Page 22 - Southern Exposure - May '24
P. 22

Page 22, Southern Exposure                                          BW

                                                            in your Community

                                   The Lord’s Place Receives $25,000

       For Women’s Services From Admirals Cove Foundation

        The Lord’s Place recently received a $25,000 grant from the   personal safety. Whether it is through exploitation,
      Admirals Cove Foundation to support the agency’s Women’s   violence, sexual coercion, or pressure to engage in
      Supportive Housing Initiative in Northern Palm Beach County.   substance use and harmful behaviors, women are at
        The number of women experiencing homelessness in Palm   a much greater risk of victimization while living on
      Beach County has increased by more than 30 percent in the last   the streets than their male counterparts. According
      year, according to the 2023 Point in Time Count. There are now   to the National Alliance to End Homelessness,
      270 women in our community without a safe place to sleep at   80 percent report that trauma or abuse led to their
      night. Research shows that women experiencing homelessness   homelessness. Supportive housing is a critical tool  Rendering of Burckle Place III, a new 21-bed women’s housing facility
      face unique challenges, including a sharp decrease in their   to end homelessness.        opening soon
                                                          The Lord’s Place Women’s Supportive Housing
                                                        initiative provides gender-responsive supportive housing and     Admiral Cove Foundation’s $25,000 investment in women’s
                                                        comprehensive wraparound services to homeless women, serving   services allows The Lord’s Place to continue to serve women as
                                                        both those who are single and those with children. The agency   it opens a newly constructed 21-bed women’s housing facility
                                                        currently offers 22 beds for single women and 37 apartments for   that prioritizes women ages 55 and over.
                                                        families with children. Services include helping clients heal from     “Thanks to the support of private funders like the Admirals
                                                        their past trauma and obtain new skills and resources to prepare   Cove Foundation, we will increase our impact in Northern Palm
                                                        for a brighter future, case management, peer support, benefits   Beach County by recruiting a greater number of homeless women
                                                        navigation, basic needs assistance (food, clothing, hygiene items),   in these communities to reside in our housing programs. We plan
                                                        individual and group counseling, job training and placement,   to strengthen our collaboration with the Palm Beach County
      The Lord’s Place women’s services                 ABE/GED tutoring and health care and coordination.   Homeless Outreach Team – the designated street outreach provider
                                                          In addition, clients are introduced to new activities and   for the north county and Town of Jupiter. We are so grateful for the
                                                        interests to enrich their lives and promote their holistic health   foundation’s continued assistance in helping those who are poor
              all aBout Kids                            and well-being. These activities include on-site yoga sessions,   and homeless,” stated Diana Stanley, CEO of The Lord’s Place.
                                                        meditation, art lessons and self-defense workshops. The
                                                                                                             Admirals Cove Foundation exists to improve lives in the
                                                        program’s philosophy is centered on the principle that the best   northern Palm Beach County community and to strengthen
                                                        environment to foster growth and empowerment is one rooted   Admirals Cove through its culture of giving. The foundation
                                                                                                           supports nonprofit organizations, public and charter school
                                                        in community and fellowship.
         How To Identify                                  As clients demonstrate their readiness to regain their self-  programs and initiatives that promote and improve access to
                                                                                                           education for people of all ages; are committed to improving the
                                                        sufficiency, The Lord’s Place staff helps them transition to
         Hidden Dyslexia                                community-based housing. More than 80 percent of women   physical or mental wellness of children and adults; improve the
                                                                                                           lives of individuals, families, children who are in need of food,
                                                        who graduate from the program maintain their self-sufficiency
                                                        on a long-term basis. Once clients leave The Lord’s Place
                                                                                                           shelter and assistance.
                                                        housing, the staff continues to maintain regular contact with
                     By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.               them to ensure a successful transition.            In Your Community on page 23

         Stealth dyslexia is a
       lesser known form of
       dyslexia that is hidden
       dyslexia. Individuals with
       stealth dyslexia are highly
       intelligent and compensate
       for their dyslexia. They learn
       to rely upon their outstanding
       visual memory, intuition                         An outreach team member of The Lord’s
       and ability to use the book’s                    Place with a woman experiencing  Staff member of The Lord’s Place with   Culinary apprentices in The Lord’s Place
       context to bypass their                          homelessness                      a client at the family campus    Joshua Catering
       reading weaknesses. Stealth
       dyslexia often goes undetected until fourth grade or later.
         Your child may have stealth dyslexia if he or she is very
       smart and can read but does not enjoy reading. Many of these
       children don’t read for pleasure. Below are warning signs of
       stealth dyslexia and be concerned if you identify three or more
       when considering your child.
         • Underachievement relative to intelligence
         • Inattention or apparent carelessness
         • Strong oral expression but weaker written expression
         • Weak at sounding out unfamiliar words
         • Slower oral reading but stronger silent reading
         • Difficulty with spelling in everyday writing (not on tests)
         • Messy penmanship
         • Excessive worry
         • Does not enjoy reading
         Some people might dismiss your concerns and instead
       say your child is careless, not trying hard enough, or is an
       underachiever. School staff may say that your child is too smart
       to have a reading disability. The school staff may also tell you
       your child is not failing enough to have a learning disability.
       Some children are considered 2e or twice exceptional having
       giftedness and a learning disability. You need an evaluation to
       understand if it’s actually stealth dyslexia or something else so
       that your child is not punished for something they can’t help.
         The above warning signs of stealth dyslexia are often in
       stark contrast to the gifts where these children excel. Children
       with stealth dyslexia are often great LEGO builders or Roblox
       and Minecraft designers because they have great visual-spatial
       abilities and strong 3-D mental rotation. These children see the
       big picture. They have language strengths with communication
       and an extensive vocabulary. Children with stealth dyslexia are
       often interesting to talk to and can carry on a good conversation
       because of their strong critical thinking and general knowledge.
         Call (561) 625-4125 to discuss your child or visit
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