Page 5 - The Islander - May '24
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The Islander, Page 5

                                  thEatrE happEnings                                                        Fundraising EvEnt from page 1

                                                                                                            to $8.3 million since the foundation was formed in 2011.
                                                                                                            The need is so very great in Palm Beach County, therefore
                                                                                                            our work will continue.”
                                Rex Recommends                                                                In addition to monetary donations, through the
                                                                                                            BallenIsles Community Service Committee, BallenIsles’
                                                                                                            residents volunteer at local organizations – from feeding
                                                  By Rex Hearn                                              the hungry, building homes with Habitat for Humanity
                                                                                                            and donating household goods and medical supplies, to
        Palm Beach Opera’s                              does not need such massive forces, 36 players would   wrapping presents for children during the holiday season.
      Norma which I heard on                            be sufficient. Director Keturah Stickann moved people     For more information on The BallenIsles Charities
      April 7, had great voices                         around expertly, I counted at least 50 supernumeraries   Foundation, visit www.BallenIslesCharitiesFoundation.
      singing Bellini’s music.                          on stage. Their comings and goings were seamless drills   org. For more information on BallenIsles Country Club,
      Soprano Angela  Meade,                            worthy of a guards regiment.                        visit
      perhaps the leading, living                         Chorus Master Gregory Ritchey trained his members
      interpreter of this most                          so well they delivered some brilliant work. Intelligent in
      demanding 19th century                            their approach, often key and central to the action around
      Bel Canto role was in                             them. Bravo chorus.
      fine form. Moving from                              Ashley Dixon’s “Adalgisa” was superb, her soaring
      softer passages to dramatic                       soprano equal to that of Meade’s “Norma.” Dixon is
      crescendos with absolute                          surely one to watch, the next Renee Fleming, one would
      command, she kept the audience spellbound as “Norma.”   guess.  Tenor  Paolo  Fanale,  making  his  debut,  was  a
      A last-minute substitute for the ailing Jessica Pratt,   fine “Pollione.” Nicolas  Teste, bass baritone, was a
      Meade did not disappoint as the High Priestess. Bellini   brilliant  “Oroveso”  in  a  commanding  and  memorable
      became the premier exponent of Bel Canto, singing on the   performance. He kept the action lively and sang with
      breath using the diaphragm to its maximum. Along with   ringing steely tones; we will hear more of him, I hope.
      contemporaries Verdi, Donizetti and Rossini they were   Maria Vasilevskaya’s  “Clothilde”  was very  good  and
      the leading composers of 19th century Romantic Italian   Devin Eatmon’s “Flavio” was perfection. Alas the English
      operas. Writing just seven operas, Bellini died young   supertitles were dated and needed revision. Hair and wig
      at 34. But his close friendship with Rossini saw to it he   design by Anika Seitu needed no improvement.
      would be remembered. He died in Paris in 1835, miles     Ali Pohanka’s makeup designs were also good. John
      away from his beloved home, Catania in Sicily. Three of   Conklin’s set designs were desultory. Lighting design by
      his operas remain in the repertory today: La Sonambula,   Mary Shabatura was adequate. A full house treated the
      I Puritani and Norma.                             artists to a standing ovation at the end. The 2025 season
        Conductor Carlo Montenaro kept the 85-member pit   includes Romeo & Juliet, La Traviata and The Marriage
      orchestra nicely nuanced and light. A work of this nature   of Figaro. Support the arts!

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