Page 8 - Hobe Sound Reflections- July '24
P. 8

Page 8, Hobe Sound

                                                medical matters

      Education Foundation                                 deeply invested in the well-
                                                           “As a healthcare provider
      Of Martin County Helps                             being of our community, we
      Students Forge A Path In                           are honored to support the
                                                         Education Foundation of Martin
      Healthcare                                         County in their mission to foster
                                                         healthcare career opportunities
                                                         for high school students,” said
         The HCA Healthcare Foundation has awarded a $60,000   Corey Lovelace, chief executive
      grant to the Education Foundation of Martin County, which   officer  at  HCA  Florida  St.
      will lead to more healthcare career opportunities for local   Lucie Hospital. “This will not
      high school students. The grant is a $20,000 award per year   only pave the way for brighter
      for the next three years.                          futures but also contribute to a
         Part of a statewide initiative called “Career Pathways to a   stronger, more diverse healthcare
      Healthier Florida,” the program focuses on preparing students   workforce along the Treasure
      for in-demand healthcare roles through enhanced healthcare   Coast  and  across  the  state  of
      academy offerings.                                 Florida.”
         “We are thrilled to receive this crucial support, which      For more information about
      enables us to address the growing need for skilled healthcare   the Career Pathways to a Healthier
      professionals,” said Lisa Rhodes, the foundation’s executive   Florida program, visit www.
      director. “This initiative will prepare students for successful  Tracee Hendershott, HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital, chief nursing officer; Lex Lalicon,
      careers and inspire them to serve their communities.”     For more information about  HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital, assistant chief nursing officer; Lana Barros, Martin
         Projects funded by this grant include comprehensive   the Education Foundation of  County School District, director of Innovation and Choice; Dr. Jorge F. Gonzalez Jirau,
      curriculum materials, equipment and supplies aligned   Martin County, please visit www. HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital; Corey Lovelace, HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital, chief
      with healthcare industry certifications, vouchers to cover  executive officer; Shaun Williams, HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital, board member; Lisa
      certification exam fees for students in need, and teacher      Visit to learn  Rhodes, Education Foundation of Martin County, executive director; Dr. Thomas Matese,
      stipends for the coordination and implementation of student   more  about  HCA  Healthcare  HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital, board member; Rene Arteaga, HCA Florida St. Lucie
      work-based learning experiences.                   Foundation.                 Hospital, board member. Photo by Education Foundation of Martin County.
                                                 scholarship News

      Community Foundation For                          high school graduates enrolling in college in 2024. More   Scholarship  Committee.  “The  increase  in  scholarship
                                                                                                           applications that we are seeing year over year in our
                                                        than 850 students submitted applications, which is more
      Palm Beach And Martin                             than a 20 percent increase from last year. The average   community continues to drive the Community Foundation
      Counties Awards $1.4 Million                      award for each scholarship was $10,000.            to do what we can alongside our donors to meet the need.”

                                                                                                             Since 1985, the Community Foundation has offered

                                                           “The  2024  Scholarship  Committee  reviewed
      In College Scholarships To                        applications from a truly diverse group of scholarship   both need- and merit-based scholarships with an aim
                                                        applicants who were both deserving and impressive,” said
      Local Students                                    Joanne Julien, M.D., chair of the Community Foundation’s   Scholarship News on page 9
      117 Scholarships Awarded To Local Stu-
      dents Headed To College This Fall; Commu-
      nity Foundation Has Provided
      $17.7 Million In Scholarships To Date, To-
      taling Over 3,200 Awards
                                                            • LARGEST SELECTION of in-stock hearing aids
         The  Community  Foundation  for  Palm  Beach  and   • SALES, SERVICE, & REPAIRS on all major brands
      Martin Counties is pleased                            • Tinnitus & Earwax Management                           Best Price
      to announce the results of                            • Insurance Accepted & Financing Available               Guarantee
      its 2024 college scholarship
      program. The  Community
      Foundation is a not-for-                                                                                 FREE             Hearing Evaluation &
      profit organization that                                                                                                 Consultation ($249 Value)
      leads partnerships with                                                                                   TRADE-IN
      donors, nonprofits and                                                                                                         $500
      community members to                                                                                       CREDIT
      solve the region’s chronic
      and emerging civic and                                                                                    $99             Ear Wax Removal &
      social issues.                                      Elizabeth James                                                             Cleaning
         T h i s ye a r ,  t he                            Hearing Aid Specialist
      organization awarded 117  Joanne Julien, M.D., chair of          772-291-0274 •
      scholarships, totaling more  the Community Foundation’s       5941 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart (Located in Publix Cove Shopping Center)
      than $1.3 million, to recent  Scholarship Committee
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