Page 4 - Palm City Spotlight - May '24
P. 4

Page 4, Palm City Spotlight


                       Character Counts! Update

                                     February 2024                                                              March  2024
                                     Responsibility                                                            School Implementation
                                     The Character Counts! pillar of responsibility is instilled in            The Martin County School District implemented Character
                                     schools and Clubs through various methods emphasizing                     Counts! by providing all elementary schools with three
                                     accountability and integrity. In schools, responsibility is               "Good Ideas" books, purchased through the Education
                                     fostered by assigning tasks, encouraging timely                           Foundation of Martin County. These books offer up to 320
                                     completion of assignments, and discussing the                             lessons focused on teaching students essential values
                                     importance of honesty and self-discipline. Codes of                       including trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness,
                                     conduct and community expectations reinforce a sense of                   caring, and citizenship. Elementary and secondary
                                     duty towards oneself and others. Similarly, in Clubs,                     education teachers underwent training to effectively utilize
                                     responsibility is emphasized through goal-setting,                        this curriculum. Additionally, digital workshops were
                                     meeting deadlines, and promoting teamwork. Leaders                        conducted for elementary and middle school educators to
                                     model responsible behavior while guiding members to                       enhance their understanding and implementation of the
                                     fulfill commitments and contribute positively. Overall, this              program
                                     focus on responsibility equips individuals with essential life
                                     skills and attitudes, nurturing reliability and
                                     conscientiousness in both academic and extracurricular  History of the Joe Kordick Award
          Joe Kordick Award Winner                                                  The Joe Kordick Awards were established in tribute to Joe Kordick, the founding chairman and
                                                                                    driving force behind Character Counts! in Martin County. Joseph Kordick, a distinguished military
                                                                                    veteran and former Vice President of Ford Motor Company, relocated to Palm City, Florida after
          Leigh Anne Campbell, now Leigh Anne Dees, is a proud alumni of South      retirement and dedicated himself to community service. He volunteered extensively, particularly in
          Fork High School, where she graduated in 2005. Her journey was marked     hospice care, counseling terminally ill cancer patients and fundraising for local organizations. Joe's
          by a remarkable achievement – the Joe Kordick Award, bestowed upon        commitment extended to leadership roles in various charitable, educational, and civic institutions,
          her for her outstanding character and unwavering integrity. This honor,   embodying his belief that character development in youth is a collective effort involving parents,
          received during her high school years, left an indelible mark on Leigh    teachers, community leaders, and businesses. His vision led to the creation of Character Counts! in
          Anne's life, reinforcing her commitment to authenticity and personal
                                                                                    Martin County, fostering responsibility and integrity among young people through collaborative
          growth. Inspired by this recognition, she pursued her passion for         community engagement. The Joe Kordick Awards reflect his enduring legacy of service and
          journalism at the University of Florida, earning her bachelor's degree.
                                                                                    character development in Martin County.
          Today, Leigh Anne reflects on the Joe Kordick Award with deep gratitude,
          acknowledging its profound impact on shaping her values and guiding
          her path forward.
                                                                                                 Character Counts! in the Community
                       Character Counts! in the Community                                                      The collaborative efforts of the Palm City, Jensen Beach,
                                                                                                               Hobe Sound, and Indiantown Chambers of Commerce
                                     Students at Hidden Oaks Middle School have been                           played a pivotal role in supporting the Character Counts!
                                     acknowledged for exemplifying one or more of the pillars of               program within Boys & Girls Clubs of Martin County and the
                                     CharacterCounts!: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility,               Martin County School District. Their engagement fosters a
                                     Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. Nominations for these                  strong sense of community involvement, emphasizing the
                                     students were submitted by teachers, counselors, or                       importance of character development among the youth.
                                     community members. Boys & Girls Clubs of Martin County is                 This partnership helps to implement initiatives that instill
                                     pleased to endorse a program that prioritizes good                        values such as respect, responsibility, fairness, and
                                     character in our children's daily routines. The event was                 citizenship, enriching the educational experience and
                                     sponsored by Rob Tweedale at Merrill Lynch.                               promoting positive youth development throughout the
                                                                                                               county. The commitment these Chambers provided to the
                                                                                                               Character Counts! program exemplifies the profound
                                                                                                               impact that dedication to good character and citizenship
                                                                                                               can have on shaping the future leaders of tomorrow.
      United Way Of Martin
      County Celebrates Leadership
      Transition And Office


        United Way of Martin County is proud to announce notable
      changes within its organization, including the retirement
      of Theresa Schineis, vice president of finance, and the
      appointment of Dr. David Lovett, Ph.D., as her successor.

                                                        Dr. David Lovett, Ph.D., United Way of Martin County,   Don Donaldson, Martin County administrator; and Carol
                                                        director of finance and administration; and Ellen East, United   Houwaart-Diez, United Way of Martin County president
                                                        Way of Martin County finance assistant             and CEO

                                                        the position, poised to continue United Way’s mission of   The office transformation includes a fresh paint job, new
                                                        improving lives and strengthening the community. During   carpeting and about half the operating space that once existed.
                                                        the transition period, Lovett will be working closely with     To celebrate these momentous occasions, United Way of
                                                        Schineis until her official end date.              Martin County hosted an open house on April 12. The event
                                                          In addition to these changes in leadership, United Way’s   served as an opportunity to welcome Lovett into his new role
                                                        workspace has recently undergone significant renovations.   and showcase the organization’s revitalized workspace with
                                                        The once 4,400-square-foot office has been downsized to   internal partners and stakeholders.
                                                        accommodate a small but mighty staff size and to optimize
      Carol Houwaart-Diez, United Way of Martin County   operational efficiency, thereby reducing overhead expenses.   Spotlight on page 5
      president and CEO; Theresa Schineis, United Way of Martin
      County vice president of finance; Tracy Hernandez, Suncoast
      Mental Health Center director of development

        After 25 years of dedicated
      service  to  both  United
      Way and the community it
      serves, Theresa  Schineis
      will be retiring on Friday,
      May  31.  Throughout  her
      tenure, Schineis has been
      instrumental  in  driving
      financial  initiatives  and
      supporting countless
      individuals  and  families
      in  need.  Her  leadership,
      dedication and passion for  Dr. David Lovett, Ph.D.,
      community service have left  will be replacing the retiring
      an indelible mark on United  Theresa Schineis as United
      Way of Martin County.    Way  of Martin County’s
        Filling Schineis’ esteemed  director  of  finance  and
      role  is  Dr.  David  Lovett,  administration.
      Ph.D., a military veteran and
      former CEO/CFO with over 30 years of experience in the
      field. Lovett brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to
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