Page 2 - PGA Community News- July '24
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Page 2, PGA C.A.N.!                                                   July 2024                                                                                                                                                      July 2024
      Jupiter Senior Softball News

      By Mike Richmond
         The brave men and women of the armed forces who
      made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country were
      honored in a Memorial Day ceremony by the Jupiter
      Senior Softball Association.
         A crowd of about 45 players heard Army veteran Gary
      Vitaletti explain the origin of the Memorial Day holiday.
      When he asked if anyone wanted to remember a person
      who lost their life in combat, several in the crowd called
      out the names of a friend or loved one who died for our
         The ceremony concluded with players removing their
      caps and standing silently as they listened to the solemn
      sounds of Taps. Players representing most branches of
      the armed forces were present, including veterans of the
      Korean and Vietnam wars.
         The tribute  was a wonderful start to a  meaningful
      Memorial Day to honor those who gave their all for our
      country. After the ceremony it was “play ball” as players
      took to the fields for pickup games.
         The year-round slow-pitch softball program is open to   Army veteran Gary Vitaletti addressed the Memorial Day ceremony.
      persons 55 and older, and new players are always welcome.
      Games are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning
      beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Jupiter Community Park.
         For more information contact Gary Newman at (917)
      623-0791 or to register online go to www.leaguelineup.


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