Page 8 - Hobe Sound Reflections - May '24
P. 8

Page 8, Hobe Sound


      United Way Of Martin

      County Celebrates Leadership
      Transition And Office


         United Way of Martin County is proud to announce
      notable changes within its organization, including the
      retirement of Theresa Schineis, vice president of finance,
      and the appointment of Dr. David Lovett, Ph.D., as her

                                                        Dr. David Lovett, Ph.D., United Way of Martin County,   Don Donaldson, Martin County administrator; and Carol
                                                        director of finance and administration; and Ellen East, United   Houwaart-Diez, United Way of Martin County president
                                                        Way of Martin County finance assistant             and CEO

                                                        renovations symbolize our commitment to efficiency and   investing in programs that
                                                        sustainability, ensuring that every resource is directed   strive to enhance healthy
                                                        towards our mission of improving lives and strengthening   living, improve education
                                                        our community. We invite all members of the community   and support financial
                                                        to join us in this exciting journey towards a brighter future   st abil i ty. For more
                                                        for Martin County.                                 information  about  United
                                                        About United Way Of Martin County                  Way of Martin County or
                                                           United Way of Martin County’s mission is to improve   its foundation, please visit  Theresa Schineis’ retirement
                                                        lives by mobilizing the caring power of our community.  cake
      Carol Houwaart-Diez, United Way of Martin County   United Way continues to create long-term social change
      president and CEO; Theresa Schineis, United Way of Martin   and provide support to Martin County residents by   Spotlight on page 9
      County vice president of finance; Tracy Hernandez, Suncoast
      Mental Health Center director of development

         Af t e r  2 5  y e a r s o f
      dedicated service to
      both  United  Way  and
      the community it serves,
      Theresa  Schineis  will                             How much will you
      be retiring on Friday,
      May 31.  Throughout  her
      tenure, Schineis has been                           need to retire?
      instrumental in driving
      financial initiatives and
      supporting countless                                Call to schedule a
      individuals and families
      in  need.  Her leadership,  Dr. David Lovett, Ph.D.,  one-on-one.
      dedication  and passion  will be replacing the retiring
      for community service  Theresa Schineis as United
      have left an indelible mark  Way  of Martin County’s           Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
      on United Way of Martin  director  of  finance  and            Financial Advisor
      County.                  administration.                       1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
         Fi l l i n g Sc hi ne i s’                                  Jupiter, FL 33458
      esteemed role is Dr. David Lovett, Ph.D., a military veteran   561-748-7600
      and former CEO/CFO with over 30 years of experience  
      in the field. Lovett brings a wealth of knowledge and
      expertise  to  the  position,  poised  to  continue  United
      Way’s mission of improving lives and strengthening the
      community. During the transition period, Lovett will be
      working closely with Schineis until her official end date.
         In addition to these changes in leadership, United
      Way’s  workspace  has  recently  undergone  significant
      renovations. The once 4,400-square-foot office has been
      downsized to accommodate a small but mighty staff size
      and to optimize operational efficiency, thereby reducing
      overhead expenses. The office transformation includes a
      fresh paint job, new carpeting and about half the operating
      space that once existed.
         To celebrate these momentous occasions, United Way
      of Martin County hosted an open house on April 12. The
      event served as an opportunity to welcome Lovett into
      his new role and showcase the organization’s revitalized
      workspace with internal partners and stakeholders.
         As we bid farewell to Schineis and warmly welcome
      Lovett into his new role, United Way of Martin County
      is not only transitioning leadership but also transforming
      its workspace to better serve our community. The recent

      Community leaders and partners enjoying United Way of
      Martin County’s Open House
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