Page 3 - Palm City Spotlight - May '24
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Palm City Spotlight, Page 3

      Former Hibiscus Children’s Center Resident from page 1

      aimed at making me and the other children feel cared for
      and significant.”
        Today, he is an advocate for facilities like Hibiscus because
      of how they made him and his siblings feel. He has a family
      of his own and is a successful businessperson in Chicago. He
      used his challenges and difficulties to build a solid foundation
      in life. He has owned and operated several catering and food
      related businesses and currently owns a bagel shop with plans
      to expand in the future.
        Miller acknowledges the role of his past struggles in
      shaping his resilience and determination to succeed but
      attributes some of his success to the support and care he   Joy Funston, Rita Nelson, Kathy Garlington and Dave Miller
      received at Hibiscus. He is grateful for the impact Hibiscus                                         Diana Baker, Annabel Nicol, Senator Gayle Harrell and
      had on his life and for the services Hibiscus continues to   adversity and built a successful future and loving home for   Jodi Oliviera
      provide children who need a safe haven.           his children. Hibiscus helps kids imagine what a better life
        CEO Matt Markley said, “Hibiscus was privileged to have   can be. Miller is the perfect example of this.”    Hibiscus had a lovely reception at Sailfish Point Country
      Dave share his inspiring story. His words underscore the     Please visit us at for more   Club and our guest speaker was a former child who lived at
      vital work being done by Hibiscus as well as the impact on   information about Hibiscus programs and how you can get   the Hibiscus Shelter many years ago.
      children. Through his perseverance, he overcame tremendous   involved to help children.                                      Photos by MaryAnn Ketcham

      The Community Foundation from page 1

      profit organization that
      leads partnerships with
      donors, nonprofits and
      community members
      to solve the region’s
      chronic and emerging
          Photos by Tracey
       Benson Photography

                          Elaine Meier and Nancy Marshall

                                                        Maria Mamlouk and Michaela Kennedy  Sheriann Namer and Nicholas Leone  Bradley Hurlburt and Anson Beard Jr.

      Debra Marcelle-Coney, Mary Katherine (MK) Morales and
      Delores Simon                                     Devin Krauss and Eileen Berman    Kelly Garvis and Nancy Marshall  Don Chester, Dr. Ivy Faske and Iggy


                                                “Our TEAM is committed to
                                                excellence in personalized
                      YOUR                      dental care, providing quality
               SMILE                            treatment that our patients

                                                deserve. We offer comprehensive
                     IS OUR                     services including routine    Dr. Shannon Plymale-Galinis,
                                                cleanings, teeth whitening, Smile
                                                                               and Dr. Thomas A. Galinis
            PASSION                             Makeovers, complex implant                                 Joannie Danielides, Meredith Trim and Danita R. DeHaney
                                                procedures and “Teeth in a Day.”

                                                ALSO OFFERING:
                                                Invisalign®, Secret Pro™ by
                                                CUTERA® (RF Microneedling
                                                with fractional Co2),
                                                Botox, Fillers,
                                                Kybella & Threads.


          We continue to welcome new patients and invite you to visit our website
          for special offers. Complimentary consultations available upon request.                          Eileen Berman, Devin Krauss, Dodlee Mosilme and Danita
                                                                                                           R. DeHaney

        Aesthetic Dentistry Seabreeze Ad MAR24.indd   1                                      1/14/24   9:21 PM
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