Page 20 - Abacoa Community News - July '24
P. 20

Page 20, Abacoa


       Palm Beach County Property Appraiser

      Dear Taxpayer,                                    2024 Tax Roll Update                               • Net New Construction - $4,966,761,361
         Recently, my office                                                                               • Percent Increase (taxable value) - 9.12 percent
      announced  the  award  of                            July is an important month as my office submits the 2024   • Real Property Parcels – 655,938
      six college scholarships to                       preliminary tax roll to Florida’s Department of Revenue   • Total Tangible Personal Property Accounts – 58,019
      outstanding high school                           (DOR) and local taxing authorities.                   The above values are only estimates and subject to change.
      seniors in Palm Beach                                Values are based on the status of market as of Jan. 1.     Once the tax roll receives approval from Florida’s DOR, my
      County. Each was awarded                             According to my office’s estimates delivered at the end of   office will notify all property owners of both their home value
      $1,500 and an opportunity                         May, Palm Beach Countywide taxable property values have   and proposed tax rate in the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes
      to participate in a paid                          increased 9.12 percent from 2023 to 2024.          mailed mid-August. While state law requires my office to value
      internship in my office.                             The overall increase in taxable value slowed compared   property based on the status of the market, your tax rate is set
         • Lillian J. Cruz,                             to previous years. Market values for some building types   by taxing authorities who answer to you. Their public meetings
      graduating from John I.                           have begun to flatten, and this is reflected in the difference   are listed in your notice.
      Leonard High School, attending Florida Atlantic University  between the county-wide taxable value, and the tax base for
         • Alex Hernandez Gomez, graduating from Pahokee   the School Board.                               Application Status For
      Middle-Senior High School, attending Palm Beach State      Taxable values for the School Board increased 5.90 percent,   Exemptions, Portability,
      College                                           more than three percentage points lower than the county, because
         • Victor Paniagua, graduating from Pahokee Middle-  the School Board more closely follows market values. The School   Agricultural Classifications
      Senior High School, attending Palm Beach State College  Board is not subject to certain exemptions and caps, so it saw
         • Yadira Silvestre, graduating from Glades Central   higher increases in taxable value in previous years. Now that   Have You Submitted An Application For An Exemption,
      Community High School, attending University of South   some markets have slowed, that rate of increase has also slowed.  Portability Or Agricultural Classification?
      Florida                                              In contrast, countywide taxable values are growing in part      My office is processing these applications and will begin
         • Giselle Silvestre, graduating from Glades Central   due to the recapture of tax caps savings. Florida law requires   status notifications. If denied, you have the right to file a petition
      Community High School, attending University of South   that the assessed value of a property continue to increase by the   for adjustment with the Value Adjustment Board (VAB) through
      Florida                                           maximum cap amount each year until the assessed value equals   the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. They can be
         • Tracey-Ann Wiggan, graduating from Pahokee Middle-  the market value. Even if the market value of a property does   reached at (561) 355-6289.
      Senior High School, attending Florida A&M University  not increase, its assessed value may increase.  Property Tax Exemptions And Portability
         Since 1994, the PAO has awarded $179,000 in college      Other highlights of the estimates include:     If you submitted an application on or before March 1 and
      scholarships, completely funded by employee donations.  • Market Value - $503,364,930,657            your application was denied, a Notice of Denial will be mailed
         It’s  really  a  joy  to  reward  these  incredible  students   • Taxable Value - $315,500,832,798  on July 1, 2024. The deadline to file a petition with the VAB for
      who have demonstrated excellence in academic                                                         an exemption is 5 p.m. on July 31. The deadline to file a petition
      ability, persistence, leadership, and service to                                                     for the denial of a portability benefit is 5 p.m. on Sept. 16. For
      others. Congratulations to each of them and                                                          questions about exemptions or portability, contact Exemption
      congratulations to the entire Class of 2024.                                                         Services at (561) 355-2866 or
         In this month’s newsletter, an update on the                                                      Agricultural Classification
      2024 tax roll process and the status of applications                                                    Notifications of the status of your application will be mailed
      for exemptions and classification.                                                                   out on July 1. If your agricultural classification application is
         Have a happy and safe Independence Day.                                                           denied, the deadline to file a petition with the VAB is 5 p.m.
                                    Respectfully, Members of my office’s Scholarship Committee with this year’s awardees,   on July 31. For agricultural classification questions, contact
                  Dorothy Jacks, CFA, FIAAO, AAS, left to right Victor Paniagua, Alex Hernandez Gomez, Lillian Cruz,   the Agriculture Department at (561) 355-4577 or MyFarm@
              Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Yadira Silvestre, Tracey-Ann Wiggan, Giselle Silvestre
      Tax Talk

      Dear friends:
         Most of you already know
      two of my passions – my cats,
      Biden and Bader, and my
      garden. Those two things help
      me unwind and disconnect
      from the day’s events. Whether
      it’s watching the crazy things
      my cats get into, or spending
      time tending to my beautiful
      garden, creating “me-time” to
      relax and unwind is crucial for
      maintaining overall well-being. It is important to carve out some
      time for the things that bring you joy. Find your “sanctuary”
      and activities that you love to unplug and disconnect and most
      importantly, make time and schedule it. Always pay attention
      to your physical needs during your “me-time” by nourishing
      your body with healthy foods, exercise, staying hydrated with
      beverages, and getting plenty of sleep.
         Remember that “me-time” is not selfish; it’s an essential
      aspect of self-care that allows you to recharge and show up
      as your best self in other areas of your life. By prioritizing
      relaxation and unwinding, you are investing in your health,
      happiness, and resilience.
                                       Anne M. Gannon,
                               Constitutional Tax Collector,
                               Serving Palm Beach County

      Mural, Mural, On The Wall!

         “Step into a world of energy and radiant hues.” These may
      not be the first words that come to mind when visiting the tax
      collector’s office. However, this is what you can expect to
      experience the next time you visit our North County Service
      Center, with the addition of a new vibrant outdoor mural,
      entitled, Piece By Piece displayed on the south side of the
      service center. The mural was skillfully crafted by Connecticut
      born artist, Benjamin Heller. Benjamin has created several
      murals throughout South Florida. His style of art uses color
      and shapes masterfully to create captivating imagery that brings
      life to an otherwise ordinary space. When asked about the
      mural, he had this to say, “The use of this imagery and various
      colors reflect both the ‘Gardens’ and positively interact with

      Tax Talk on page 21
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