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VOL. 25 NO. 7                                                                                   JULY 2024

      The 2024 Dancing With The Martin Stars Lineup Announced

      For The Martin County

      Healthy Start Coalition’s

      Sept. 21 Event

         With a burst of silver confetti, the 2024 Dancing with the
      Martin Stars contestants discovered on May 16 which local
      professional dancers will be their partners for this year’s
      dancing competition on Sept. 21 to benefit the Martin County
      Healthy Start Coalition.
         Nine volunteers from all walks of life have signed on
      to the challenge to dance like a star in a professionally
      choreographed performance, plus raise funds from supporters
      eager to cheer them on.
         “If you’ve ever had to dance in front of a crowd that   A talented and energetic cast took the stage at the Lyric last September in support of the Martin County Healthy Start
      came with high expectations,” Martin County Healthy Start   Coalition. Carol Briseno of Martin County Parks and Recreation and her dancing partner Jang Don walked away with
                                                        top honors and the coveted trophy for highest combined scores in both dancing and fundraising for 2023. Who will take
      Dancing With The Martin Stars on page 4           Champion honors this year? Lend your support at
      Success At The 23rd Annual Robert F. Novins

      Memorial Golf Tournament Benefiting VIM Clinic

         The 23rd Annual Robert                                                                               The tournament raised over $160,000 for VIM Clinic,
      F. Novins  M emorial                                                                                 bringing the total amount raised over the past 12 years to more
      Golf Tournament  was                                                                                 than $1.1 million. These funds are crucial in providing free
      a tremendous success,                                                                                medical care to low-income, uninsured friends and neighbors
      continuing the tradition                                                                             in Martin County.
      of drawing golfers and                                                                                  “We are immensely grateful for the overwhelming
      supporters from near and                                                                             support from our community,” said Mary Fields, Executive
      far. This year’s event, held                                                                         Director of the VIM Clinic. “This event celebrates the
      at The Yacht & Country Club                                                                          memory of Robert F. Novins while embodying the spirit of
      of Stuart, was sold out with                                                                         giving and community that he cherished. The funds raised
      a waiting list, a testament                                                                          make a significant impact in the lives of our patients and
      to its enduring popularity                                                                           their families.”
      and support of Volunteers in
      Medicine (VIM) Clinic.    Les Shekels, Carson Novins and Ryan Slater Carson Novins, Les Shekels and Troy Dean  Golf Tournament on page 3
      Helping People Succeed’s

      April Showers Gifted Families May Flowers

      By Glenna Parris                                     These services are offered through home visits with a Family
         Thrivent and Helping People Succeed celebrated the end   Support Specialist which may start before or shortly after the
      of another outstanding month-long “Baby Showers” event   birth of a baby and can continue until the child’s fifth birthday.
      on April 27 with a catered brunch at the nonprofit’s Jensen     The major event, held on April 27, was an actual Baby
      Beach headquarters.                               Shower with a buffet brunch—catered by Jan’s Place, games,
         For over 10 years,                             music and more.
      this community-wide                                 The team from Pathfinder Financial Group of Thrivent, who
      event has collected baby                          sponsored this brunch, were on hand to show their appreciation
      necessities  for  families                        to generous donors. They wholeheartedly believe that money
      in need who are served                            is a gift to be stewarded, to help make a positive impact on
      through Helping People                            our community. They understand it’s hard enough to raise a
      S ucceed’s  H ealthy                              child under normal circumstances. Helping People Succeed
      Families program and                              walks alongside families to help them flourish; which is why   Marian Vitale, Jan Robson and Trish Blake
      Baby Steps, which offers                          Thrivent’s Amy, Rob and Heather partnered to amplify the
      support and services to                           impact of April Showers.                           donations equate to a $17,000 gift to Helping People Succeed.
      families who may be                                  Helping People Succeed is thankful for the support from   Suzy Hutcheson, CEO of Helping People Succeed, said, “April
      experiencing stress in their                      Thrivent as well as that of the entire community. Over thirty   Showers brings happiness to so many of the families we serve
      lives that makes parenting  Christine Sears, Heather Bleier   businesses in Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee counties
      more challenging.     and Patty Pollak            hosted “Shower Boxes” in their businesses. These in-kind   Helping People Succeed on page 6
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