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VOL. 34 NO. 6                                    FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                            JUNE 2024

       PGA POA Communication Corner

      Submitted by Gail Coppage,                        end up paying PGA POA for your HOA/Condo assessments   you are a resident enjoying the summer together with us at
      PGA POA Communications                            or pay the HOA/Condo assessments for the PGA POA annual   PGA National, please be prepared to quickly access weather
      Committee                                         assessment. Thank you to the Board members for keeping   updates on a regular and daily basis (TV, mobile phone,
         Happy Beautiful June                           costs reasonable but also understanding the importance of   weather apps like The Weather Channel, etc.). Storms can
      in South Florida! Here’s                          ongoing maintenance to keep our surroundings beautiful and   happen very quickly during the summer months and the
      hoping  you  can  enjoy  the                      well-kept throughout all of PGA National.          better prepared you are when outside or traveling in the area
      sunshine, outdoor activities                      Hurricane Preparation                              the safer you will be. Palm Beach Gardens has previously
      and local events that Palm                           June is the beginning of hurricane season. Hurricane   experienced tornado warnings including a tornado touch-
      Beach Gardens, and the                            season is June to November. If you are a longer-term resident,   down. It is very important to identify a safe space in your
      surrounding areas offer to                        you recognize that June is a time for hurricane preparation.   home in case of an urgent hurricane or tornado warning. It
      residents, visitors, families                     If you are a relatively new resident, it is important to be   is lovely to enjoy the skies here and cloud formations but
      and guests!                                       knowledgeable about hurricane preparation and ongoing   keep aware of changes in the atmosphere.
      Assessment                                        weather forecasts.                                    During summer afternoons in hurricane season, you
         The PGA POA, at its March 24th Board of Governor’s      Please review the guidelines found online at https://  can watch storms forming in the western part of the sky,
      Meeting approved the final budget and set the Annual POA Are you a resident leaving your PGA   seeing the often heavy and strong afternoon thunderstorms
      Assessment. The new 2024 Assessment is $915.00 per   National home for the summer? Please know that it is still   rolling in to greet us. Although most afternoon storms
      residential lot. The 2024 PGA POA Assessment notices will   important that you pay attention to your residence during   are brief, the storms can be loud and scary for all of us,
      be mailed May 31st. The POA assessment is due July 1st.   the summer months. Please make sure you have a local   especially our animals. Dogs feel the changes in the air
      Please check to make sure that the POA office has your correct   contact who can provide ongoing status checks for your   and often we find them shaking in a nearby room, away
      email and phone number on the web   property. Please remove any outside items (plants in pots,   from the windows and doors. Please keep doors closed
      portal. If not, please make the correction on the portal or email   patio umbrellas, etc.) that could potentially become a missile   and secured so that your dogs and other animals don’t try
      or call the POA office at (561) 627-2800 with any changes.   in a bad storm. Reading and understanding the guidelines   to run away. South Florida is indeed a beautiful spot, and
      If you live in a Lang-managed community and you use the   for protecting your home and keeping your home safe and   we must be respectful of all its weather, especially during
      web portal for your HOA/Condo payments, please be very   secure will help you (hopefully) to have worry-free days   hurricane season.
      careful about selecting the correct payee so that you don’t   and nights while away from your PGA National home. If      Enjoy a safe, healthy and happy June at PGA National!
      Commissioner’s Update

      Preparing For Hurricane                           at Colorado State University are predicting an extremely   Hurricane-Guide.pdf. For any additional information, or

      Season 2024 With                                  active season with 23 named storms, including 11 that   if you do not have Internet access, contact the Emergency
                                                                                                           Information Center at (561) 712-6400 or our office can
                                                        will become hurricanes and five reaching major hurricane
      Hundreds Of Thousands                             strength  (Category  3  or  higher.) While  these  may  be   mail one to you. The guide is a comprehensive source for
                                                        sobering  statistics,  particularly  for  new  residents  who
                                                                                                           “everything-you-need-to-know” about being prepared in
      Of New Residents                                  are largely unfamiliar with hurricanes, there are many   the event of a storm. It includes checklists for supplies, and
                                                        resources available through Palm Beach County’s Division   questions to ask yourself about the condition of your home,
      By Vice Mayor                                     of Emergency Management. Before the season begins, it’s   or if you are located in a mandatory evacuation area. If so,
      Maria G. Marino                                   important to take care of things that require a bit more time,   the guide also includes transportation and shelter information,
         Florida, with its                              which will have you prepared and ready to respond when   what you should do to secure your home, and what to bring
      picturesque beaches, vibrant                      the warnings come.                                 with you.
      culture  and  year-round                             Start building your hurricane kit with the Official Palm      Your plan should include a kit of essentials for sheltering
      sunshine, has long been the                       Beach County Hurricane Planning Guide, which you can   in place, that includes nonperishable food, health and first
      beacon for those seeking to                       find at  aid supplies, paper goods, a full prescription of your required
      live in paradise. However,                                                                           medications, a waterproof container to store important
      alongside the allure of its                                                                          documents, cleaning supplies, tools, candles, flashlights,
      tropical climate comes                                                                               batteries. Likewise, remember to prepare a kit for your pets.
      the ever-looming threat of                                                                           Also, if you haven’t fired up your generator, test it now and
      hurricanes. As  thousands                                                                            make sure you have gas for it. Residents should keep their
      of new residents flock to the Sunshine State each year, it                                           vehicles’ gas tanks at least half full during hurricane season to
      becomes increasingly crucial to emphasize the significance                                           ensure they have enough fuel to evacuate as soon as possible
      of hurricane preparedness and prevention measures. Beyond                                            without worrying about long lines at gas stations and to avoid
      safeguarding property and infrastructure, the well-being and                                         gas shortages prior to a storm. For Floridians with electric
      safety of Florida’s residents are at stake.                                                          vehicles, it’s recommended that the battery be maintained
         June 1 is the official start of the Atlantic hurricane
      season, which runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, and researchers                                           Commissioner’s Update on page 7

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