Page 18 - Southern Exposure - June '24
P. 18

Page 18, Southern Exposure

                                                                   pEt mattErs

                                                     The Pet Cottage Post

      The Pet Cottage Needs A Forever                     Cookie has found her Forever Home with us and no   Guardianship and volunteer opportunities.
      Home                                              matter what, our Forever Promise means Cookie will have     Owning a sanctuary property would expand the number
        The future for  The Pet                         the love and homestyle care she deserves for life.  of pets like Cookie that we could serve and also provide
      Cottage, a sanctuary for pets                       Today, Cookie is with short-term Guardians, but is in   space for future pets in need.
      who lose their humans due to                      great need of dedicated Forever Guardians. She is active,   How Can You Help?
      death, disability or deployment,                  needs to be an only pet, loves attention and would thrive     Join us in our goal to own a sanctuary property. We
      is bright. Picture this:                          in a home with a yard and people with dog experience.   need collaborators, funders, fresh ideas and pet lovers who
        As you turn into our driveway,                    Becoming Cookie’s Forever Guardian means that you   support our mission. Become part of our pack, our future,
      Elvis, our 9-year old shepherd mix,               open your heart and home to her while The Pet Cottage   our promise.
      welcomes you from his                             covers the cost of all medical care and provides training,                          The Pet Cottage,
      post in the front dog park.                       support and a community of pet lovers to belong to. Please                           (561) 818-5025,
      Parking is already filling                        reach out if you would like to learn more about Forever              
      up and visitors are buzzing
      about, making their way
      to  our  multipurpose  barn                                                  True Treasures
      where we are hosting our
      volunteer kickoff training                                                           Consigned Furniture
      and barbeque.  Today 25
      volunteers of all ages will                                                               & Home Décor
      build our cat hotel, lay stone
      for our memorial garden
      and give TLC to the 30 pets                                              
      who call this their forever
      home.                    Elvis in the yard                Why pay retail when you can find a True Treasure?
        This is a very exciting
      time in our organization’s history – a time of expansion and
      possibilities. Twelve years in, we are seeking to purchase
      our own sanctuary property in Jupiter Farms. This will                                       Now Accepting
      allow us to provide more services for the community such                                      Consignments
      as volunteer opportunities for senior people, vet clinics,
      pet boarding, educational programming and special events.
      And most importantly, it will ensure that the Forever                                     Over $1,000,000
      Promises we make to our pets are kept for life!
                                                                                               paid to consignors
                                                                                                     in 2023.

                                                                                              10% OFF the ticketed
                                                                                                 (Expires 6/30/2024)

                                                                                              3 Convenient Locations
                                                                  111 N US 1,                  3918 Northlake Blvd,             14555 S Military Trail,
                                                          North Palm Beach, FL 33408      Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403         Delray Beach, FL 33484
                                                                 561-625-9569                     561-694-2812                      561-699-9797
      Members of The Pack – a   Brody contemplating a ride
      group beg                around the Sanctuary.        Store Hours Mon - Sat 10 - 6,  Sun 11 - 5  (Sun 12 - 5 at US 1 location only)

      A Pet Owner Faces  A
      Health Crisis – Cookie’s
        Cookie, a 10-year-old                               Are You Ready                                                     Hurricane?
      hound mix, came to us in
      September 2023 when her
      dad was diagnosed with                                  For The Next Storm?
      dementia and moved into a
      memory care facility with
      his wife. Through no fault                                                                                          No Air Conditioning?
      of her own, Cookie was                                                                                                No Refrigeration?
      homeless. The  owner’s   Cookie
      daughter contacted The Pet                                                                              FREE
      Cottage for help because she couldn’t imagine sending                                                                        10% OFF
      her parents’ beloved dog to a shelter knowing the outcome                                              7 Year Warranty
      likely wouldn’t be positive.                                                                           on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*
                                                                                                             Standby Generators*
                                                                                                               $ 350                     $ 1,000

                                                                                                                One-Time                OFF
                                                                                                              Maintenance*                Install*
                                                                                                                               *Must show coupons. Call for details.

                                                                                                                  2271 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.
                                                                                                                   West Palm Beach, FL 33409

                                                                                         Licensed Electrical Contractor #EC 13010145
                                                          *Terms and Conditions: Offer only valid on purchases until 06/03/24, and when the Generac home standby generator is purchased directly from Generator Supercenter of
                                                          the Palm Beaches. Refurbished products are excluded from this promotion. This promotion is valid for all air cooled home standby generators in stock. Call for availability.
                                                          Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this
                                                                           offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.
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