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Our Village Voice

        VOL. 35 NO. 6                                                                                 JUNE 2024

      Commissioner’s Update                                                                                 Bill’s Box

      Preparing For Hurricane                            particularly for new residents who are largely unfamiliar with

      Season 2024 With Hundreds                          hurricanes, there are many resources available through Palm   By Bill Thompson
                                                         Beach County’s Division of Emergency Management. Before
                                                                                                            Welcome To The Shores
      Of Thousands Of New                                the season begins, it’s important to take care of things that   Of Jupiter Speedway
                                                         require a bit more time, which will have you prepared and
                                                                                                              I  look  across  Silver
      Residents                                          ready to respond when the warnings come.           Lake to see and hear
                                                           Start building your hurricane kit with the Official Palm   race cars somewhat
      By Vice Mayor Maria G.                             Beach County Hurricane Planning Guide, which you can find   like that stretch on the
      Marino                                             at  back straightaway at the
        Florida, with its                                Guide.pdf. For any additional information, or if you do not have   Daytona 500. I like speed
      picturesque beaches, vibrant                       Internet access, contact the Emergency Information Center at   and engine sounds, but
      culture and year-round                             (561) 712-6400 or our office can mail one to you. The guide is   none in residential streets where the speed limits are 35
      sunshine, has long been the                        a comprehensive source for “everything-you-need-to-know”   miles per hour on Longshore and 25 on all internal streets
      beacon for those seeking to                        about being prepared in the event of a storm. It includes   where our children, elderly and pets are ever present.
      live in paradise. However,                         checklists for supplies, and questions to ask yourself about the   Can’t have it. Quit now!
      alongside the allure of its                        condition of your home, or if you are located in a mandatory     Here we are again. Still looking for a house cleaner. We
      tropical climate comes                             evacuation area. If so, the guide also includes transportation and   have put the word out on our block. Need basic regular
      the ever-looming threat of                         shelter information, what you should do to secure your home,   cleaner every other week.
      hurricanes. As  thousands                          and what to bring with you.                          I must be the unluckiest computer operator in the whole
      of new residents flock to the Sunshine State each year, it     Your plan should include a kit of essentials for sheltering   wide world. I had a tech install a new printer. He did, but
      becomes increasingly crucial to emphasize the significance   in place, that includes nonperishable food, health and first   it doesn’t work. Neither does the camera for Zooming.
      of hurricane preparedness and prevention measures. Beyond   aid supplies, paper goods, a full prescription of your required   Now I find that somehow, he crossed my wife’s Microsoft
      safeguarding property and infrastructure, the well-being and   medications, a waterproof container to store important   ID with mine. I have spent the last two hours getting this
      safety of Florida’s residents are at stake.        documents, cleaning supplies, tools, candles, flashlights,   far. I tell you this because you need to know why I may
        June  1  is  the  official  start  of  the Atlantic  hurricane   batteries. Likewise, remember to prepare a kit for your pets.   go to the looney bin.
      season, which runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, and researchers   Also, if you haven’t fired up your generator, test it now and     Otherwise, things are just dandy. That would be a
      at Colorado State University are predicting an extremely   make sure you have gas for it. Residents should keep their   stretch. We will see.
      active season with 23 named storms, including 11 that will   vehicles’ gas tanks at least half full during hurricane season     Things are generally good in The Shores. Homeowners
      become hurricanes and five reaching major hurricane strength                                          are whipping up their property the best we have seen for
      (Category 3 or higher.) While these may be sobering statistics,   Commissioner’s Update on page 2     a good while. Noncompliance with ACC guidelines have
                                                                                                            become important. That is evident to even the untrained eye.
      Northern Notes                                                                                        When I get a letter that something should be done, such as
                                                                                                            dirty driveways and roofs, I make it right and let our property
      Algae In The Waterways …                           part of the ecosystem. In these habitats, phytoplankton are the   managers know corrections are being made timely. I feel
                                                                                                            fairly sure the majority of our village are doing the same.
      How You Can Minimize Its                           base of the aquatic food chain. Small freshwater crustaceans     After 35 years, I still feel at home in Jupiter and The
                                                         and other small animals consume phytoplankton, which in
                                                                                                            Shores. Lots of friends and neighbors. We are good people
      Growth                                             turn is consumed by larger animals.                and treat each other as good people do. Not much homier
                                                                                                            than to have friends to count upon. The Shores folks are
      By Katie Roundtree,                                                                                   that way.
      Director of Finance and
      Administration, Northern                                                                              Bill’s Box on page 3
      Palm Beach County
      Improvement District
        Algae generally refers to
      a wide variety of different
      and dissimilar photosynthetic
      organisms, typically
      microscopic. Algae  can
      inhabit fresh or salt water
      and are classified into one
      of six divisions, usually known by color, such as green, red,
      brown and golden. The misnamed blue-green algae are often                                                                            June 16
      grouped with algae because of the chloroplasts contained
      within the cells. However, these organisms are actually
      photosynthetic bacteria assigned to the group cyanobacteria.
        Freshwater algae, also called phytoplankton, vary in shape
      and color and are found in many habitats, such as ponds,
      lakes, marshes and canals. They are a natural and essential   Northern Notes on page 3

                                                                                      REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY IMMEDIATELY

                                                                                          TO THE JUPITER POLICE DEPARTMENT
                                                                                                           (561) 799-4445

                                                                                                 Use 911 for emergencies only. Lock car doors.
                                                                                                       Do not leave valuables in the car.
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