Page 7 - The Islander - May '24
P. 7

The Islander, Page 7

      Fundraising from page 6
       Palm Beach Dramaworks’ 2024 Gala: ‘The Roaring Twenties’

                                          14th Annual Shelly Award Given To Nancy Beard

        The 1920s came roaring
      back to life for one night only
      at the Kravis Center’s Cohen
      Pavilion, when Palm Beach
      Dramaworks (PBD) held its
      annual gala on March 18.
      The theme of the company’s
      biggest fundraising event of
      the season was – what else
      – The Roaring Twenties, a
      nod to PBD’s upcoming 25th
      anniversary season. Marsha
      and Stephen Rabb were the
      gala chairs.             Penny  Bank  and  Carlton
        Upon entering the lobby,  Moody
      guests were greeted by
      displays of mannequins decked out in 1920s attire,   Ted Poritz, Honorable Ann Brown and   Jon  Maurer,  Gil  Maurer,  Gretchen
      courtesy of PBD Costume Shop Manager/Resident Costume   Roger Galvin                Maurer                           Lois Steinberg and Ibby Lucas
      Designer Brian O’Keefe. Guests looked equally nifty: Many
      women revealed their inner flapper, wearing dresses full of     Each table in the elegantly decorated ballroom sported   the student programs that have literally changed lives,
      fringe and sporting long strands of pearls and other period   lace gold placemats that captured the essence of an Art Deco   with  a  special  emphasis  on  the  One  Humanity Tour.
      accoutrements, including feathers in their hair, feathered   starburst. The 1920s theme extended to the centerpieces,   The tour travels to Palm Beach County middle schools,
      boas, fans and endless cigarette holders. Men were the cat’s   which were different from table to table but all period, such as   bringing commissioned plays about complex subjects
      pajamas in pinstriped suits, double-breasted jackets, fedoras   a vintage typewriter, radio, or telephone. There was a special   that use storytelling to develop informed, thoughtful and
      and Panama hats.                                   performance by the great dancers of Glitter Productions and   compassionate citizens. Board Treasurer Mark Perlberg
                                                         revelers were entertained by and danced to the music of the   shined a light on the Perlberg Festival of New Plays and
                                                         beloved Jill and Rich Switzer Band, who performed songs   the key role it can play in helping to develop the future of
                                                         from the ’20s through today in their inimitable jazz style.   theatre. And former Board Chair Louise Snyder had the
                                                         You might say they were the bee’s knees.          honor of presenting Nancy Beard with the 2024 Shelly
                                                           The Honorable Ann Brown, Board vice chair, began the   Award, which is given to an outstanding individual for his
                                                         opening remarks by expressing her passion for PBD and   or her exceptional commitment to support of and advocacy
                                                         discussing why the company is essential to the fabric of the   on behalf of PBD. The award is named in honor of the late
                                                         community. Other speakers were Producing Artistic Director   Shelly Gross, theatre impresario and Broadway producer,
                                                         William Hayes and Managing Director Sue Ellen Beryl,   who had a profound effect on the company.
                                                         Chairman of the Board Carlton Moody and Gala Chairs     Generous supporters of the evening included Dinner
                                                         Marsha and Stephen Rabb.                          Sponsors Nancy and Gene Beard, Nancy Goodes/Goodes
                                                           Following dinner, the focus was on some of PBD’s most   Family Foundation, Toni and Martin Sosnoff; Decorations
                                                         vital programs. Director of Education and Community
      Sue Ellen Beryl, Louise Snyder, Nancy Beard, Bill Hayes  Engagement Gary Cadwallader talked about a few of   Fundraising on page 10

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