Page 12 - Hobe Sound Reflections - May '24
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Page 12, Hobe Sound

                                                    tip oF the taiL

      Osteoarthritis Management In                      which is involved in the development of chronic pain.   supporting joint health and promoting tissue repair, pet
      Dogs And Cats                                     Injections are given monthly, and 77 percent of pet owners   owners can help alleviate pain and improve the quality
                                                                                                           of their pet’s life. However, it’s essential to consult with
                                                        report improvement in function with this treatment.
                                                           Shockwave therapy has emerged as a novel and effective   a veterinarian before initiating any treatment regimen, as
                                                        treatment modality for OA in both dogs and cats. This   individualized care tailored to the specific needs of the
                                                        noninvasive therapy involves the application of high-energy   pet is paramount for optimal outcomes. With proper care
                                                        acoustic waves to the affected joints, stimulating tissue   and attention, pets with OA can lead happier, healthier
                                                        repair  and  reducing  inflammation.  Shockwave  therapy   lives for years to come.
                                                        has been shown to improve pain scores, increase range of      Established in 1981, Palm City  Animal Medical
                                                        motion, and enhance overall quality of life in pets suffering   Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
                                                        from OA. Shockwave therapy can be combined with    for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
                                                        physical therapy and an exercise program for best results.   surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
                                                           Combining  these  approaches  –  conventional   medicine, extensive diagnostics and emergency service,
                                                        medications  –  NSAIDS,  dietary  management,      Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
                                                        supplementation, monoclonal antibody and hyaluronic   medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
                                                        acid injections, physical therapy and shockwave therapy,   owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
         What we often hear as vets during an exam is “She   offers a comprehensive strategy for managing OA in dogs or find us on
      is just slowing down some, starting to show her age.   and cats. By addressing the underlying inflammation,   Facebook at
      She wakes up and limps for a few minutes or it takes
      her a while to get up, but once she gets going she gets
      better.” Although this is a normal age-related process that
      unfortunately most of us can relate to as humans, it often is
      a sign of degenerative joint disease, or what is commonly
      known as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common
      yet debilitating condition often leading to pain, stiffness,
      and decreased mobility. While conventional treatments       YOUR FIRST CHOICE
      like medication and surgery are widely utilised, a growing
      body  of  evidence  suggests  that  holistic  approaches
      incorporating diet, supplements, physical therapy and
      shockwave therapy can offer promising avenues for                                    FOR A
      managing OA in our beloved pets.
         Diet plays a pivotal role in the management of OA. A
      balanced diet can help control weight, reducing the strain
      on joints and slowing the progression of the disease.
      Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in          SECOND
      fish oil, can help decrease inflammation and alleviate
      joint pain. Supplements are another integral component
      of OA management. Glucosamine and chondroitin are
      well-known supplements that support joint health by
      promoting cartilage repair and reducing inflammation.
      Additionally, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), hyaluronic
      acid and collagen supplements can provide further support   OPINION
      by improving joint lubrication and mobility. When used
      in  conjunction  with  proper  diet  and  exercise,  these
      supplements can help alleviate symptoms and improve
      overall joint function.
         Adequan is an injectable polysulfated
      glycosaminoglycan,  which  serves  not  only  as  a
      cartilage component used in healing but also as an anti-
      inflammatory agent. Adequan has numerous beneficial
      effects for the arthritis patient, including the inhibition
      of harmful enzymes involving joint cartilage destruction,
      stimulation of cartilage repair and increasing joint
      lubrication. Adequan is given twice weekly just under
      the skin for one month and then once to twice monthly                       CHOOSE A LEADER
      thereafter for maintenance. More  recently,  Solensia
      (cat) and Librela (dogs) injections were released into the               IN CARDIAC SURGERY
      market for managing long-term pain. These are monoclonal
      antibodies against a substance called “nerve growth factor,”
                                                                          Second opinions save lives. That’s why Cleveland Clinic
                                                                          Martin Health is your first choice for a second opinion
                                                                           on cardiac surgery. With minimally invasive options
                                                                            and shortened recovery times, our heart surgeons
                                                                           provide world class care on the Treasure Coast. From
                                                                           pioneering research to cardiovascular surgery, trust
                                                                               our heart experts for every care in the world.

                                                                               Call 855.881.1972 to schedule an appointment.

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