Page 10 - The Islander - May '24
P. 10
Page 10, The Islander
Pet Matters
Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League Shares The Importance
Of TNVR And How To Help This ‘Kitten Season’
Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League takes care of in and restarting the cycle of overpopulation. As a result, it our smallest orphaned
hundreds of animals at any given time, and now that it helps reduce the number of kittens and cats flowing into local residents every few
is “kitten season,” the leading animal organization in shelters, which in turn lowers euthanasia rates and increases hours during their
Palm Beach County is sharing the importance of TNVR the adoption of cats already in animal shelters.” critical first few weeks
(Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return) as an effective solution Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League offers residents of life. Peggy Adams
to help control the population of outdoor cats. of Palm Beach County free trap loans with a refundable will provide volunteers
During the spring and summer months, female outdoor deposit during our hours of operation for TNVR. Peggy with comprehensive
cats experience their breeding cycle, resulting in litters Adams loaned out over 1,800 humane traps in 2023 and training, essential
of kittens. This phase is known as “kitten season,” and has a goal of 2,000 in 2024. supplies and ongoing
it lasts for more than half of the year. Female cats that Note: Palm Beach County Ordinance 98-22 forbids support, and in return,
roam freely outdoors can sometimes give birth to multiple trapping cats for any other reason than for TNVR or vet you shower them with love! If you or someone you know
litters in one season, which can put a significant strain on care. To learn more, visit would like to help care for a neonatal foster or learn more,
the time, money, and resources required for around-the- Peggy Adams also reminds the community that if visit
clock care. To address this issue, there’s a program called you find a litter of kittens, your first reaction might be About Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League
TNVR, which stands for Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate and to bring them to your local animal shelter. But chances Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League is an independent
Return. In this program, community cats are humanely are their mother is close by – and you may actually be nonprofit organization operating continuously since
trapped, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and “kit-napping” them. Once newborns are separated from 1925. Peggy Adams provides critical services to more
then released back to their outdoor homes. their mother, their chances of survival drop dramatically. than 35,000 animals each year and collaborates with
“TNVR is an extremely effective method,” explained Check out resources at local area organizations to expand the lifesaving work
Alyssa Dazza, admissions and TNVR manager, “It works by resources before determining how to intervene when in Palm Beach County.
immediately stabilizing the cat colony’s size by eliminating finding kittens. Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League has a 4-star
new litters. This reduces nuisance behaviors such as yowling, Currently, Peggy Adams has neonatal kittens who rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest
fighting and marking territories with urine. Returning the cat require foster care. As a neonatal kitten foster, you would independent charity navigator. For more information and
to its original location prevents new intact cats from moving take on the responsibility of bottle-feeding some of to donate, please visit
Fundraising from page 7 Susan and Larry Goldfein, JP Morgan Securities, Judy “We are so grateful to everyone who helped make our
and Lew Kramer, Diane and Mark Perlberg; Cocktail biggest fundraising event of the season a huge success,”
Sponsor Hon. Ann Brown; Entertainment Sponsors Esther Reception Sponsors Stephen Brown and Jamie Stern, Lisa said Beryl. “Proceeds from the evening support PBD’s
and Sid Dinerstein, Sally Nathanson, Louise and Barry Koza – Northern Trust; Gift Bag Sponsors Roe Green, annual fund, and education and community engagement
Snyder; Table Sponsors Penny Bank, Tina and Jeff Bolton, Pamela McIver; Photography Sponsors Beth Alcalde – programs; in other words, they play such a crucial role
Akerman LLP, Suzanne Holmes, Priscilla Leslie, Sid in sustaining the company. Thanks so much to our chairs,
Lesowitz and Peter Rogers, Dan Sampson – Milestone sponsors and committee for all the meticulous work that
Mortgage Corporation, Judy Lewent and Mark Shapiro, produced such a terrific evening; it’s something we’ve
Bernard Perry; Creative Sponsors Jackie D’Onofrio – come to expect, but never take for granted. I also want
Metamorphic Media Design, Preferred Printing. to thank Glitter Productions and our old friends Jill
The Gala Committee was made up of Beth Alcalde, and Rich Switzer for the wonderful entertainment. To
Penny Bank, Sue Ellen Beryl, Tina Bolton, Hon. Ann borrow a phrase from the Roaring Twenties, you were
Brown, Stephen Brown, Esther Dinerstein, Hermine the cat’s meow. Last, but never least, I want to extend
Drezner, Susan Ellerin, Edith Hall Friedheim, Jim Fuld, congratulations to Nancy Beard on receiving the Shelly
Susan Goldfein, William Hayes, Lisa Koza, Carlton Award. Nancy has been a devoted, tireless supporter of
Moody, Cynthia Nalley, Mark Perlberg, Bernard Perry, PBD for years and we’re thrilled to recognize her great
Ed Ricci, Jennifer Sardone-Shiner, Louise Snyder and work on behalf of the company.”
Rudina Toro.
As they would have said back in the day, a swell time
was had by all.
Mark and Diane Perlberg Jason Powell and Rudina Toro
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