Page 23 - PGA Comminty News - April '24
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April 2024                                                                 April 2024                                                  PGA C.A.N.!, Page 23
      Girl Scouts Of Southeast Florida Honoring Five

      Outstanding Women At 11th Annual Emerald Awards

         Five amazing women. One inspiring afternoon. Girl                                                 The 2024 Emerald Award Palm Beach Honorees
      Scouts of Southeast Florida will honor five extraordinary                                               • Go-Getter Award: Tamra FitzGerald, president, Venue
      women from Palm Beach County at the 11th Annual                                                      Marketing Group
      Emerald Awards on April 12, at the Four Seasons Resort,                                                 • Innovator Award: Kirsten Dolan, CEO, One Parking
      Palm Beach. These women exemplify strong leadership                                                     • Risk-taker Award: Natalie Mackey, CEO and founder,
      qualities in their respective fields, serve as significant role                                      Winky Lux
      models for young women in our community and embody                                                      • Leader Award: Penny Murphy, president, Pioneer
      the characteristics of today’s problem solvers, dreamers,                                            Linens
      changemakers and doers.                                                                                 In addition, Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida will honor
         An Emerald Awards honoree is recognized as a                                                      Julie Kime with the Lifetime Achievement Award For
      woman who brings new ideas to life, demonstrates                                                     Philanthropy.
      creative problem solving and brings innovation to her                                                   The afternoon will feature a silent auction and cocktail
      field of expertise or community. She embodies the go-                                                reception for networking, leading to the awards ceremony
      getter, innovator, risk-taker, and leader characteristics                                            with a keynote by Nancy Brinker, founder of Susan G. Komen
      of today’s Girl Scout and drives change in her                                                       for the Cure and Promise Fund of Florida.
      community.                                                                                              The Emerald Awards honorary event chairs are Geri
                                                                                                           Emmett, Donna Mulholland and Lois Pope. The Event
                                                                                                           Committee chair is Virginia Spencer and joining her on the
                                                                                                           Emerald Awards Host Committee are Kayla Campbell, Susan
                                                                                                           D. del Portal, Priya Deshmukh, Andrea Fogarty, Kathleen
                                                                                                           Hillman, Robin Mason, Melissa Mulvaney, Ofelia Utset and
                                                                                                           Marcia Wolf.
                                                                                                              Thank you to the 2024 Emerald Award sponsors: FPL
                                                                                                           (Ruby sponsor); HCA Florida Healthcare (Mental Wellness
                                                                                                           Advocate sponsor); Duffy’s Foundation and Publix Super
                                                                                                           Market Charities (Emerald sponsors); Fiserv and Palm Beach
                                                                                                           Sheriff’s Office (Sapphire sponsors); Linda Strutt Consulting,
                                                                                                           Valley Bank and Velocity Community Credit (Opal sponsors);
                                                                                                           PNC Bank (Valet sponsor); Illustrated Properties (Decor
                                                                                                           sponsor); GL Homes, Keiser University and Virginia and
                                                                                                           Perry Spencer (Topaz sponsors); and UBS and Venture X
                                                                                                           Palm Beach Gardens (VIP Reception sponsors).
                                                                                                              The award recipients will be honored at the Emerald
                                                                                                           Awards luncheon and ceremony on Friday, April 12 from 11
                                                                                                           a.m. to 2 p.m., at The Four Seasons Resort in Palm Beach.
                                                                                                           Tickets are $175. To register for the event, visit https://
                                                                                                           summary). For more information, please contact the
                                                                                                           advancement team at

                                                                                                                                  April 22

                                                                                                               Garage sales & yard sales

                                                                                                                    are NOT allowed in

                                                                                                                        PGA National.

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