Page 25 - Southern Exposure - May '24
P. 25

Southern Exposure, Page 25

                                                               mEdiCal mattErs

                          Jupiter Medical Center Luncheon Features

                                                   World-Class Physicians

        The Intimate Reception Included A Roundtable With The Hospital’s Leadership And Leading Doctors

        On Wednesday, March 27, Jupiter Medical Center, along   health system, we are truly grateful for your generous and kind
      with luncheon hosts Lee Ann and Jeffrey H. Alderton,   support that allows us to further our impact.”
      welcomed an intimate crowd to Club Colette in Palm Beach to     Rastogi then began the panel by acknowledging how much
      hear more about the hospital’s world-class health care offerings.   Jupiter Medical Center had grown since its inception 45 years
      The afternoon reception featured a gourmet lunch and a lively   ago. At that time, it was a 34-bed facility treating only 1,800
      panel discussion. Amit Rastogi, M.D., MHCM, president   patients a year. Today, the hospital cares for nearly 400,000
      and CEO of the independent, not-for-profit health system   patients annually.
      moderated the conversation between three of the hospital’s     “Our growth is a by-product of demand for quality
      esteemed physicians: John A. P. Rimmer, M.D., FACS, FRCS,   healthcare,” said Rastogi. “When we look closer at the
      FRCSed, FICS, medical director of the Comprehensive Breast   last five years, our growth is more than double that of our
      Care Program; David S. Weisman, M.D., FHRS, medical   community. This exponential increase can be directly attributed
      director of Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology; and Jessica   to our focus on quality, safety and patient experience. Jupiter   Dr.  Amit  Rastogi, Jeffrey  Beverly Yeager, Dr. David
      S. Schwartz, D.O., primary care physician with a specialized   Medical Center is the highest-rated hospital in our region for   Alderton  Weisman
      focus on obesity medicine.                        these metrics, and we are proud to be the health care system
        Traci Simonsen, chief philanthropy officer of the Jupiter   of choice, ensuring our community has the care it needs right
      Medical Center Foundation, opened the program by thanking   where it needs it most – close to home.”
      the attendees for their ongoing support.            Rastogi then detailed the hospital’s recent accolades,
        “Thank you for your trust in Jupiter Medical Center,” said   including being recognized on Newsweek’s “World’s Best
      Simonsen. “As the area’s only independent, not-for-profit   Hospitals 2024” list. He also shared that Forbes recently ranked

                                                                                                           Jim Diack, Laura Evans  Jennifer Errico, Kim Richter
       How much will you                                                                                   Jupiter Medical Center as the

       need to retire?                                                                                     No. 5 employer overall and
                                                                                                           No. 1 hospital in the nation
                                                                                                           in the midsize category on its
                                                                                                           “America’s Best Employers
       Call to schedule a                                                                                  2024” list.
       one-on-one.                                                                                           He also updated the
                                                                                                           crowd on the hospital’s latest
                                                                                                           expansion news, noting that
                                                                                                           Jupiter Medical Center will
                   Sally S Stahl, AAMS™                                                                    open a new 92-bed patient
                   Financial Advisor                                                                       care tower and five-deck  Toni O’Brien, Suzanne
                                                                                                           parking garage next year on  Cameron
                   1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
                   Jupiter, FL 33458                                                                       its main campus. The hospital
                   561-748-7600                                                                            will also open a neighborhood
                                                                      hospital at Avenir in 2025,
                                                                                                           providing immediate care
                                                                                                           access for more than 40,000
                                                                                                           western Palm Beach County
          Are You Ready                                                     Hurricane?                     residents. The state-of-the-
                                                                                                           art facility will offer 24-hour
                                                                                                           emergency services, inpatient
            For The Next Storm?                                                                            beds, operating rooms,
                                                                                                           diagnostic laboratory and
                                                                                                           imaging services.
                                                                                                             During the medical
                                                                        No Air Conditioning?               discussion portion of the  Julia and Dr. Earl Campazzi
                                                                         No Refrigeration?                 program, Doctors Rimmer,
                                                                                                           Weisman and Schwartz
                                                            FREE                 10% OFF                   highlighted the latest medical
                                                                                                           advances in their respective
                                                           7 Year Warranty                                 fields, including how far
                                                           on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*      medications and procedures
                                                           Standby Generators*                             have come in recent years.
                                                             $ 350                     $ 1,000             Across all specialties, the
                                                                                                           physicians enthusiastically
                                                             One-Time                 OFF                  detailed how procedures
                                                           Maintenance*                 Install*           continue to advance with
                                                                            *Must show coupons. Call for details.  targeted and minimally
                                                                                                           invasive options that often  Richard Johnson, John Archer
                                                               561.774.7714                                provide better outcomes. For

                                                               2271 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.                 example, Rimmer discussed targeted breast cancer therapy,
                                                                                                           while Weisman noted that many cardiac procedures can
                                                                West Palm Beach, FL 33409                  achieve great success without requiring open-heart surgery.
                                                                                                           The physicians discussed Jupiter Medical Center’s approach to
                                                                                                           care, noting it focuses on multidisciplinary teams of specialists
                                                                                                           and access to the latest technology.
                                                                                                             For more information about Jupiter Medical Center, visit
                                               , call (561) 263-2234, or follow Jupiter Medical
                                       Licensed Electrical Contractor #EC 13010145                         Center on Facebook and Instagram @jupitermedicalcenter
                                                                                                           or on Twitter @JupiterMedCtr. For more information about
        *Terms and Conditions: Offer only valid on purchases until 06/03/24, and when the Generac home standby generator is purchased directly from Generator Supercenter of
        the Palm Beaches. Refurbished products are excluded from this promotion. This promotion is valid for all air cooled home standby generators in stock. Call for availability.   Jupiter Medical Center Foundation, visit
        Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this   or call (561) 263-5728.
                         offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.
                                                                                                                                Photos by Capehart Photography
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