Page 6 - Hobe Sound Reflections - May '24
P. 6

Page 6, Hobe Sound

                                             Tampa GeneRal news

                                                                                                             • Prescription medications, such as semaglutide and
      Tampa General Offers A Safe                        for patients in Palm Beach                          tirzepatide, will be prescribed if appropriate, for an
                                                           Rothman’s clinical
      And Medically Supervised                             focus is on preventative                        additional cost
                                                                                                             • Monthly body composition evaluation using a Tanita

      Weight Loss Program                                c a r e ,  we l l n e ss a n d                    scale
                                                         metabolic health for adults                          The use of medication, along with lifestyle improvements
         It’s no secret that the rate of adult obesity in the United States   and adolescents age 12       in diet and exercise, results in weight loss that reduces the
      continues to rise. Recent figures from the Centers for Disease   and up. She pursued board           risk of major coronary events, including heart attacks and
      Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 41.9 percent of   certification in obesity                  strokes, improves metabolic health and manages blood
      Americans are living with obesity, and medical costs associated   medicine after recognizing         glucose levels.
      with the condition totaled nearly $173 billion in 2019.  trends among her patients                      You do not need to be a member of TGH Concierge
         According to the Trust for America’s Health, which tracks   with hypertension, heart              Health to join the weight management program.
      obesity rates across the country, 22 states now report rates at   disease, osteoarthritis and  Dr. Laurie Rothman     If you’re diagnosed with a chronic health condition,
      or above 35 percent. At 31 percent, Florida’s obesity rate fairs   other chronic conditions.         or are at risk, commencing a medically supervised weight
      slightly better, but there’s still cause for concern.      “I wanted to strengthen my training and knowledge in   management program offers you peace of mind, knowing
         Obesity contributes to chronic health issues such as high   prevention and nutrition,” said Rothman. “I started integrating   that the program is backed by the world-class care of TGH,
      blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and cardiovascular   the concepts into my practice.”      Florida’s leading academic health system.
      disease. Plus, the noisy marketplace for weight loss remedies is      For example, she will review a patient’s overall health      TGH Concierge Health, a service of TGH Primary
      daunting. How do you know which programs are reputable? If   and consider factors such as family history. “We’re looking   Care, is part of TGH’s commitment to connecting the
      it involves medication, will you need a physician’s input?  at total health and well-being to find lifestyle changes that are   Palm Beach County and Treasure Coast communities to
         For those struggling with losing weight, or their weight   sustainable for the long term.”        world-class care. TGH Concierge Health patients receive
      contributes to a chronic health condition, Tampa General      The Weight Management Program is structured as a   the highest level of primary care, with after-hours access
      Hospital (TGH) Concierge Health offers a medically   membership with tiered pricing:                 and personalized care plans. TGH Concierge Health
      supervised, safe and effective weight management program      • $300/month for three months          includes same-day or next-day appointments, after-hours
      available to Palm Beach and Treasure Coast residents.      • $280/month for six months               communication with the concierge physician or staff, annual
         Individuals will work one-on-one with Dr. Laurie      Membership includes:                        executive-level physical examinations and more.
      Rothman, who is board certified in family medicine and      • Two visits per month with a physician who is board certified      For more information about the weight management
      obesity medicine, to develop a personalized, goal-oriented   in obesity medicine                     program offered by TGH Concierge Health, please call
      weight management strategy that may or may not include      • Two visits per month with a registered nurse  (561) 739-4TGH (4844) or visit
      medication. Rothman has been practicing medicine for      • Weight loss strategy, counseling, nutrition support, and
      nearly 25 years and has two decades of experience caring   psychological and social support

                                               LocaL Government

      Martin County Tax Collector                       The notice serves as a reminder to contact this office   or surrendering the title to the property. The payment
                                                        immediately for payment if your taxes have not been paid   of property taxes provides the county, school board and
      Dear Taxpayers  of  Martin                        for the 2023 tax roll.                             municipalities with the revenue to provide necessary
      County,                                              April 30 at 4:30 p.m. is the last day to pay taxes to   services  for  Martin  County  taxpayers. Tax  certificates
         Tax  collectors  are                           ensure you are not listed in the news.             assist in funding the government’s expenses in the interim
      required to advertise the                            May 31 at 4:30 p.m. is the last day to pay taxes   time taxes are delinquent.
      date  when  tax  certificates                     before a certificate will be sold!                    The system for collecting delinquent ad valorem
      will be sold at auction                              Current  law  provides  that  taxes  on  these  listed   property taxes is defined in great detail in the Florida
      on all parcels of real                            properties  will  be  recovered  through  the  sale  of  tax   Statutes, Attorney General’s Opinions and Department of
      property upon which taxes                         certificates.  Tax  certificates  constitute  first  liens  on   Revenue’s rules and regulations, per F.S. 197.122, F.S.
      are delinquent [Section                           parcels of real property. They make it possible for the   197.332, F.S. 197.343, F.S. 197.402, F.S. 197.403, F.S.
      197.402, F.S.].                                   owner(s) of real property to allow ad valorem property   197.432. Please help keep your cost and the cost of your
         The advertisement must                         taxes  to  become  delinquent  and  continue  to  use  their   government down by paying your property taxes on time.
      appear in the newspaper                           property for two years (or more) before actually paying the      Best Regards and Always at Your Service,
      once each week for three consecutive weeks prior to   bill (plus interest and costs). During this period, investors        Honorable Ruth Pietruszewski,
      the date announced for the tax certificate sale.   pay the delinquent tax bills at negotiated rates of interest              Martin County Tax Collector
         This advertised information is required by Florida law   lending the delinquent property owners’ money in order
      and is not intended to be embarrassing or intimidating.   to continue using their property before paying the bill

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