Page 17 - Southern Exposure - June '24
P. 17

Southern Exposure, Page 17

                                                           tampa GeNeraL News

                              Tampa General Hospital Honored As A

              Leading Industry Innovator By Modern Healthcare

        The academic health system was recognized for the creation   to deliver the most
      of the Tampa Medical and Research District and its commitment   advanced technology
      to fostering a culture of innovating to improve patient outcomes.  and innovative care,
        Tampa General Hospital (TGH) is one of 10 organizations   and creating a growing
      nationwide that has been recognized in Modern Healthcare’s   medical and research
      Innovators Class of 2024. This award program highlights leaders   district in downtown
      and organizations, selected by Modern Healthcare’s editorial   Tampa.  The  Tampa
      team, who are driving innovation that improves care, achieves   Medical and Research
      measurable results and advances the clinical and financial goals   District, modeled after renowned medical districts in the nation’s
      of the organization.                              greatest cities, houses world-class clinical care, academics,   predictive analytics to improve care coordination, quality of
        “At Tampa General, we’re dedicated to driving innovation by   research and biotechnology anchored by Tampa General and   care, patient safety and patient experience, as well as creating
      leveraging the latest technologies, forging dynamic partnerships   the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine.  early warning systems to accelerate clinical intervention for
      and implementing strategic initiatives that enhance patient     Covering more than 1,500 acres in and around downtown   serious infections such as sepsis. The health system has also
      outcomes, accessibility and affordability,” said John Couris,   Tampa and Ybor City, the district has evolved to include more   tapped into its partnership with Palantir to synthesize data from
      president and CEO of Tampa General. “These innovations and   than a dozen assets, including Tampa General’s Rehabilitation   nurse schedules, patient census, surgery schedules and more to
      technologies are being put into the hands of our team members   Hospital and the TGH | USF Health Precision Medicine   streamline day-to-day operations and improve patient outcomes.
      so that they can continue to elevate the care we provide, while   Biorepository. Soon, the district will include Tampa General’s     Beyond serving as an early adopter of game-changing
      also allowing them to work more efficiently and be happier in   proton therapy center, the first of its kind on Florida’s West   technologies, Tampa General also incentivizes and champions
      the workplace. I could not be more proud of this award as it   Coast, the new TGH Behavioral Health Hospital and the 13-story   innovation through its venture capital arm, TGH Ventures, which
      underscores the work we have done to drive innovation beyond   Surgical, Neuroscience & Transplant Pavilion, which will serve   elevates and implements breakthrough ideas from team members
      an industry buzzword or a stand-alone achievement, but rather   as a platform for the growth of the academic health system’s   through programs like IdeaMVP, while also supporting early-
      a mindset to be embraced that empowers us to define the future   surgical, neuroscience and transplant services.  stage startups and direct investments.
      of world-class care.”                               The district is already attracting renowned clinicians and     “Where a lot of organizations see another change to manage,
        Since expanding into Florida’s East Coast in 2020, Tampa   researchers, resulting in increased access to clinical expertise,   we view innovation as an opportunity to solve problems and
      General’s team of experts has provided state-of-the-art care   cutting-edge research, education and technology for patients   make health care better,” said Scott Arnold, executive vice
      for residents in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast.   and students. It is also fostering an environment with a   presiådent and chief digital and innovation officer at Tampa
      This includes comprehensive preventative care, advanced   robust infrastructure to support cross-sector collaboration and   General. “I’m proud of the work our team has done to earn this
      diagnostics, innovative treatments, and powerful access to   innovation. Through this ongoing initiative, Tampa General is   recognition and am eager to continue advancing strategies and
      cutting-edge research, academic medicine, and complex care   shaping the health care landscape in Florida and setting a new   partnerships that meaningfully improve outcomes and the care
      when patients need it most. Pati ents who receive complex   standard for what innovation can and should look like within   experience.”
      procedures or treatment at Tampa General Hospital are provided   an academic and research health system industrywide.    Modern Healthcare is a leading source of health care business
      follow-up care with physicians at TGH’s East Coast locations.    Additionally, Tampa General has collaborated closely   news. Tampa General and the full Innovators Class of 2024 are
        Most recently, Tampa General has demonstrated its culture of   with GE Healthcare to develop its CareComm Command   profiled in the April 8 print edition of the magazine and online.
      innovation through a historic $550 million capital commitment   Center, which harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and   Photos by Tampa General Hospital

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                                                                                PGA and

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