Page 18 - Boca ViewPointe - April '24
P. 18

Page 18, Viewpointe                                                   April 2024
      My Superstitious Family

      By Sandra Friedman                                 be true. Dropping a knife meant company was coming. She      My husband laughs when I tell him about my family’s
                                                         cautioned me to never step over a baby or young child. If I did,   beliefs. He claims these silly superstitions did not exist in
         While growing up, I thought I had the wackiest family on   the child would never grow. As foolish as it seems, I would never   his family. Yet, I remind him that when our daughter was
      earth. My mother appeared to live by instinct and rely upon   take a chance and followed that rule with my own children. Too   born, his mother placed a red ribbon in the carriage to keep
      superstitious beliefs to get through each day. It seemed to me that   embarrassed to ever discuss my family’s nuttiness, sometimes   our daughter safe. After careful consideration, he admitted
      she had one to fit every occasion. In some outlandish way these   these same superstitions surfaced among my own friends.  that he knocks on wood for good luck.
      superstitions have penetrated my soul and are ingrained in my      My father, an Eastern European immigrant, fled his birthplace      My family’s superstitions and traditions live within me.
      own thinking. My mother is long gone. But, when I recall her   as a young boy in the early part of the twentieth century. He   Of course, being a part of this world, I have developed
      superstitious admonishments and dismiss them as ridiculous, I   arrived at Ellis Island with his own set of superstitions. Growing   others….I never walk under a ladder and fear black cats
      find myself thinking twice before doing something that would   up, I attributed his beliefs to the hardships he endured during   crossing my path. If I should break a mirror, heaven forbid,
      not meet her approval and wondering if I will live to regret my   his escape. He seemed to fear making future plans. He made all   I hope I will not have seven years of bad luck. I know I am
      modern thinking.                                   advanced arrangements “with God’s help”. For example, “With   not alone in my thinking. Triskaidekaphobia is alive and
         During chaotic mornings in our tiny apartment, with one   God’s help, we will go to the Catskills next summer.” When   well. Hotels and cruise ships omit the number thirteen from
      foot out the door to school, a loose button meant a quick sew   I married, before I moved into my first apartment, he brought   their elevator buttons. This confirms that there are others as
      without removing my blouse. My mother always told me to eat   along kosher salt and bread for good luck. When I moved into   superstitious as me. I tell myself believing in superstitions
      something while she fastened the button. One hurried morning   my new home, I brought along kosher salt and bread. My father   is ridiculous. But, this morning, I slipped on my lucky shirt,
      I asked, “Why do I always have to eat something?”. While   also feared the evil eye and never praised anything he deemed   right side out, with no loose buttons before I sat down to
      focusing on the needle and my flesh, she said, “So I don’t sew   precious. Of course, that included me.  my computer. n
      your brains”. Who could argue? I had an exam on that particular
      day and would not chance failure. If I wore a shirt inside out,   Make Sure Your Revocable Living
      she predicted that I would have a surprise that day. Believe it or
      not, sometimes these omens came true. Another of her favorites:
      If you sneeze while speaking, whatever you are saying must   Trust Is Not An Empty Box

        Move Over LAW                                     By Martin Zevin, Attorney                        will then complete a form with the institution which will result

                                                            A Revocable Living Trust is

                                                                                                           in the account being changed from the individual name to the
        (FS 316.126)                                      a very valuable estate planning                  name of the Trust.  Future statements will then show the client’s
                                                                                                           name and the word Trustee or an abbreviation such as TTE.  At
                                                          tool.  If done properly, it can
                                                                                                           that point, you know that the account is in the name of the Trust.
                                                          avoid probate, as well as protect
                                                          you and your assets if you are
                                                                                                           beneficiaries listed for the particular account, then the account
                                                          incapacitated.                                       If this administrative work is not done, and there are no
        By Elyse Weintraub                                    However, unlike a Last Will                  will need to be probated in order for the Trust to get it.  This is
        Brown, Community                                  and  Testament, it does not                      done via the “Pourover” Will that is typically executed at the
        Education Specialist,                             automatically apply to all of the                same time as the Trust.  This “Pourover” Will names the Trust
                                                                                                           as the beneficiary of any asset that is only in the name of the
                                                          assets that you own.  When a
        Palm Beach County Fire                            client comes in to discuss doing a               individual with no beneficiaries designated. Of course, if you
        Rescue                                            Revocable Living Trust, I analogize the Trust to a box that we are  already have beneficiaries designated on all accounts, it is not
        (561) 616-7051 or                                 building.  Typically, the first thing that we put into the box is your  necessary to name the Trust.                                home.  We prepare a Quit Claim Deed where we transfer your      If you already have a Revocable Living Trust and you want
                                                          home from yourself individually to yourself as Trustee of your  your Trust to cover all of your assets, you should contact your
                                                          Trust.  Your homestead remains the same, your real estate taxes  brokers, banks, investment advisors, etc. to be sure that your
           This  message  is                              remain the same, your ability to sell the property or mortgage it  Trust is either named as the beneficiary of the account or that
        brought to you by your                            remain the same; however, upon your death, the property avoids  you as the Trustee are the owner of that account.  Also, be sure
        friendly Firefighters                             probate.  We also transfer non-homestead real estate to the Trust.  that you own your home and any other real estate as Trustee of
        from Palm Beach County                                We then provide an instruction letter that explains what the  your Trust.  If you do not, you should see an attorney to do a
        Fire Rescue….                                     client needs to do to transfer other assets to the Trust, such as  Quit Claim Deed. If you sell your home and buy a new one, be
                                                          brokerage accounts and bank accounts.  You can also name the  sure you buy it as Trustee of your Trust.
           Every day firefighters and other               Trust as a beneficiary for IRA accounts; however, there are tax      Remember, your Trust is only an empty box until you put
        emergency responders drive                        benefits to name an individual as beneficiary.  This should be  something into it.
        to emergencies. What’s more,                      discussed with your accountant.  But it is generally up to the client      Please feel free to call me for a free phone consultation
        oftentimes the emergency they                     (unless the attorney is hired specifically to do this administrative  regarding any issues pertaining to Wills, Trusts and Estates.
        are driving to is actually in                     work) to follow-up with the banks and the brokers to be sure that  I am also available for a free consultation regarding any
                                                          the proper paperwork is completed to change the name of the  issue pertaining to personal injury claims or car insurance
        the roadway. Although they are                    account to the Trust.  Usually, the financial institution will require  coverage.  Call me at (954) 569-4878.  My address is 3275 W.
        helping others and rendering aid,                 a copy of the first page of the Trust which indicates the name and  Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 204, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442. My
        they are also at risk of being injured and killed on our   the date that it was executed.  The institution may also require  website is and my e-mail address is
        roadways by motorists. Help protect them…because if   copies of the last pages with the witnesses and notary.  The client
        they can’t help you in your time of need…who will?
        Learn the Move Over LAW (FS 316.126)                                                      Paid Advertisement
          Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do
        when you are driving on a local roadway, and you see
        DRIVING BEHIND YOU a fire truck or other emergency            SHINE & SEAL
        vehicle with lights flashing and sirens wailing on the
        way to an emergency? The Answer is …you must yield
        the right of way. When it is safe to do so, move over as
        close as reasonable to the closest edge of the curb of the   Pressure Cleaning and Seal Coating Specialists
        roadway, clear of any intersection and then stop. When
        this happens on highways and interstates, rather than                          Before
        stop, slow down and then safely move over so that the   Revitalize Your
        emergency vehicle can pass.                                                                                                 Transformative
          Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do when   Home
        you are driving on a roadway with multiple lanes, and you see   Get long-lasting                                                Pressure
        a fire truck or rescue truck working an emergency ON THE                                                                         Cleaning
        SIDE OF THE ROAD? The Answer is….When it is safe to   protection against the                                                 by Local Trusted
        do, merge away from a vehicle working on the side of the   elements, prolonging
        roadway to provide an empty travel lane for the emergency   the life of driveways,                                             Professionals
        worker. If you are not able to safely move over, you must   walkways, and
        slow down to a speed of 20 MPH below the posted speed   outdoor spaces.
        limit unless directed otherwise by a law enforcement officer.                                                 After
           On a two-lane roadway…Where there is NO lane of
        travel in the same direction to merge over to, you are                                                 Affordable Package Deals
        REQUIRED to slow down to a speed that is 20 miles per   Long-Lasting Seal Coating
        hour less than the posted speed limit. If the speed limit                                                  Before
        is 20 miles per hour or less, you must slow down to five   Before
        miles per hour.
           In the State of Florida, drivers must also move over for
        sanitation vehicles and utility service vehicles performing
        tasks related to their services, and wreckers displaying
        amber rotating or flashing lights performing a recovery                                                                           After
        or loading on the roadside.
          Violating the Move Over Law can result in a fine and                                                  Call for Free Estimate
        points on your license; and worse, because it puts rescuers,
        civilians, and other motorists at risk of serious injury and
        even death. For everyone’s safety, share the Move Over                             After       (954) 665-5167
        Law with others. Help us…help You! 
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