            if their Christian churches will be attacked by religious   Therefore, we invite PGA residents to contribute
                                                                                                             articles or current, timely news items and/or
      Wechsler Teaches.” He was                         extremists who seek to eliminate any religion that differs   “Letters to the Editors.”
      discussing the Ten Commandments and the fact that the   from their own.                                    Articles/letters are subject to editing and editors’
      Hebrew translation for the words, Ten Commandments,”      Women are accepted fully into our society (except in   right to publish. Submission must include writer’s
      is “10 words”  or “10 utterances.” It was not until the   some private clubs). I heard an interesting statistic in the   name, address and telephone number. Unsigned articles
      16th Century that European Christian Bibles began   news recently. Seventy percent of college valedictorians   /letters will not be published. Opposing views to article
      mistranslating the term to “Ten Commandments.” In   in the United States are women. Only 43.5% of college   viewpoints contained in this paper are welcome.
      Exodus the Lord established a covenant of the word with   students in this country are men. On January 29, 2009,   Articles do not necessarily represent the viewpoint
      the Israelites. They accepted it by saying yes three times.   the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was enacted to correct an   of the C.A.N.! organization. Submissions should
      They were not commanded to do anything. It was their   injustice in interpreting the statute of limitations for filing   be mailed or delivered by the tenth of each month
      freedom of choice. It is a guide for living. Rabbi Wechsler   a lawsuit based on sex discrimination in the workplace.   for the following month’s publication (example: by
      also explained if you change a vowel in the Hebrew word,   We could very well have a female President in the future.     January 10 for February publication) to:

                                                                                                                 C.A.N.! Editors
      it becomes the word, “freedom.”                   Women have been leaders of Antigua, Argentina, Bermuda,   or
         In the United States we have freedom from vs. freedom   Bosnia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Croatia, Finland, Germany,      Contact the publisher for additional information
      to. We have freedom from unlawful searches and seizures.   Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia,   regarding submissions, fax (561) 627-9088 or e-mail
      We have freedom to worship, freedom to speak, and   Lithuania, St. Lucia, Sint Maarten, Slovakia, Trinidad,
      freedom to publish newspapers. No one has complete   Tobago, the United Kingdom and other nations. Perhaps      Let’s hear from you.
      freedom to do whatever one wants. Toddlers test their   someday female leaders will finally figure out how we can
      freedom and learn that there are restrictions. Teenagers   all live in peace.
      often rebel and realize society imposes limits to their      As we celebrate Independence Day, let us appreciate
      freedom through our customs and laws.             the freedoms that distinguish us from just about every
         Rabbi Wechsler then interviewed artist Rudi Wolff, a   other nation. It is our freedom that allows us to be creative,
      Fulbright fellow who studied art at New York’s Cooper   innovative and achieve the greatest accomplishments in so
      Union and the Art Student’s League. He discussed his art in   many areas. If our elected officials in Washington D.C. use
      an exhibition entitled, “Ten Commandments/Ten Images:   the Ten Commandments as a guide, partisan politics might
      A Visual Journey.” They comprise 10 nonrepresentational   be set aside to foster our liberty. Let freedom ring.
      digital serigraphs – silk screen-like layers of color and      Until next month…
      shapes executed by computer using archival inks and                            James A. Cioffi, Editor
      paper. Although abstract, the elements in his work are                  
      sufficiently suggestive to invite subjective interpretation.

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