Page 15 - Boca ViewPointe - April '24
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April 2024 Viewpointe, Page 15
Mindful Sustainability
By Steve Handwerker shocked at what you ‘see’. NOW do the same thing for aware. Thank you for listening and for conserving our
electricity use and the habit patterns you have regarding planets precious and limited resources!
The idea and practice of its use. And again, multiply that by a million and a billion.
mindfulness is becoming This exercise can also be applied to the use of plastics. Steven E. Handwerker Ph.D. D.div, RM
more and more pervasive NOW consider how you might conserve these Board Certified Licensed Psychologist
in the art and science of resources. For example, turning water off even during 50 years experience
evolving consciousness. the process of brushing your teeth, washing your hands
Certainly, it would be more or showering or being more conservative about washing Books and Blogs n
than useful in relation to your car, etc. Consider how often you leave lights on or
developing a sustainable run electrical products or do not unplug when they are
lifestyle. What would this unused. Running the air conditioner on an automatic Are You Watching
mean from an individual perspective? We are all beings of temperature without thought has a significant impact on
habit and patterns that more than less rule our daily lives. creating a more sustainable environment.
Think about how our psychological and emotional habits We generally are not conscious of how our patterns and Your Speed?
govern our lives in many ways. Consider the significance habits impact our environment. In simple ways we all can
of what you take for granted in your personal life in make a difference on resource sustainability. Washing our
regard to your actions around the use of clean water, food, hands, brushing our teeth, taking a shower, leaving lights Please obey all posted speed limit
electricity use. We unconsciously assume this is the way on or other products, what we eat or waste/do not eat all signs throughout Boca Pointe for the
it should be. have a significant impact on the depletion of precious safety of our residents. As a reminder,
Try to step outside the box NOW and consider for a resources. Creating a change in our habits and patterns the speed limits are as follows:
moment your daily routines around how you consume requires a greater awareness of our automatic behaviors Boca Pointe Drive 30mph
or use water. How do you consume plain clean (more and habits that we take for granted. Via de Sonrisa del Norte 25mph
or less these days) water, for drinking, preparing food, Please take a moment or two and objectively think Promenade Drive 20mph
washing yourself or clothes, or your car. NOW consider about how you utilize these resources each day and
how these actions to use water impact or effect your/ how you might initiate change in a more sustainable SPEEDING FINES ARE
our environment and consider this multiplied by several and conserving manner. You will be surprised at all the BEING ENFORCED!!
million or even billion. You will be surprised or even changes you could create by being more mindful and
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