Page 3 - Hobe Sound Reflections- July '24
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Hobe Sound, Page 3

                                                   NoNprofit News

      House Of Hope Opens                               cleaning and packing their own

      Packing House In Palm City,                       produce near their farms and
                                                        local markets. “We see this as a
      Provides More Fresh Produce                       service to our farmers and also an
                                                        additional way for House of Hope
      To Clients                                        to earn revenue to help support
                                                        our many community programs,”
         A fully operational packing house, hydroponic   Ranieri said.
      greenhouses, gardens and an orchard were open for      The ribbon-cutting was held
      visitors  at  a  ribbon-cutting  event  at  House  of  Hope’s   in  partnership  with  the  Palm
      Growing Hope Farm in Palm City in early June.     City  Chamber  of  Commerce.
         The packing house has been a major project of the   Chamber Executive Director Missi
      nonprofit. It uses state-of-the-art equipment to clean   Campbell praised House of Hope
      and package fresh produce grown on the farm and other   for its vision in improving nutrition
      produce that is gleaned or donated. That produce is then   and being entrepreneurial in its
      distributed to House of Hope clients at its four client   approach. “House of Hope realizes   House of Hope staff and volunteers joined members of the Palm City Chamber of Commerce
      choice food pantries and is shared with community food   that sometimes people just need a   in cutting the ribbon on the new packing house at Growing Hope Farm, where fresh produce
      pantry partners.                                  hand up and not a handout, and   is cleaned and packaged for House of Hope clients and partner food pantries.
         “We made it a goal to find ways to improve the nutritional   they are there for those in need.
      status of the people we serve, and the packing house is an   Martin County is very fortunate to have House of Hope in our   Hope depends on volunteers for its successful operation.
      important piece of our overall plan,” House of Hope CEO Rob   community, empowering our residents in need with housing,   “We’re always looking for people who would like to be
      Ranieri said. “By cleaning and packaging fresh produce in our   education, life skills and even better ways of eating.”  hands-on in helping us harvest, package and distribute
      own packing house, we are able to boost the nutritional content      Fresh produce from Growing Hope Farm is now being   fresh food,” Ranieri said. “It’s a volunteer job with very
      of our clients’ diets and even help them to develop a taste for   sold to the public at the Palm City Farms Produce and   tangible rewards.”
      fruits and vegetables.”                           Market  next  to  the  farm  on  Citrus  Boulevard  in  Palm      For more information about House of Hope, its Growing
         House of Hope sees an additional role for the packing   City and at the House of Hope Thrift Store on U.S. 1 in   Hope Farm and volunteer activities, visit House of Hope’s
      house: to serve local farmers who would find value in   Stuart. Ranieri reminded guests at the event that House of   website at or call (772) 286-4673.

      Golf Tournament from page 1                          The festivities kicked off the evening before the      Every contribution, sponsorship, and participation makes
                                                        tournament with a lively pre-tournament reception party at   a significant impact, helping to improve the lives of VIM
         The success of this event would not have been possible   Carson’s Tavern on Friday, May 3. On May 4, participants   Clinic patients and their families.
      without the dedicated efforts of its hosts Carson Novins and   enjoyed a fabulous day of golf, an exciting putting contest,      Interested in joining next year?  To inquire about
      his sisters, Beth Novins and Jeffrey Hartt. Their passion and   and the highly anticipated helicopter ball drop. The day   sponsorship opportunities, please email the Volunteers in
      commitment to honoring their father’s legacy through this   concluded with a watch party for the Kentucky Derby in   Medicine Clinic at or visit their website
      impactful initiative are truly commendable. The continued   the  beautiful  clubhouse.  Congratulations  to  this  year’s   at
      support and camaraderie displayed each year are a testament to   winning team: Tom Grimmer, Les Shekels, Ryan Slater,      For more information, please contact (772) 463-4128 or
      Robert F. Novins’ spirit and the values he held dear.  and Steve Burleson.                           visit online at

      Rick Whitfield, Jessica Malasek, Jan Malesek   Drew Nicodemus, Chad Gwinn, Jeff Westcott  Brian Henry, Deb Henry, Joanne Cloak and  Jim Sopko, Joe Slater, Barry Allison and Bob
      and Michael Yocom                     and Laurence McHeffey                Ken Cloak                            Kramer


                           Live Music

                   Fresh Local Produce
                      Artisanal Foods

                   Specialty Beverages

             Unique Handcrafted Goods                                                                      Robert Holland, Mary Fields, Melanie and Andre Boucher

                         Kids Market

                      1st & 3rd Sunday Monthly

                          SCAN TO
                            MORE                                   Operated by Stuart Main Street

                                                                                                           Clark Mortell, Barry Allison, Reid Mortell and Grant Mortell
                A market for growers, crafters, artists & other creators
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