Page 18 - Boca ViewPointe- July '24
P. 18

Page 18, Viewpointe                                                   July 2024
      Conservation And Sustainability Revisited

      By Steve Handwerker                               a humility and a somewhat strong willed devotion to   water volume highlighting the need for a global approach.
                                                        science, science based communications and real needs   TIME IS SHORT! The imperiled marine species and
         The expeditious use of                         (versus wants) to create change and resource solutions   their ecosystems are endangered. Coral reefs occupy less
      any and all resources so                          locally and globally. Innovation and resourcefulness are   than 1% of the ocean floor but support more than 25%
      that the survival needs of                        the watchwords for building a culture of sustainability!   of marine life. Climate change has rapidly transformed
      the present are met with a                        When we think about conservation we usually focus on   these forests of the sea into vast tracts of lifeless desert.
      view and consideration on                         parks, mountains, forests or landscapes. However, the   The rising ocean temperatures cause coral bleaching
      the survival needs of future                      oceans are being destroyed by overfishing, pollution and   and starvation of this wonderful resource! By 2050 it is
      generations, locally and                          poor governance.                                   predicted that up to 90% of the reefs will be gone UNLESS
      globally. That is one way                            The oceans are heating up as a result of greenhouse gas   SOMETHING IS DONE. Rising ocean temperatures also
      to look at it.  This infers                       emissions with elevated CO2 which when combined with   will cause rising sea levels by one foot by the end of this
                                                        the water create carbonic acid. The resultant acidification   century. Coastal communities are in jeopardy.
                                                        destroys the coral reefs which are an irreplaceable food      The ingenuity and genius of humans that led to so many
           Community Channel                            source. In addition, 8 million tons of plastic enter our   innovations, including plastics can surely find a way to
                                                                                                           keep them from polluting our oceans!?!!The spirit that
                                                        oceans each and every year or roughly one garbage truck
              Have You Seen It?                         load of plastic every minute. Micro-plastics can be found   ignited our outer space adventures can also be turned to
                                                                                                           create a solution for these environmental challenges and
                                                        in 60 aquatic species that we eat and in 90% of the sea salt
                                                        that ends up on our tables. Plastic debris is a major threat   allow for a healthy balance between people and nature,
            The Boca Pointe Community information channel   to marine life causing death by ingestion, suffocation,   here now as we are all part of the ecosystem balance of the
         is currently broadcast on Comcast channel 63 and   entanglement, reduced motility and both external and   various regions of this planet earth! This BALANCE is the
         soon will be transitioning to channel 1075. Please   internal injuries!!! By 2050 the oceans will contain more   nature and essence of conservation and sustainability for
         check both channels on your TV to see which channel   tons of plastics than fish!! In addition to this the oceans’   not only this generation but for all generations to come.
         hosts our community information. If you are unable   finite resources can’t keep up with growing food demands.  Please join me in this effort!
                                                           The underwater ecological treasure of the oceans
         to view either channel, please call our office (561)     benefits  all  the  people  of  the  planet  and  protecting  it      Steven E. Handwerker Ph.D. D.div, RM
         395-7551. Tune in for community updates, BPCA/  requires a collective approach. “Common Oceans” and      Board Certified Licensed Psychologist
         committee meeting dates and current events.   several conservation groups work with governments and      50 years experience
                                                        businesses across an area of the ocean over which no
                                                        single nation has authority. Beyond National Jurisdiction      Books and Blogs 
                                                        encompasses 62% of the world’s oceans and 95% of their

                                                          WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR SPOUSE OR PARTNER DIES

                                                          By Martin Zevin, Attorney                        will not be necessary.
                                                            Losing your spouse, partner or                     If you do not have a Revocable Living Trust, this appointment
                                                          significant other is a very traumatic            will be a good opportunity to discuss the creation of a Trust and
                                                          event.   It  is  most  important for             preparation of a Deed in order to avoid probate on your home and
                                                          your physical and emotional health               other real estate.  You can also discuss the option of a Life Estate
                                                          to  give  yourself  time  for  the               Deed to avoid probate.
                                                          grieving process.                                    If you do have a Trust, this may be an appropriate time to consider
                                                              Once you feel mentally and                   doing an Amendment to the Trust based on new circumstances.
                                                          emotionally  able  to  do  so,  you              Your home and other real estate (in Florida and out-of-state) should
                                                          should schedule an appointment                   be owned by you as Trustee of the Trust. You may wish to name
                                                          with an attorney to review all legal             one of your children as Co-Trustee to make it easier to manage
                                                          documents.                                       the assets in your Trust if you become incapacitated.  You may
                                                              You should bring your Will and/or Revocable Living Trust,   also wish to make changes in your Living Will, Durable Power
                                                          Deed to your home and any other real estate, certified copy of the   of Attorney and Designation of Health Care Surrogate or create
                                                          death certificate and, if married, date of your marriage.  If you have   those documents if you do not have them.
                                                          advanced care directives such as a Living Will, Durable Power of       In most cases, there is no urgency to contact an attorney.  It is
                                                          Attorney and Designation of Health Care Surrogate, you should   much better to have peace of mind and clarity.  Some lawyers,
                                                          bring those as well.                             including  myself, will offer a free consultation.  This consultation
                                                              If your spouse or partner owned something in their name alone   should include your options and give you the opportunity to sleep
                                                          with no designated beneficiary, probate may be necessary. Bring   on it before finalizing any new legal documents.
                                                          details of such assets to the appointment.           In addition, when you are ready, there are actions you should take
                                                              If everything you owned was in both names, it is not necessary   for which you do not need an attorney.  This includes rolling over
                                                          to probate the Will.  However, regarding your home, and any other   your spouse’s IRA to yours, claiming life insurance benefits and
                                                          real estate, it is important to “Clear the Title.”  The lawyer will   naming beneficiaries on any joint accounts. If you have individual
                                                          prepare and have you sign a “Continuous Marriage Affidavit,”   accounts or life insurance and your spouse is beneficiary, be sure to
                                                          which is why you need the date of your marriage.  The Affidavit   change it.  However, your lawyer can advise you on these matters.
                                                          will state that you were married on a certain date and remained       If you are going through the loss of a loved one, my prayers
                                                          continuously married without divorce until the date of death.  It   are with you.
                                                          will provide the legal description of your home and other real estate       Please feel free to call me for a free personal or phone
                                                          and indicate your intention to clear title.  This document will be   consultation regarding any issues pertaining to Wills, Trusts,
                 Golf Carts                               recorded, along with an Affidavit of No Florida Estate Tax Due   Deeds, Probate, Power of Attorney or Health Care Surrogate.  I
                                                                                                           am also available for a free consultation regarding  personal injury
                                                          and the Death Certificate without the cause of death.  Recording
                                                                                                           claims or to explain car insurance coverage.  Call me at 954-569-
                                                          these documents will clear title and allow you the option to do a
            Please Drive Carefully!                       new Deed to avoid probate when you die.  If you were not married   4878.  My address is 3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 204, Deerfield
                                                                                                           Beach, Florida 33442.  My website is
                                                          but owned your home (or any other property) jointly, it is still
                                                          important to clear title. Of course, a Continuous Marriage Affidavit   and my e-mail address is
                                                                                                  Paid Advertisement


                                                                    Two Boca Raton Offices: 151 N. Ocean Blvd. • 21073 Powerline Rd. #63
                                                                                                     “DEDICATED TO RESULTS”
                                                                                                                                                                             JUST LISTED
                                                                                                       BOCA POINTE RESIDENT & CLUB MEMBER                                    JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                                                                                VILLA FLORA
                                                                                              JUST LISTED            JUST LISTED            SOLD                          3/3/2 Renovated Single Story
                                                                                              JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                     JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                                           SOLD $855,000
                                                                                                                                            VILLA FLORA
                                                                                                                                        3/3/2 Renovated Single Story
                                                                                                                                         SOLD $485,000
                                                                                                                                       BOCA POINTE - EL VIENTO
                                                                                             THE PALMS BOCA POINTE     VILLA DEL SOL        2/2 + Den
                                                                                            Fully renovated 4bdrm + office + 2car       Spectacular golf views!
                                                                                           Primary Bdrm & Office on the main floor  Single Story  • 3/2/2 Car Garage
                                                                                                                                           SOLD $750,000
                                                                                                 SOLD $839,000        SOLD $640,000     DEER CREEK GOLF ESTATES
                                                                                               BOCA POINTE CARAVELLE     BOCA POINTE - LA MIRADA   Updated 3/2 pool home
                                                                                                  3/3 2 car garage   STUNNING GOLF VIEWS!   on golf course
                                                          FULL SERVICE AGENT                     Beautifully updated    Remodeled 3/2.5 2 car garage
                                                          Ilene Polito                       SOLD 7917 Travelers Tree Dr.  SOLD 23291 FeatherPalm Ct.   SOLD 7880 Travelers Tree Dr
                                                                                             SOLD 4776 Sierra Lane
                                                                                                                 SOLD 22652 Esplanada Circle W.
                                                                                                                                       SOLD 6670 Villa Sonrisa
                                                          (561) 302-6669                     SOLD 22991 Clear Echo Dr, #86  SOLD 7675 Via Grande
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