Page 16 - PGA Comminty News - April '24
P. 16

Page 16, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  April 2024                                                                                                                                                    April 2024
      Bravo! Bravissimo!

      Palm Beach Opera’s Gala Was A Spectacular Event

      The Nonprofit Raised $710K

         In one of the major
      events on the annual social
      calendar, Palm Beach
      Opera (PBO) brought
      together  opera  lovers  and
      community leaders for a
      stunning annual gala at The
      Breakers Palm Beach that
      raised $710,000 to support
      the opera’s productions,
      education and outreach                            Robert and Ann Fromer    Rebecca and Randell Doane  Stefano and Carole Acunto  Robert and Julie Desnick
      initiatives, and resident
      artist training.         Isabel Leonard and Ari Rifkin  intimate recital by one of the most sought-after mezzo-     Guests enjoyed an intimate recital by mezzo-soprano
         The evening began as                           sopranos on the world’s stages today, who also has   Isabel Leonard, a three-time Grammy  Award-winner who
      305 guests enjoyed a jovial cocktail reception in the   performed in television and film, Isabel Leonard.  made her Palm Beach Opera debut as Musetta in La bohème
      Venetian Ballroom before moving into the Mediterranean      Thanks to the unwavering commitment and passion   in the company’s historic 2021 festival. A fixture in Met:
      Ballroom which featured a lovely white chiffon draped   of the gala chairs, gala host committee, and gala council,   Live in HD international broadcasts as both a frequent host
      stage. It was just the start of an unforgettable gala night   the company was able to present the illustrious artistry of   and star performer, she regularly appears at the Metropolitan
      that included a sumptuous dinner with fine wines and an   Isabel Leonard at one of the most iconic venues in our area.   Opera and with major opera companies around the world,
                                                        In addition to the unforgettable evening, the incredible   including Teatro alla Scala, Opéra National de Paris, Royal
                                                        support we raised ensures that PBO can continue its   Opera House, Vienna State Opera, Salzburg Festival,
                                                        important work of delivering world-class opera, providing   Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, Glyndebourne Festival,
                                                        meaningful arts education, and training the next generation   Canadian Opera Company, San Francisco Opera and Lyric
                                                        of opera stars.                                    Opera of Chicago. Leonard’s appearance at the gala was
                                                                                                           generously underwritten by Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Fisher.
                                                                                                              Accompanied by acclaimed pianist John Arida, who has
                                                                                                           collaborated with some of the most celebrated artists in the
                                                                                                           classical music industry, Leonard performed selections from
                                                                                                           Bizet, Valverde, Offenbach, Sondheim, Bernstein, Gardel,
                                                                                                           Rossini, Tesori, and Arlen. Palm Beach Opera’s talented
                                                                                                           resident artists also made an appearance in the recital,
                                                                                                           sharing the stage with Leonard in both the Habanera and
      Judy and James Harpel    Judy and Jerry Kaufman                                                      Seguidilla (which featured resident artist tenor Garrett
                                                                                                           Evers) from Carmen by Bizet.
                                                                                                              After the recital, guests enjoyed a delectable dinner in a
                                                                                                           sumptuously, butterfly and blue themed decorated Venetian
                                                        Nancy Brinker and Michael
                                                        Zinner                   Jerry and Judy Kaufman    Bravo! Bravissimo! on page 17

      Cindy  Levine  and  Marc  Diane Sculley, Paulette Koch
      Solomon                  and Judy Harpel

      John Arida and Isabel Leonard

                 Family owned & operated since 1988

        Danni Britto and her daughter enjoying their girl time hanging with
         some new friends during one of their Celebrity Cruises excursions.
                We can help you plan an exciting vacation!
         We are located at 11360 N. Jog Road, Bldg. A, Suite 102-6
        Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418
                   (561) 694-9696
               “We help you see the world . . .”
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