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                                            John D. MacArthur Campus at Jupiter
             2024  JULY                               Florida Atlantic University                                            Sponsored report

                                                                                    Standout Start-up
                                                                                    A pair of Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College students
                                                                                    successfully competed in e-Fest, an annual
                                                                                    undergraduate entrepreneurship competition held at
                                                                                    the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis. Nicholas
                                                                                    Moy and Rachel Kavalakatt developed a machine-
                                                                                    learning backed glaucoma prescreening platform
                                                                                    called Glaucova to provide affordable, accessible and
                                                                                    instantaneous glaucoma screening - one of the leading
                                                                                    causes of irreversible blindness in the world. In all, the
                                                                                    two secured roughly $16,000 in funding over the course
                                                                                    of the competition, including coming in first place in
                                                                                    the Innovation Challenge event where they were given
                                                                                    a challenge and three hours to create an innovative
                                                                                    business-based solution.

                PRENATAL EFFECTS OF AMPHETAMINES                                                        SCAN TO READ MORE.>

                In a new study, published in the “International Journal of
                Molecular Sciences,” Florida Atlantic University researchers
                investigated the mechanisms underlying the long-term effects        Sea Turtle FAQ’s
                of prenatal exposure to addictive doses of amphetamine. The
                                                                                    Sea turtle nesting season is currently underway in
                team was led by Lucia Carvelli, Ph.D., an associate professor       Southeast Florida. It is a busy time for biologists,
                of neuroscience at the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College and         wildlife management and others as they eagerly await
                                                                                    signs of turtle movement in the sand. However, for
                a member of the Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute. Using a
                                                                                    many vulnerable and endangered sea turtle species,
                tiny worm, C. elegans, they examined whether exposure to            survival is an uphill battle. Loss of nesting habitat, high-
                high doses of amphetamine during a key moment in prenatal           traffic areas, rising temperatures and artificial lights
                                                                                    are among factors that work against them. To arm the
                development would alter brain development. Their results
                                                                                    public with how they can help during this important
                showed modifications that can cause behavioral changes in           sea turtle time, three internationally renowned Florida
                adult animals.                                                      Atlantic researchers have compiled a list of best
                                                                                    practices and answers to frequently asked questions.

                                                                                                          SCAN TO READ MORE.

                                    SCAN TO READ MORE.

                                                                                    FAU on ‘Changing Seas’
                                                                                    The “Changing Seas” documentary series recently
                                                                                    debuted its 16th season on PBS. The second episode,
                HONORS COLLEGE CELEBRATES 25 YEARS                                  Eagle Rays: Soaring on Spotted Wings, features
                                                                                    Florida scientists - including Matt Ajemian, Ph.D.,
                 The Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College                               associate research professor at FAU Harbor Branch
                 is celebrating 25 years of academic                                Oceanographic Institute, and his team in the Fisheries
                 excellence on the John D. MacArthur                                Ecology and Conservation Lab. The episode chronicles
                                                                                    how researchers utilize cutting-edge technology to
                 Campus. Save the date for a special                                gain deeper insights into the movement and diet of the
                 Anniversary Celebration event set for                              white spotted eagle ray, allowing them to experience

                 Nov. 14 at the Pelican Club in Jupiter.                            the world from a ray’s point of view for the first time.

                                                                                                               SCAN TO WATCH.

                                  SCAN TO LEARN MORE.


                      Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College • Charles E. Schmidt College of Science at Jupiter • FAU Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute • I-HEALTH • FAST Labs
                          • FAU High School in Partnership with Max Planck Academy • FAU-Max Planck Joint Programs • College of Education Teacher Training
                                  STAY CONNECTED: FAU.EDU/JUPITER                                        @FAUJUPITER

                                                     5353 Parkside Drive, Jupiter, FL 33458   |   phone: 561.799.8500
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