Page 5 - Palm City Spotlight - May '24
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Palm City Spotlight, Page 5

                                                         good WorkS

      #25by2025 Campaign To                               Since 2020, the

      Recruit Foster Homes Kicks                        community has
                                                        experienced a 58 percent
      Off With A Story Stroll                           decrease  in  homes  in
                                                        Okeechobee  and  the
        Communities Connected for Kids (CCKids) launched a   Treasure  Coast,  said
      communitywide foster-home recruitment campaign Saturday   Christina Kaiser, CCKids
      at its Third Annual 1K for Kids and Story Stroll.   community relations
        Called #25by2025, the campaign’s goal is to recruit and   director.
      license a minimum of 25 foster homes by Jan. 1, 2025 –     “We  have  many
      homes that will help reverse a downward trend in the number   wonderful  homes  and
      of foster homes being licensed since the COVID pandemic.   nurturing caregivers, but
                                                        it’s not enough to keep
                                                        up with the number of
                                                        children  coming  into
                                                        care or the number of
                                                        homes  closing,”  said                               A more robust network of foster homes also makes it
                                                        Kaiser, adding that many                           possible to keep siblings together and to keep children closer
                                                        caregivers close their                             to their homes and schools while in foster care.
                                                        homes  after  adopting                               The #25by2025 campaign offers the community many
                                                        or  for  related  family                           opportunities to get involved in advocating for and recruiting
                                                        reasons.                                           homes, Kaiser said.
                                                          “We  have  too  many                               “We created a list of 25 ways to help – from sharing
                                                        children  and  teens  in                           campaign information on social media to selecting foster-care
                                                        group care or placed in                            themes for book clubs,” she said. “Some of it might seem
                                                        other parts of the state,”                         small, but one small act can make a huge difference – one
                                                        she  said.  “Twenty-five                           connection can change the life of a child.”
                                                        new homes will be                                    That was the message Saturday morning at Port St. Lucie’s
                                                        enough to start bringing                           Hillmoor Lake Park, where CCKids launched the campaign
                                                        them home.”                                        as part of its 1K for Kids and Story Stroll.
                                                                                                             Nearly 200 people registered for the event, which included
                                                                                                           a 1K interactive trail where walkers could use QR codes to
        Spotlight from page 4                                                                              learn more about the foster-care community.
                                                                                                             Also at the event were several foster-parent licensing
          As  we  bid  farewell                                                                            agencies and a series of celebration stations where participants
        to  Schineis  and  warmly                                                                          could join the #ManicureMovement to raise awareness for
        welcome Lovett into his                                                                            the prevention of child abuse or record a three-second video
        new role, United Way of                                                                            to celebrate families being reunified this summer.
        Martin County is not only                                                                            Walkers also had the opportunity to join the Starfish
        transitioning  leadership                                                                          Society, a special tier of giving for those who elevate their
        but also transforming its                                                                          commitment to the #25by2025 campaign.
        workspace to better serve                                                                            For a complete list of ways to help, or to join the
        our community. The recent   Theresa Schineis’ retirement                                           campaign’s Starfish Society, visit our campaign site at cckids.
        renovations symbolize our   cake                                                                   net and then click the #25by2025 banner.
        commitment to efficiency                        Community leaders and partners enjoying United Way of
        and sustainability, ensuring that every resource is directed   Martin County’s Open House
        towards our mission of improving lives and strengthening
        our community. We invite all members of the community   United Way continues to create long-term social change
        to join us in this exciting journey towards a brighter future   and provide support to Martin County residents by
        for Martin County.                               investing in programs that strive to enhance healthy living,
        About United Way Of Martin County                improve education and support financial stability. For
          United Way of Martin County’s mission is to improve   more information about United Way of Martin County or
        lives by mobilizing the caring power of our community.   its foundation, please visit

                                                                                                            Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                                                                            the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

                                                                                                             Seabreeze Publications

                                                                                                                               M. Sean Reid
                                                                                                                                J. Reid

                                                                                                                   Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                                                                                                                    Production Manager   Lee Nostrant
                                                                                                                          Production Department
                                                                                                                Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
                                                                                                                 Dianne Strout • Karen Kalisz • Michelle Feeney

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                                                                                                                 1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
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