Page 6 - The Shores of Jupiter - June '24
P. 6

Page 6, The Shores
      The Jupiter Senior Softball Association Has Selected Veteran

      Player Mike Manasia As Its 2024 Hall Of Fame Inductee

        Honorees are members who have made an extraordinary   to bat in a clutch and getting a               Mike’s selection as the 2024 Hall Of Fame recipient
      impact on the senior softball organization and Mike has   hit, he would exclaim, “I can’t            is well deserved and reflects great credit upon himself, as
      impacted the senior softball program in many ways.   do it alone guys.”                              well as the Jupiter Senior Softball Association. He will be
        In announcing his selection Commissioner Paul Storch     An Army veteran of the                    officially enshrined in the Hall Of Fame next January with
      said, “Mike’s many years of love and dedication to the Jupiter   Korean War, Mike said he feels      John Katulak, the 2023 Hall Of Fame inductee.
      Senior Softball Association (JSSA) are on exhibit when he   fortunate to have played in the            The senior softball program is open to persons 55 and
      is on the field playing, or more recently umpiring.”  year-round softball program for                over, and is sponsored by the nonprofit Jupiter Senior Softball
        “It is not something I expected. It was a great gift and   more than two decades. Over the         Association in cooperation with the Town Of Jupiter’s Parks
      surprise,” Mike said of the Hall Of Fame Award. He was the   years he underwent heart and            and Recreation Department. New players of all skill levels
      oldest active player in the Jupiter Senior Softball program   gallbladder surgery and survived       are welcome and needed to fill rosters for games that are
      when he retired from playing last December, five months   two bouts with bladder cancer              every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at Jupiter
      after celebrating his 91st birthday.               but always came back to play.                     Community Park.
        During his more than 20 years playing he was known as a   He said he knew it was time to             For more information about the softball program,
      buddy and an inspiration to all, and he was a tough competitor   hang up his cleats last year when  Mike Manasia, 2024 Hall   including sponsorship or to register, contact Gary Newman
      as a pitcher and hitter on a number of occasions. After coming   his eyes began to deteriorate.   Of Fame inductee  at (917) 623-0791, or go to
      Business Leaders Will Join Together

      To Help Local Family Build A Forever Home

        Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County   AvalonBay Communities (Hard Hat Sponsor); Akel Homes,   Builder Sponsor); Grimes Events and Party Tents (Hope
      (HFHGPBC) announced that Executive Build (formerly   Baptist Health, Florida Peninsula Insurance Company, Peckar   Builder  Sponsor);  ESPN West  Palm  (Media  Sponsor);
      CEO Build) will take place on Friday, Sept. 27. This is an   and Abramson, RCC Associates, and Vertical Bridge (Home   Magen Protective Services (Security Sponsor); and Starbucks
      annual fundraising event in which local executives and   Builder Sponsors); Hubbard Radio/850 WFTL (Exclusive   (Coffee Sponsor).
      business leaders leave their offices to pick up hammers   Radio  Sponsor); TFG  Financial Advisors  (Community       Photo by MasterWing Creative Agency
      and help build a home alongside a Habitat Partner Family.
      This year’s event is cochaired by Robyn Raphael-Dynan
      and Adam Handfinger.
        Robyn Raphael-Dynan is the president of RCC Associates,   Peripheral
      South Florida’s leading general contractor firm. The firm
      specializes in building restaurants, hospitality and commercial   Neuropathy?
      projects. She also serves on the HFHGPBC Board of Directors.

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      Robyn Raphael-Dynan and Adam Handfinger                                                                           561-745-1002

        “As a board member and a longtime Habitat supporter, I                                                           654 West Indiantown
      am excited to be cochairing this year’s Executive Build on   THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO   Road, Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                            REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER
      Sept. 27. I look forward to collaborating with fellow business   SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND
                                                            WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED
      leaders in our community to create a lifelong impact for   OR REDUCED FEE SERVICES, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT.
      families in need of affordable housing,” said Raphael-Dynan.
        Adam Handfinger is a comanaging partner of Peckar and
      Abramson’s Miami office, chair of the Client Service Committee,
      and sits on Peckar and Abramson’s Executive Committee. He is
      certified by the Florida Bar as a construction law specialist.
        “I am thrilled to cochair Executive Build 2024 alongside
      Robyn,” shared Handfinger. “I look forward to adding my
      voice to advocacy for affordable housing and helping families
      in need build brighter futures.”
        Executive Build is an annual fundraising and home-
      building event that brings executives and leaders together
      to partner with Habitat for Humanity and help local families
      build a path to a better life through affordable homeownership.
      Participants are encouraged to put their leadership into action
      by rolling up their sleeves and picking up construction tools
      to literally build a home and hope alongside families in
      need. In addition to creating a tangible and lasting impact
      in the community, the event provides a unique networking
      opportunity for the executives, a hands-on volunteering
      opportunity, and high brand visibility for their businesses.
        “By bringing together corporate leaders, government officials
      and the families we serve, we hope to shine a light on the critical
      need for affordable housing in our community and work together
      to address it,” said Jennifer Thomason, CEO/president of Habitat
      for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County.
        During  the  one-day  event,  executives  commit  to  a
      fundraising goal, select a half-day shift, build alongside
      Habitat families, learn construction skills, and create
      new connections among peers and the community. No
      construction experience is required to participate.
        Individuals are required to fundraise or donate a minimum
      of $3,500 per person to build. Corporate Sponsorships start
      at $5,000. To sponsor or learn more about Habitat’s 2024
      Executive Build, email
      To learn more or donate to support Executive Build financially,
        Sponsors to date include Aloft Delray Beach (Kickoff
      Party  Sponsor);  SFBW  (Annual  Magazine  Sponsor);
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