Page 24 - PGA Comminty News - April '24
P. 24

Page 24, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  April 2024                                                                                                                                                    April 2024
      Vita Nova’s Seventh Annual Mallets & Martinis

      Benefitted Homeless Youth In Palm Beach County

         Dressed in chic croquet whites, over 300 guests attended
      Vita Nova’s sold-out Seventh Annual Mallets & Martinis event
      on March 2 at the National Croquet Center.
         This annual affair is the nonprofit’s signature fundraising
      event that raised money to support the homeless youth Vita
      Nova serves in Palm Beach County and goes directly towards
      Vita Nova’s Housing Program and Independent Living
         The guests had a
      wonderful evening amidst                           Mayor Keith James, Lorna                          Grier and Kristy Pressly  Nina and Brian Bowden
      the palms, where they played                       James and Jeff DeMario  Rand Hoch and Wayne Lewis
      croquet, sipped on martinis,                                                                            Katrina Long-Robinson, a former city commissioner and
      and enjoyed dinner and live                       experience and what brought her to Vita Nova at 16 years of   affordable housing supporter, was the honorary chair of the
      music. The event also featured                    age. She found family, light and voice at Vita Nova and is now   event. “I am so thankful for Vita Nova for collaborating and
      a live auction conducted by                       an advocate for other foster youth. DeMario also mentioned   working tirelessly to help find solutions for our young adults
      Jay  Zeager, where  guests                        that although they are making enormous strides in helping   in Palm Beach County,” said Long-Robinson. They continue
      had the opportunity to bid                        hundreds of youth each year, there is much work left to do.   creating homes for the homeless youth, and this event was just
      on unique experiences, items                         Serving over 650 youth annually in Palm Beach County,   one way to support their work.”
      and trips. Emily Pantelides                       Vita Nova is a safe bridge to independence for former foster      Sponsors included Florida Power & Light, Dex Imaging,
      emceed the lively evening,                        care, LGBTQ and other homeless youth through supportive   Sunshine Health, The Spear Group, Valley Bank, Pink Bird
      which included brief remarks                      housing, education, employment and life skills training.   and Hospital for Special Surgery.
      from Kate Cotner, the director  Emily Pantelides, Jay Zeager  Working to eliminate homelessness for youth ages 18 to 25 in      To learn more about Vita Nova or to donate, visit
      of community engagement at                        Palm Beach County, Vita Nova acts as an advocate and support or call (561) 689-0035.
      Florida Power and Light, one of the event’s Platinum sponsors,  system for homeless young adults.                    Photos by Palm Beach Photo Concierge
      and Jeff DeMario, the CEO of Vita Nova. DeMario expressed
      his heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported the youth they
      serve and introduced Sophia Coffey, a Vita Nova alumni youth
      and Miss Palm Beach County. Sophia talked about her unique

                                                                                                           Carling Pinckney, Jack and Shannon Middlebrooks, Jack
                                                         Monte and Sheri Resnick, Jessica Cecere, Anne Messer  Cooney and Neil Elliott

      Katrina  Long-Robinson,  Katherine  Murphy,  Rick
      Christina and Monte Lambert Asnani, Julia Murphy

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