Page 16 - Boca ViewPointe- July '24
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Page 16, Viewpointe                                                   July 2024
      Jewish Federation Of South Palm Beach County

      Recognizes Baer’s Furniture Co. Inc. For Generational

      Legacy And Philanthropy At Industry Icon Event

         Baer’s Furniture Co. Inc., a cornerstone of South Florida’s                                       contributions to causes that are close to their hearts.
      home furnishing industry, was celebrated for its steadfast                                           Such causes include cancer research, education, medical
      commitment to philanthropy at the Jewish Federation of                                               research, health and welfare and food insecurities. The
      South Palm Beach County’s Business & Professional (B&P)                                              Baer family’s impact in the Federation is profound,
      Industry Icon event. The annual event, held at the Jewish                                            spanning generations with an overwhelming commitment
      Federation’s Zinman Hall on May 9, recognizes industry                                               to the Federation’s work. The Jewish Federation of South
      leaders for their outstanding personal, professional and                                             Palm Beach County would not exist without Jimmy Baer
      philanthropic achievements.                                                                          and his wife Margie, who were visionaries that saw the
                                                                                                           need for South Palm Beach to be an independent Jewish
                                                                                                           Federation separate from the one in Palm Beach.
                                                                                                              “It is companies like Baer’s Furniture that sustain our
                                                                                                           community,” said Geil Bilu, B&P Icon Event Co-Chair.
                   Attention                                                                               “Their consistent support and community involvement are
                                                                                                           essential for fostering local initiatives and improving the
               All Residents!                           Michelle Hollister, Ira Baer, Cathy Baer, Geil Bilu, Shari Cohen   lives of our fellow residents.”
                                                                                                             B&P Division sponsors included Berger Singerman,

                                                                                                           Haven Home Health and Hotwire Communications-
                                                        and Ken Lebersfeld
                     Please keep                           Over 100 community                              Fision. B&P Industry Icon Event sponsors included Baer’s
                                                                                                           Furniture Company Inc.; BDO; Lesser, Lesser, Landy &
                garage doors closed.                    leaders, supporters and                            Smith – Attorneys at Law; and Marsh & McLenna. The
                    Your security                       friends gathered to welcome                        event’s exclusive magazine sponsor was The Boca Raton
                                                                                                           Observer and its in-kind sponsor was Southern Glazers
                                                        Cathy Baer, Executive Vice
                  begins at home!                       President and Ira Baer,                            Wine & Spirits.
                                                        Chief Financial Officer.                              The event was made possible by the dedicated efforts
                                                        The event highlighted the                          of  Overall  B&P  Division  Chairs  Geil  Bilu  and  Sandy
                                                        family-owned business                              Gerstein, and Industry Icon Event Co-Chair Shari Cohen.
                                                        and its eight-decade-long                             For more information about the Business & Professional
                                                        commitment to community                            (B&P) Division, email Marc Fishman at marcf@bocafed.
                                                        enrichment.                                        org or visit
                                                                                                             Deepest thanks to Boca Pointe Federation
                                                           “Celebrating our
                                                          fa m i l y’s l e g a c y a nd                      Campaign Chairs: Jane and Dan Fishkoff, and to
       Watch Your Speed!                                philanthropic endeavors at  Alex Galper and  Angela   Committee Members: Rhoda Berkow, Allen Brayer,
                                                                                                           Richard  Glazer & Elaine Kaplan, Harold  Katz, Joel
                                                        the B&P Industry Icon event  Cooperman
                                                        is a profound honor,” said                         Meisner, Arlene Penner, Murray Pitkowsky, Mel Schoen,
          Speeding  fines                               Cathy Baer. “As we stand                           Doris & Stuart Zeuner, for their continued dedication and
       are being enforced!                              in our fourth generation                           leadership.
       Fine schedule: 6-20                              of business leadership, we                            If you or a neighbor are in need of help, please
       mph  over  the  limit                            remain deeply committed                            contact Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services
       $50 and more than                                to nurturing spaces where                          at  561-852-3333. In addition, our main Federation
       21 mph over the limit                            families can come together                         telephone number, 561-852-3100, is monitored regularly
       $100. Please obey                                and forge memories that                            for voicemail messages.
       the posted speed                                 will endure for generations                           Learn more about our Federation and how you can
       limit signs and drive                            to come. This recognition                          help at - or contact Shirley Gross
       safely!                                         only fuels our dedication                          at or 561.852.3182 (leave a
                                                        to serving and uplifting our                       voicemail). 
                                                           The evening reflected
                                                        on the Baer family’s  Robert Gerstein and Ken
                                                        rich heritage and their  Lebersfeld

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                                                                                             Boca Raton, FL 33433
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