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VOL. 34 NO. 7                                    FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                            JULY 2024

       PGA POA Communication Corner

      Submitted by Gail Coppage,                        jogging or even just strolling around the neighborhood. Keep   Hurricane Season
      PGA POA Communications                            your pets cool with a cooling bandana and some water for a      The PGA National POA ( offers
      Committee                                         dog walk. Try to stay indoors during the heat of the midday   hurricane information and handy tips. You can find the
         Happy July! Happy                              sun and keep your home cool by closing blinds or shades   hurricane handout in the left-hand column of the POA
      Fourth of July!                                   during the middle of the day. Turning up your air conditioning   website home page, under the heading Docs and Forms.
         How can it be that we are                      just a couple of degrees will keep your home cool and may   Understanding what you need to do to be prepared during
      smack in the middle of the                        also save some money on your summer energy costs.  hurricane season will make our summer storms less stressful.
      summer already? Time is                           Change To Mail Ballots                             Time For The POA Annual Assessment
      moving so quickly that in a                          In preparation for the upcoming election in November,      The POA Annual Assessment total is $915 due July 1.
      heartbeat it will be fall. July                   Florida Law now requires voters to re-request mail ballots   Please note that interest begins accruing soon so please plan
      is a beautiful month in South                     after every general election cycle. If you have requested mail   to pay the POA assessment right away if you have not already
      Florida, but the temperatures                     ballots in the past and have not yet re-requested mail ballots   done so. Thank you for your payment!
      are soaring and staying cool is a number one goal.  for the 2024 elections, please visit the Palm Beach County   New HOA Legislation
      Keeping Your Cool                                 Supervisor of Elections website at     The governor recently signed new legislation affecting
         Staying cool, keeping your home or condo cool, and your   voters/vote-by-mail to check the status of your mail ballot   HOAs. For more details, please check the POA website
      pet(s) cool are very important. Stay hydrated when walking,   request or to request a ballot be mailed to you.  (
      Commissioner’s Update

      Tips To Beat The Heat In                          regulate its temperature. Protect your head and face with a     free admittance, located throughout the county: Glades
                                                                                                             Palm Beach County also offers three splashparks with
                                                        wide-brimmed hat and use sunscreen to prevent sunburn.
      Palm Beach County                                 Minimize outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the   Pioneer Park, John Prince Park and Westgate Park. Each
                                                        day. If you must be outside, take frequent breaks in shaded   park offers multiple water features and more information
      By Vice Mayor                                     areas and avoid strenuous physical exertion.       can  be  found  at:
      Maria G. Marino                                      Check on vulnerable individuals. Keep an eye on   Aquatics/Splashparks.aspx.
         As Palm Beach County                           elderly neighbors, young children, and individuals with      Don’t forget that the Palm Beach County Libraries are
      grapples with record-breaking                     pre-existing health conditions, as they are more susceptible   a great place to stay out of the heat while enjoying a great
      temperatures, residents and                       to heat-related illnesses. Ensure they have access to a cool   book to read. There are currently 17 branches open in the
      visitors alike are seeking                        environment and sufficient hydration.              county and more  information  can be found at: https://
      effective strategies to stay                         Never leave children, vulnerable individuals, or pets
      cool and safe.                                    unattended in a vehicle. Temperatures inside a parked car      By  following  these  tips,  residents  of  Palm  Beach
         Multiple times this                            can rise rapidly, even with the windows slightly open, and   County can better manage the challenges posed by record-
      year, The National Weather                        can be life- threatening.                          breaking temperatures. Remember, staying cool is not just
      Service has issued heat                              Residents of Palm Beach County are not strangers to   about comfort – it’s also about health and safety. Take care
      advisories forecasting high                       our hot summers and even when our area is not under a   of yourself and others and enjoy the summer while keeping
      temperatures and humidity that pose health risks and has   heat advisory, we are always looking for ways to keep   the heat at bay.
      urged residents to take necessary precautions and follow   cool. The Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation      Be well and be prepared. If I can assist you, please
      safety measures. With temperatures soaring and heat indexes   Department provides various amenities to cool off while   contact me at (561) 355-2201 or by email at mmarino@
      reaching dangerous levels, it is important to prioritize the   enjoying time outside.       For more information on how to prepare for
      well-being of individuals and communities.           Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation maintains   extreme heat, please visit:
         The Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County   six pools that are open to the public: Aqua Crest Pool in   ProtectiveActions/s/article/Extreme-Heat.
      recommends the following safety measures to minimize the   Delray Beach, Gleneagles County Club Aquatic Center
      risk of heat-related illnesses and emergencies:   in Lake Worth, Lake Lytal Family Aquatic Center in
         Stay hydrated. Hydration is key to maintaining your   West Palm Beach, North
      health during extreme heat. Drink plenty of water and avoid   County Aquatic Complex in
      excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol, as they can   Jupiter, Pioneer Park Aquatic    Per State Law:
      lead to dehydration. Access to additional fluids that contain   Center in Belle Glade, and
      electrolytes are recommended when working out in the heat   Santaluces Aquatic Center in   Drivers Must Yield To Pedestrians
      for more than two hours.                          Lantana. More information
         Stay cool. Avoid direct sunlight and long exposure to the   regarding hours open to the      Pedestrians pressing the button at the crosswalk will
      sun. Spend time in air-conditioned environments. If you do   public  and  admission  fees   cause warning lights to flash at the three below locations.
      not have access to air conditioning, consider visiting public   can be found at: https://  If you are driving and see the pedestrian sign flashing the
      buildings or public spaces with shade. Wear lightweight,  warning, please yield to those crossing:
      loose-fitting, and light-colored clothing to help your body   Aquatics/Pools.aspx.     On Fairway Drive just as you turn on/off the ellipse
                                                                                    (circle) from Avenue of the Champions,
                                                                                       On Ryder Cup Boulevard at the south end just as you
                                                                                    enter/exit at Northlake opposite Preston entry,
                                                                                       On Avenue of the Masters at Old Meadow Way (where
                                                                                    the road widens/narrows near Glenwood).
                                                                                       As a reminder, drivers must yield to pedestrians whether
                                                                                    there is a flashing light or not. We have installed flashers at the
                                                                                    above wide intersections where drivers must pay particular
                                                                                       Thanks for helping to keep our residents safe.
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