Page 2 - The Shores of Jupiter - June '24
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Page 2, The Shores

          Deadline for the July Issue                   Commissioner’s Update from page 1

                      is June 11                        to ensure they have enough fuel to evacuate as soon as

                      Mail or email to:                 possible without worrying about long lines at gas stations
                                                        and to avoid gas shortages prior to a storm. For Floridians
          Bill Thompson, 18583 Lake Bend Drive          with electric vehicles, it’s recommended that the battery be
                     maintained between 50 and 80 percent capacity at all times,
                                                        depending on the type of vehicle and what the vehicle’s
                                                        manual recommends.
            The Shores of Jupiter                         Now is the time to prune your yard vegetation and perform
                                                        your major tree cutting, because once a storm watch or
                       website:                         warning is issued there is no certainty that your hauler will     You can download the Palm Beach County Disaster
                                                                                                           Awareness  and  Recovery  Tool  (DART)  app  on  your
                                                        be able to collect your yard trimmings and only a maximum                     of one 6-cubic-yard pile of yard waste is collected each   smartphone to track evacuation zones, shelter open/closed
                                                        week. Additionally, if you have expired hurricane supplies   status, damage assessment information and many other
                                                        that may include power tool batteries, propane tanks or fuel,   features to help you during a disaster.
                                                        dispose of them properly at any of the Solid Waste Authority
                                                        Home Chemical and Recycling Centers. The North County
        Disclaimer                                      Transfer Station is located at 14185 North Military Trail,
          Copy appearing herewith may not be the viewpoint   Jupiter, 33458, and you can find additional information at
        of The Shores Board of Directors or its newsletter   Home Chemical Disposal | Solid Waste Authority of Palm
        editor. Nor should responsibility be assigned for   Beach County, FL ( or by calling (561) 697-2700 or
        accuracy or validity or articles contributed by   (866) SWA-INFO (toll-free). Register now for Palm Beach
        residents or other articles chosen by the publisher or   County’s Emergency Notification System, better known as     Lastly, instead of buying water in bottles, consider
        the editor.                                     AlertPBC by visiting   using your own tap water and fill all of those containers
                                                        AlertPBC allows you to opt in to receive notice via phone   you already have at home. This will save you money and
                                                        calls, text messaging, emails and more, about city/county or   save our landfills. Be well, and be prepared. If I can assist
           Realtime Property Management                 weather safety hazards or concerns. All registered information   you, please contact me at (561) 355-2201 or by email at
                                                        is protected and is not to be used for any other purpose.
                 of South Florida LLC
             Alexa Schuck, Property Manager                   Advertise in this Newspaper! Call 561.746.3244
               612 N. Orange Ave., Bldg C-4,
                     Jupiter, FL 33458

                   The Shores Of

              Jupiter Homeowners
                  Association Inc.                        How much will you

              Board Of Directors, Committee               need to retire?
                     Board Of Directors:
                    David Lindley, President
                  John Hornyak, Vice President            Call to schedule a
                  Cynthia Clemente, Secretary
                     Barry Parker, Treasurer              one-on-one.
                      Sal Greco, Director
                     Brian Martin, Director
                     Ryan Warren, Director                           Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
                                                                     Financial Advisor
               Architectural Control Committee:                      1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
                     Brian Martin, Co-Chair                          Jupiter, FL 33458
                      Sal Greco, Co-Chair                            561-748-7600
                        John Hornyak                       
                    Compliance Committee:
                      Ryan Warren, Chair
                 Lakes And Parks Committee:
                      David Lindley, Chair
                   Crimewatch Committee:                        CAMPBELL AND KARLIK, P.A.
                    Bill Thompson, Co-Chair
                      Sal Greco, Co-Chair                                            ATTORNEYS AT LAW
                    Welcoming Committee:
                      John Hornyak, Chair
                         Sylke Lopez
                        Infrastructure                                         Wills • Trusts • Estate Planning • Probate
                      David Lindley, Chair
             Communications and Newsletter Editor:                               Taxation • Real Estate • Corporations
                     Bill Thompson, Chair
               Events & Social Media Committee:
                     Barry Parker, Co-Chair
                     Kristi Parker, Co-Chair
                       Francesca Brown
                        Tracey Lavoll
                         Sylke Lopez
                     Anais Maristany-Diaz
                         Dena Martin
                         Kristi Parker

        Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
        Palm Beach County and is a privately                                              Diane L. KarLiK
        owned and managed company.
        Captain’s is committed to providing
        dependable, reliable and professional
        ground transportation to and from all                                                                            Tel: (561) 625-5220
        South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212     3450 Northlake Boulevard Suite 210                Fax: (561) 625-5201• Mobile: (561) 797-5004
           To reserve your vehicle:
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890  Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403                             EMail:
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