Page 19 - Abacoa Community News - July '24
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Abacoa, Page 19
Science On The Cutting Edge from page 18 contacts with other neural cells in the retina that ultimately pass Eventually, the researchers were able to determine that
the information to the brain, much like plugging an electrical ELFN1, though it normally isn’t produced detectably in
device into a socket. cones, is produced in cones to perform ELFN2’s wiring
But what makes the plug match the socket so that rod and function if ELFN2 is missing.
cones can connect? It’s “a classic example of resilience in an important
The research team, led by principal investigator Kirill biological system,” Martemyanov says.
Wiring The Eyes To The Brain Martemyanov, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of two types of primary photoreceptor cells, which we rely on
With the new discovery, he says, we finally know how
Neuroscience at Scripps Research’s Florida campus, discovered
For Color Vision that a pair of cell adhesion molecules called ELFN1 and ELFN2 for all of our vision sense, are sending their information to
does the trick. the brain. And importantly, this fundamental knowledge may
Color-Discriminating Cone Cells In The Retina “It has been a thrilling scientific detective story,” one day translate into novel treatments for vision loss.
Use A Pair Of ‘Adhesion’ Proteins To Connect Martemyanov says. “Interplay between cell adhesion molecules governs
To The Brain. Back in 2015, his team discovered that a protein called synaptic wiring of cone photoreceptors” was authored by
ELFN1 enables rod cells to hook up to nearby nerve cells in Yan Cao, Yuchen Wang, Henry Dunn, Cesare Orlandi and
Cone cells in the the retina. A rod cell is a long, slender cell with photosensitive Kirill Martemyanov, of Scripps Research; Nicole Shultz,
retina, which are meant molecules at one end for detecting light photons, and a stalk-like Naomi Kamasawa, and David Fitzpatrick, of Max Planck
to work in daylight and projection at the other end for sending their signals brainward. Florida Institute; Wei Li of the National Eye Institute;
enable color vision, Martemyanov and his team found that rod cells, as they Christina Zeitz of Sorbonne Université; and William
normally use a specific develop in the retina, produce ELFN1 and secrete it from their Hauswirth of the College of Medicine at the University of
set of proteins during output ends—and that this induces nearby nerve cells called Florida at Gainesville.
development to connect bipolar cells, which are connected to the brain via the optic The study was funded by the National Institutes of
to other nerve cells in nerve, to form connections, or synapses, with them. Once these Health (EY018139 and EY028033), the French Muscular
the retina and the brain, synapses are formed, the rod cells can start sending their light- Dystrophy Association, Retina France and the Agence
according to a study led sensing signals to the vision-processing regions of the brain. Nationale de la Recherche.
by neuroscientists at To enable vision, photoreceptors in The scientists found that mice engineered to lack the gene for
Scripps Research. the retina make synaptic contacts ELFN1 were essentially “night-blind,” lacking rod-based vision
The finding, reported (green) with their partners called but retaining cone-based vision.
in the Proceedings of “ON bipolar neurons” (red) and That clarified how rod cells work. But what about cone cells?
the National Academy transmit information to the brain. “We found in that study that cone cells normally don’t
of Sciences, solves the Cellular nuclei shown in blue. express ELFN1,” Martemyanov says, “so we started looking
mystery of how cones (Microscopy image of mouse retina for a protein like ELFN1 that is produced in cone cells and has
form their distinctive courtesy of Martemyanov lab.) a similar role in inducing connections between these cells and Brain Exploration Day
brain connections, cone-specific bipolar cells.”
giving humans and other animals their sophisticated and A Clearer View Of The Vision System Inspires More Than 800
powerful vision sense. The basic neuroscience discovery may The process of finding this ELFN1-like cone protein
aid future efforts to boost vision lost due to retina degeneration, required studies using animals whose vision sense is The most cutting-edge scientific technology was on
which is common in the elderly, and may potentially help dominated by cone cells, not rod cells—whereas mice and full display at Max Planck Florida Institute (MPFI) for
connect lab-grown light-sensing prosthetics that cure blindness. even humans use mostly rod cells. Martemyanov and his team Neuroscience’s Brain Exploration Day, held from 10 a.m. to
Solving A Connection Quandary therefore studied cone-dominant ground squirrels and tree 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 18. More than 800 people attended
Our eyes are equipped with two kinds of light sensors known shrews to identify the protein that does for cones what ELFN1 the free event, which takes place every other year at the
as photoreceptors: the rods that we use for seeing under very does for rods. The protein was already considered such a close institute’s Jupiter facility.
dim lighting and cones that we use ubiquitously throughout the relative of ELFN1 that it had been named ELFN2. Hands-on activities and demonstrations were held
day to see things in color. But the hunt was not over, because when Martemyanov throughout the institute to inspire excitement about science
Detecting the light, however, is only the first step for us to be and his team engineered “knockout” mice that lack the gene and underscore the importance of scientific research.
able to see. Photoreceptors then need to be able to transmit their for ELFN2, the retinas of the mice developed normally, with Among the many activities at the event, visitors learned
signals to the brain. They do so by establishing highly selective apparently functional cone cells. how scientists can use light to control the movement of
flies, had the chance to create unique artwork using pipettes,
and learned to measure sugar content in common foods.
Neuroscience story time captivated even the youngest
science enthusiasts, and children left with custom-colored
brain caps. MPFI also offered tours of its state-of-the-art
research facility, home to nine labs, high-tech microscopy
facilities and a world-class mechanical engineering facility.
“Brain Exploration Day is more than just an event;
it’s a celebration that ignites curiosity and fosters a
deeper understanding of science within our community.
By offering free access to the wonders of neuroscience,
we empower individuals of all ages to explore the
complexities of the human brain, inspiring the next
generation of scientists and innovators,” said Dr. David
Fitzpatrick, scientific director and CEO.
MPFI scientists conduct critical research into the brain
and its capacity to produce language, memory, emotion and
movement. Since opening in 2012, MPFI scientists have
published more than 200 previously unknown findings
about brain development and function. In addition, MPFI
has educated more than 300 scientific trainees and holds
community outreach events like Brain Exploration Day to
help raise awareness of the importance of working toward
an understanding of the physical causes of devastating
neurological disorders.
“Brain Exploration Day not only brings the community
closer to the fascinating world of neuroscience but also
strengthens our bonds with the community, fostering a
culture of learning, curiosity and appreciation for scientific
research,” said Katie Walsh Edwards, associate vice
president of public engagement.
To learn more about MPFI’s community engagement
and education outreach programs visit https://www.