Page 19 - Boca Club News - April '24
P. 19

Boca Club News, Page 19
      Get Fresh! Tips from                                                                                       A Free Opportunity

      The Produce Maven: Secrets for                                                                              For Animal

      the Perfectly Ripe Avocado                                                                                     Lovers ...

                                                                                                               Now Feed 6 Shelter Dogs and Cats
      Irving Swedko and his wife, Beverly,                 Last year, the United States imported a staggering
      are members of Broken Sound Club.                 two billion pounds of avocados, with 85% hailing from    Every Day at No Cost to You ...
      He hails from Ottawa, the capital of              Mexico. The avocado industry, however, is not without   in Less Than a Minute ...with just
      Canada, where he spent more than                  its  challenges.  Some  growers  find  themselves  paying             “Click”
      50 years in the produce business                  the Mexican cartel by the acre on a monthly basis for
      that included taking a small fruit                protection against threats to their valuable crops.      Want to feel really good about yourself? If, like
      and vegetable retail store and                       This delicious fruit plays a star role leading up to Super   most of us, those TV announcements bring tears
      expanding it across the city and into             Bowl Sunday. Guacamole and chips have become a staple   to your eyes with photos of sad shelter dogs and
      other areas to include wholesale,                 on the game day menu with Americans consuming over   cats in small cages, hoping somehow to be brought
      food service and importing, bringing trucks of fresh produce   270 million avocados during that time.   into loving homes – when you wish over and over
      from across the U.S. directly into Ottawa. His experience      For  those  hoping  to  enjoy  the  perfect  avocado,  the   again that you could somehow bring joy into their
      made him an expert on all things produce-related, from how   ripening process is key. Store them on the kitchen counter   lives, here is an act of loving kindness that will
      to select the perfect melon to the best way to store fruits and   until they yield to a soft touch. If only using half at a time,   cost you absolutely nothing ... and take less than
      veggies. After retiring, Irving and his wife Beverly became   a sprinkle of lime or lemon juice followed by a wrap in   a minute a day.
      snowbirds and have been enjoying life at Broken Sound for   plastic ensures the unused portion stays fresh in the fridge     Visit the website: www.theanimalrescuesite.
      20 seasons. He is the proud father of three daughters and   longer. The length of time they stay fresh in the fridge   com and click on the words “Click here to feed a
      looks forward to family time with his seven grandchildren.  depends on how ripe they were when they were cut. A   dog or cat.” A “button” will appear on your screen,
         Little  did  Rudolph                           riper avocado can last three or four days while a less ripe   and all you have to do is click on it once. Each
      Hass know back in 1926                            one can last a week or more.                        time a person clicks on that button, the website’s
      California  that  his  dark                          For those who can’t wait, there are tricks to speed up   sponsors provide bowls of food, free, to feed 6
      green,  alligator-skinned                         the ripening process. Wrapping avocados in foil contains   dogs and cats.
      discovery would become                            the ethylene gas they produce, or for a faster result placing     That’s all there is to it. In only seconds each
      a staple, spread on toast,                        them in an airtight bag with ethylene-rich fruits like apples   day, you can see to it that 6 animals are fed. The
      blended into smoothies and                        or bananas works wonders.                           folks who run the website never bother you with
      enjoyed in countless ways                            As avocados reach their peak the challenge becomes   tons of promotional e-mails. You can, if you wish,
      around the world.                                 preserving their goodness for as long as possible. Ripe   click on a link that sends a daily reminder to you.
         Standing tall at an                            whole avocados can chill in the fridge for about two   I did that; the reminder is e-mailed, and that is it.
      average of thirty feet, the                       weeks, but for long-term storage remove the pits and skins   No hard-sell follow-ups. And if you realize how
      avocado trees bear fruit that is as versatile as it is delicious.   and freeze them right for smoothies. Otherwise, taste is   good it will make you feel to be able to do at least
      Producing around 150 avocados per year, older more   somewhat off.                                    something for these poor, loving creatures who are
      mature trees can grow to 60 feet yielding 2,000 avocados.      A better option is to “cryovac,” and the flavor should   there through no fault of their own (some have
      These buttery, creamy and nutty treasures have become   be retained. Cut in half, remove pit and scoop out. Place   been rescued from abusive owners), imagine how
      synonymous with healthy eating.                   avocados on a cookie sheet assuring they don’t touch each   even bowls of food will help make the animals feel
         Avocados are packed with heart-healthy fats, such as   other, and freeze for an hour. Now you’re ready to cryovac,   better.
      oleic acid, potassium, vitamins B and E–key for preventing   refreeze and take out as needed.           Please take just seconds a day to lift 6 animals’
      heart disease and reducing cholesterol, making them a      Enjoy!                                     spirits ... and your own. Thanks.
      nutrient-rich addition to any diet.
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