Page 5 - The Shores of Jupiter - June '24
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The Shores, Page 5
      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser

      Dear Taxpayer:                                     Hurricane Season Begins
        The summer months are
      a busy time for my office.                           June kicks off hurricane season, which runs through Nov. 30.
        Before June 1, my office                         There are provisions in Florida law that pertain to your property
      submits the estimated taxable                      tax assessment if your home has suffered catastrophic damage
      property values for 2024 to                        by a hurricane.
      cities and other authorities                         If your home suffers hurricane damage, our office will
      who  levy  taxes  because                          work with you through the assessment process. We review
      they need them to begin                            insurance claims, photographs, repair estimates and invoices,
      developing their budgets.                          and any other documentation that would detail damage. For
      The  taxing  authorities                           more information, visit our website or contact (561) 355-3230
      review the property values                         or
      in their jurisdictions and decide on a proposed tax rate.     As you plan for the season ahead, Palm Beach County
        On July 1, my office submits a preliminary tax roll to   Emergency Management offers essential tips on hurricane
      Florida’s Department of Revenue (DOR), the agency that   preparedness in their Hurricane Planning Guide.
      oversees the operations of all property appraisers in the
      state. The DOR performs a rigorous review and evaluates   E-Filing For Homestead Exemption And
      the tax roll for accuracy.                         Portability
        On Aug. 22, my office will mail the Truth in Millage,     With our homestead exemption e-file, you can e-file the same  Town Of Jupiter
      or TRIM Notice, to all property owners. This notice of
      proposed taxes details the assessed and taxable values of   day you close on a new home, even without the deed. You can
      your property, as well as the tax rates submitted by taxing     A homestead exemption can reduce the assessed value of  News
                                                         even e-file for portability if moving within the state of Florida.
        As always, I welcome your comments and questions   your property, thereby reducing the amount of property tax you
      regarding your property value and exemption amounts.   pay. In addition, a homestead exemption limits any increase to   By Jim Kuretski,
      Florida law requires my office to value property based   your assessed value to a maximum of 3 percent each year or the   Mayor, Town of Jupiter
      on the status of the market as of Jan. 1. We use state-of-  amount of the change in the Consumer Price Index, whichever     The Town Council works
      the-art technology to continuously process property data   is lower. Portability transfers all or a significant portion of your   with our town manager, staff
      from local and industry sources and from field inspections   cap savings, up to $500,000, from a home with a homestead   and others to address issues
      performed by our highly trained appraisal experts.   exemption to a new home within the state of Florida that   affecting our residents and
        Now is a good time to check the mailing address   qualifies for a homestead exemption.             businesses. The  following
      associated  with  your  property  at  Simply     Our Exemption Services Department administers all   provides a summary of
      search your property and confirm that your mailing   exemptions and portability applications and is available to   actions and achievements
      address is correct. If it needs an update, just visit our E   answer your questions. Contact them at myexemption@pbcpao.  since the last Community
      Address Change Form.                               gov or (561) 355-2866.                            Newspaper Report:
        In this month’s newsletter there is a reminder that                                                  The  Town  Council
      hurricane season is upon us and a memo to those residents   Office Closed In Honor Of Juneteenth     conducted a Round Table discussion at our May 7 meeting to
      who have not yet applied for a homestead exemption on                                                review/critique and finalize the Town’s 2024 to 2026 Strategic
      their permanent residence in Palm Beach County.      The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office   Plan. The strategic plan includes 23 strategic initiative items
        Enjoy reading and stay safe.                     (including all of our service centers) will be closed in honor   with town staff leading accountability assignments and action
                                           Respectfully,  of Juneteenth on Wednesday, June 19. Juneteenth National   plans for each.
                         Dorothy Jacks, CFA, FIAAO, AAS,  Independence Day commemorates the emancipation of enslaved     The top strategic initiative item is under the category of
                     Palm Beach County Property Appraiser  African Americans in the United States.         governmental fiscal responsibility and entails creation of a
                                                                                                           new Town of Jupiter Fire Rescue Department to be in full
                                                                                                           operation by Oct. 1, 2026. Palm Beach County’s ultimate
                                                                                                           fiscal goal to significantly increase its ad valorem tax rate
                                                                                                           for providing fire rescue services to Jupiter residents and
                                                                                                           businesses was deemed to be an unprecedented and unfair tax
                                                                                                           burden. It equated to approximately a quarter billion dollars of
                                                                                                           increased tax collections over a ten-year period to subsidize
                                                                                                           Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Department providing
                                                                                                           services to areas outside of Town of Jupiter boundary limits.
                                                                                                             Some of the other key strategic initiative items include
                                                                                                           vehicle and pedestrian traffic management and mitigation,
                                                                                                           recreation facility master plan, West Indiantown Road
                                                                                                           improvements, Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
                                                                                                           plan, U.S. 1 bridge and comprehensive plan updates.
                                                                                                             A copy of the overall Town of Jupiter Strategic Plan
                                                                                                           is available for public viewing on the Town of Jupiter
                                                                                                           Internet website.
                                                                                                             In  the  upcoming  months,  the Town  Council  will  be
                                                                                                           conducting various workshops to review/critique and set
                                                                                                           preliminary annual budgets for the Town’s General Operating
                                                                                                           Fund, Capital Improvements Plan, Water and Stormwater
                                                                                                           Utilities, Building Department and CRA. The final budget
                                                                                                           settings occur during public hearings to be held in September.
                                                                                                             Stay tuned.
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