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VOL. 32 NO. 7                                                                                  JULY 2024

      For The Love Of Golf At The Club At Boca Pointe

         If golf is your passion, the                                                                      Golf Programming Offers
      Club at Boca Pointe is truly your
      paradise. Whether you’re working                                                                     Something For Everyone
      on your game at our practice
      facilities or gearing up for a day                                                                   Evening Links League
      on the links, our magnificent                                                                           Want social play but need evening play? The club offers
      private 18-hole Championship                                                                         a fun format every other Thursday playing nine holes and
      Golf Course is your playground. The course, designed by                                              socializing after play.
      Golforce, a division of Jack Nicklaus Golf Services, provides                                        Evening Nine And Wine Mixers
      members with a variety of social and competitive golf                                                   Take a break from a busy work week and enjoy a relaxed
      programs organized by first-rate professional golf staff.                                            couples scramble. Members meet for drinks and appetizers
         The Club at Boca Pointe gives golfers the opportunity to                                          after play, followed by dinner at The Pointe.
      play well within their game, with a variety of teeing areas
      that allow the course to be played from 5,139 yards from
      the forward tees to 6,865 yards from the championship tees.
      Strategically placed bunkers, generous Celebration Bermuda
      fairways that wind their way through the natural Florida
      landscape, and TifEagle putting greens that test your putting
      skill provide golfers of all levels with challenges.
         Our golf professionals have years of experience working
      with golfers of every level, from novices to seasoned players
      looking to fine-tune their game. Helpful clinics and a variety
      of golf tournaments are offered throughout the year.
                                                        and vital nutrients and protect from disease. Verticutting is
      Golf Course Aerification Project                  also an important part of the aerification process that removes
                                                        thatch – a decaying organic matter – that impedes water and
         In early June, all surfaces of the golf course were aerified.   air movement throughout the soil profile. Under the direction
      (See photo) Aerification allows relief of soil compaction,   of Golf Superintendent Mike Knewitz, we aerify the course
      which helps aid root growth so that plants can uptake water   two times each year during the summer growing season.   For The Love Of Golf on page 3
      From The Desk Of Commissioner Marci Woodward

      A Message from Marci                                 Lake Worth Lagoon- $270,500 to restore seagrasses,   HabCenter  Boca  Raton  Mental  Health  and  STEM
                                                        mangroves, and oysters to improve and support the health   program, Highland Beach Lift Station Rehabilitation and
         Palm Beach County                              of the water body.                                 Hurricane  Hardening  at  the Arc  of  South  Palm  Beach
      requested state funding                              Peanut  Island  Historic  Restoration-  $1  million  for   County.
      for several projects and                          revitalizing Peanut Island’s legacy of eco-tourism by
      programs in our community                         renovating the now vacant historic Coast Guard facilities   Boynton Beach Annexation
      and secured nearly $6 million                     and JFK fallout bunker on the island.
      for the following:                                   Restore Re-Entry Program- $500,000 to assist with   Study Update
         West Palm Beach                                facilitating the reintegration of re-entry participants in Palm
      Downtown Signalization-                           Beach County by connecting them with services designed to      The Boynton Beach annexation study is in the early stages.
      $2.75 million for the first                       reduce recidivism.                                 County and city staff have met to discuss the process, with a
      phase of signalization                               Other funding for our area includes:            focus on areas where the city already provides water or has
      enhancements  on                                     The Center for Arts & Innovation- $1 million for design   existing annexation agreements.
      Okeechobee Blvd. to address                       phase II of the 100,000 sq. ft. center, featuring a main theater,      To keep residents informed, the city plans to launch a
      immediate congestion issues, improve traffic flow within   intimate spaces, and an amphitheater.     website with project details and maps in July. Public meetings
      downtown and explore advancements in traffic management      Additionally, many community organizations,   will likely be held after the feasibility study is complete,
      capabilities, including transit signal priorities.   education institutions, nonprofits, and municipalities   which could take up to a year.
         Central Palm Beach County Historic Infrastructure- $1   in Palm Beach County received state funding for local      To date, a formal annexation request has not been filed
      million to help reduce storm water runoff and pollutant loading   projects and programs.             with the county.
      into local water systems by enhancing existing roadway      Some funded projects in my South County District
      infrastructure in the central historic region of Palm Beach County.   include North and Central Boca Raton Shore Protection,   From The Desk Of on page 2

                                                                                     Please Help

                                                                                        Now is the time to clean out your closets! The homeless shelters are accepting
                                                                                     used clothing. Please bring any clean, gently used clothing that you would like
                                                                                     to donate. The drop off location is at the BPCA office located at 6909 SW 18th
                                                                                     St., Suite A120 in the Boardwalk shopping plaza. The donations are distributed
                                                                                     to local churches and homeless shelters. Thank you for your generous donations
                                                                                     this past year! It is greatly appreciated! 
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