Page 18 - PGA Comminty News - April '24
P. 18

Page 18, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  April 2024                                                                                                                                                    April 2024
      Impact The Palm Beaches To Host Ninth Annual

      Impact Awards Celebration On April 17

      At Least Three $100,000                           LaFrance,  president  of                           $100,000 grants. The full amount of membership is tax-
                                                        Impact the Palm Beaches
      Grants Will Be Awarded To                         for  the  years  2023  and                           culture; education; environment and animal welfare; health
                                                                                                             Impact grants fund the following service areas: arts and
                                                        2024. “With her passion
      Local Nonprofits                                  for our community,                                 and wellness; and family.
                                                        inspiring ener gy,                                    Admission to the Ninth Annual Impact Awards
         Impact the Palm Beaches will host its Ninth Annual   and highly respected                         Celebration is complimentary for Impact the Palm Beaches
      Impact Awards Celebration on Wednesday, April 17 at   professionalism, she                           members and $80 for guests. For more information or to
      5:30 p.m. at the Cohen Pavilion, Kravis Center in West   is the perfect person to                    R.S.V.P., please visit
      Palm Beach. Impact the Palm Beaches is a philanthropic   emcee our most important                       For  more  information  about  Impact  the  Palm
      organization where women collectively give to nonprofits   event of the year.”                       Beaches, events, and how to become a member,
      in Central and Northern Palm Beach County to ignite      The finalists selected  Hollani Davis       visit or email info@
      transformational change.                          to compete for the                       
         This special event will award at least three high-impact   $100,000 2024 impact grants were announced on March      Impact 100 is a worldwide organization with more than 70
      $100,000 grants to nonprofit organizations located in Palm   21 at a special event underwritten by FPL and hosted at   chapters and steadily growing. Their motto is “One Woman,
      Beach County. During this exciting evening, finalists will   Manatee Lagoon. Over the past eight years, Impact the   One Meeting, One Vote.” It is designed for women who
      present their requests for funding to the members of Impact   Palm Beaches has given away more than $1.5 million in   wish to find an efficient and collaborative means of creating
      the Palm Beaches, followed by a vote and distribution of   transformative grants to nonprofits in our community.  transformational change in their community. Women can
      awards to the selected organizations.                Impact members contribute $1,100 annually, which   become as involved as they want to in the process.
         Members and guests attending the awards celebration   includes a $100 administrative fee, and each member’s      The Town of Palm Beach United Way is the fiscal agent
      will enjoy cocktails and light bites while mingling with the   $1,000 donation is pooled together to fund multiple   of Impact the Palm Beaches.
      finalists before the presentations begin. The emcee of the
      event will be multi-Emmy winner, Hollani Davis, TV anchor
      of Today on 5 on WPTV 5 from 5 to 7 a.m. During her 20-  Tampa General Hospital Leads In
      year journalism career, Hollani has garnered several awards,
      including the prestigious “Anchor” award from the Florida
      Association of Broadcast Journalists in 2022. A devoted   Living-Donor Liver Transplants In
      wife and mother, Hollani also spends a good portion of her
      time emceeing different community events and mentoring
      youth. She’s also advocated for Black maternal health and   Florida
      for families with premature babies.
         “We are thrilled to announce that Hollani has agreed      Tampa General Hospital (TGH) is leading the way in      •    Hospitals  schedule
      to be the emcee for our upcoming event,” said Lisa   living-donor liver transplants in the state of Florida. In   transplants  based on the
                                                          2023, the academic health system performed five lifesaving   recipient’s  and  donor’s
        Friendly Reminder                                 living-donor liver transplants, the most of any hospital in   availability.

                                                                                                                Research  shows
                                                          the Sunshine State.
                                                             The first occurred in May 2023, when Derek Sanz gave
          Before you go north for the summer                his mother, Patty, the ultimate Mother’s Day gift — half of   that recipients of living-
                                                                                                          donor organs have better
        please remove all perishable food from your       his liver. After nearly a year, mother and son are healthy and   outcomes.
        refrigerator and store all patio furniture or     grateful that the TGH Transplant Institute offers a living-     TGH  is  a  top  five
        other home landscape accessories that could       donor option. Without it, Patty might have waited anywhere   transplant center by volume
                                                          from 30 days to five years for a deceased donor’s organ.
                                                                                                          in the United States and is
        become dangerous projectiles during high          Livers are the second-most in-demand organ for transplants   ranked one of the nation’s
        winds.                                            (behind kidneys). About 10 percent of individuals on the   best  hospitals  by  U.S.
                                                          national transplant waiting list are waiting for a liver.   News & World Report in
                                                             Receiving a donation from a living donor shortens a   2023/24. The living-donor
                                                          patient’s wait time and lessens chances that the liver’s condition   liver  transplant  program
                                                          will worsen. “Living-donor liver transplant is another avenue to   “is a prime example of Tampa General continuing to drive
                                                          save the lives of patients with liver disease in our community,”   innovation to deliver world-class health care,” said TGH
                                                          said Dr. Kiran Dhanireddy, vice president and chief of the TGH   President and CEO John Couris. “This program opens up
                                                          Transplant Institute and surgical director of the Comprehensive   additional access to patients in need of a liver transplant,
                                                          Liver Disease & Transplant Center.              and has the potential to transform the lives of patients and

                 John Deloach                               volunteers a portion of their liver to someone whose liver   their families in the Tampa Bay region, Florida and across
                                                             With a living-donor transplantation, a healthy person
                                                                                                          the United States.”
            Experienced Driver                            is failing from end-stage disease or cancer. After doctors     experiences to encourage others to consider a living-donor
                                                                                                             Both  Patty  and  Derek  Sanz  have  shared  their
                                                          remove the donated portion, the donor’s remaining liver
         For your errands and airport transportation      regrows close to its full size and capacity in a couple of   liver transplant if they have a family member in need. “It
                                 Ride in my Lincoln       months. The transplanted liver also grows, restoring normal   worked for us and that’s why we want to get the word out
                                     Continental          liver function to the recipient.                there so that more people can be saved,” said Patty.

                                                             The benefits of live-donor transplantation include:
                                                                                                             For  more  information  about  the TGH Transplant
                                   References available      •   Transplants take place quicker when a living donor is   Institute, please call (561) 739-4TGH.
                                       upon request       available.
              Please call (561) 310-1063                                                           Paid Advertisement


          Yuval Bibi, M.D., is board certified by the American Board of
                                                                                                          Dermatology Associates of the Palm Beaches is a group
          Dermatology, and is now providing care at our Palm Beach                                       practice of board-certified dermatologists and fellowship-
                                                                                                          trained Mohs surgeons providing general dermatology,
          Gardens and Delray Beach offices. Dr Bibi’s clinical practice                                  surgical dermatology, and cosmetic dermatology services.
                                                                                                         Our physicians are also recognized leaders in the diagnosis
          interests include general dermatology, surgical dermatology,                                              and treatment of skin cancer.
          as well as a special focus on genital dermatology, mucosal

          dermatosis, and scalp and nail disease. Dr Bibi sees both
          adults and children. He is a native of Jerusalem, Israel,

          where he earned his medical degree, as well as a PhD at Ben                                      Make an appointment to see Dr. Bibi
          Gurion University. He completed his residency training                                                   at one of these offices:
          at the combined Boston University-Tufts University                                                  Palm Beach Gardens       Delray Beach
                                                                                                              10335 N. Military Trail  2605 W. Atlantic Ave.
          Dermatology program. He looks forward to providing                                                        Suite A              Suite D 204
                                                                                                            Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Delray Beach, FL 33445
          you with excellent dermatology care.                                                                   (561) 622-6976       (561) 819-5822
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