Page 14 - Boca Club News - April '24
P. 14

Page 14, Boca Club News
      Medical Matters: Medical Decisions

      By Richard Nagler, M.D., a member                    It is common for cancer of the pancreas to produce no   this among themselves in private. After a short period of
      of Broken Sound Club and retired                  symptoms until it has widely metastasized. In cases where   time one of her sisters thanked me for meeting with them and
      physician. After graduating from                  the cancer is discovered very early, usually as an incidental   agreed that Hospice was the right decision. Suddenly, one
      the University of Pennsylvania and                finding during a CT scan, significant advances have been   of the sons rose up pointing a finger at me and shouted “Dr
      New York University’s School of                   made in both medical and surgical techniques including   Nagler, you will do anything and everything to prolong my
      Medicine, Dr. Nagler served his                   total pancreatectomy with improved 5-year survival.   mother’s life.” Before I could respond the sister told him to
      internship and residency at Baltimore             Unfortunately, because the pancreas lies in proximity to major   sit down. She admonished him for having rarely visited his
      City Hospital and Johns Hopkins. He               blood vessels even a very early small cancer can erode into   mother over the years. She asked him if it was his guilt that
      followed that with a Fellowship in                one of these vessels and spread widely throughout the body.  motivated him to interfere in what the rest of the family had
      Gastroenterology at Yale University School of Medicine,      I sat down at her bedside and gently advised her of the   decided was the best option for her. He sat down. I returned to
      and was then Chief of Gastroenterology at Fitzimmons   truth of her condition, including that there was no cure. I   my patient to advise her of the decision, which she accepted.
      General Army Hospital in Denver. He returned to the Yale   assured her that I would do everything possible to alleviate      She went downhill very rapidly with Hospice
      Medical School for one year as an Assistant Professor of   any pain and suffering she might endure, keeping her as   maintaining a morphine drip, the dose high enough to keep
      Medicine before opening his own successful private practice   comfortable as possible in the weeks ahead. She asked me   her asleep most of the time. I saw her every day to make
      in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology. During that   to meet with her family to apprise them of her condition and   sure she was comfortable. She died peacefully in her sleep
      time, he also served for ten years as Chief of Medicine at   advise them of my recommendation as to how to proceed   three weeks later.
      Huntington Hospital in Huntington, N.Y.           with managing this unfortunate condition. She had a large      When it comes to decision making in the treatment of
         An 81-year-old widowed  grandmother, a long-term   immediate family with a brother, two sisters, a daughter and   patients, doctors today often present the options available
      patient of mine, came to the office complaining of the gradual   two sons. Three of them were local and the others came from   and then ask the patient and family to decide. That is a
      persistent onset of constant abdominal pain over the past   afar to the hospital to meet with me. It was a very difficult   lot to ask because they have limited medical knowledge,
      10 days associated with abdominal distension, bloating,   time for them, especially as this all happened so suddenly in   are often emotionally involved and have great difficulty
      nausea and loss of appetite. On physical examination her   a woman who was previously in good health.  in taking on such a momentous responsibility.
      belly was very swollen and tense with some bulging at the      I explained the diagnosis to them and that there was no      I maintain that a doctor  should explain fully the
      flanks consistent with ascites. This is a condition where fluid   cure. I offered two options for her treatment. One was to give   treatment options, answer all questions from the patient
      accumulates in the abdominal cavity. It is an ominous finding,   chemotherapy alone or combined with radiation, which could   and family, and then the doctor should tell them what he
      and she was admitted to the hospital. A CT scan revealed a   prolong her life perhaps by a matter of months but would   or she advises as the best choice to follow–at the same
      mass in the pancreas, metastases in the liver and enlarged   surely be associated with very unpleasant side effects that   time explaining that whatever they decide the doctor will
      lymph nodes scattered throughout the abdominal cavity.   could make her remaining days miserable. The other choice   abide by that decision completely. Never should a doctor
      A needle aspiration of the ascitic fluid revealed pancreatic   was to bring in Hospice and do everything possible to make   whose patient has decided on a treatment option other than
      cancer cells. She had inoperable stage 4 pancreatic cancer.   her comfortable. This is what I recommended to both her   that recommended by the doctor react by saying in that
      There is no cure, and most of these unfortunate people have   and the family. They all were understandably dejected by the   case find another doctor. There is no place for that kind
      a life expectancy of less than a year.            stark reality of the situation and asked if they could discuss   of reaction in the doctor-patient relationship.
      Legal: House Squatting

      By Michael J Posner, Esq. a partner                  Generally, this procedure can take 30 days, and has a   entered the property which was not open to members of
      in Ward Damon P.L., a mid-sized                   cost of about $500, plus any legal fees. As a result of this   the public; (iii) that the owner has directed the squatters to
      real estate and business-oriented                 problem, the Florida legislature passed a new law allowing for   leave and they have refused; (iv) that the squatters are not
      law firm serving all of Florida, with             removal of squatters without having to go through the lengthy   former tenants; (v) that the squatters are not in title (unless
      offices in Palm Beach and Lee County.             eviction process. The bill was passed, approved unanimously   due to a fraudulent deed); (vi) the squatters are not immediate
      They specialize in real estate law                by both the house and the senate and is expected to be signed   family members; and (vii) that there is no litigation pending
      and can assist lenders, buyers and                by the Governor, with an effective date of July 1st, 2024.   regarding the residence.
      sellers with purchases, loan closings             The new law states that its purpose is “to quickly restore      Once the verified complaint is filed, the sheriff will deliver
      and refinances of residential and                 possession of residential real property to the lawful owner of   or post the notice and act to remove the persons. The sheriff
      commercial real estate. They can be reached at 561.594.1452   the property when the property is being unlawfully occupied   may charge a reasonable fee for this service. If the occupant
      or at                      and to thereby preserve property rights while limiting the   is improperly removed, they may bring an action against the
         Based on the amount of media coverage, it would seem   opportunity for criminal activity.”        owner and recover triple the fair market rent of the residence.
      that house squatting has become an epidemic. Headlines      The new law has two elements, a procedure to remove      The law also makes any squatter who causes damage
      like “Squatters Seize Control of Florida Home, Refuse to   occupants/squatters and a criminal element. Removal requires   in excess of $1,000 as committing a felony of the second
      Leave” and “‘Fairly Big Problem’: Squatters Invade Homes   an owner or their agent to file a verified complaint with the   degree and if the squatter uses fake documents claiming
      and Refuse to Leave. How is This Legal?”          sheriff, and the new law includes the form of the verified   same to be a valid lease or deed a misdemeanor of the first
         House squatting is generally defined as a person who   complaint to be used by the owner, which requires the owner   degree. Finally, the law holds that anyone advertising to sell
      occupies  a  residence  without  the  owner’s  permission.   to state (i) they own the property and the date they purchased   or lease a property they do not own commits a felony of the
      While some squatting arises through trespass (which can be   the residential property; (ii) that the occupants unlawfully   first degree.
      criminal, but police rarely enforce such claims), in many cases
      squatting occurs through other means, such as occupancy of
      an abandoned or foreclosed home, access through unlocked
      or open doors, or access via a third party.
         Access via a third party can be innocent as to the squatter.
      In some cases criminals target known empty properties and                 ARCHIVE GALLERIES
      advertise them for rent. They produce a lease and collect rent
      claiming to be the property owner or agent. The unsuspecting
      person then moves into the residence, only to find out later
      that the “landlord” was actually a criminal posing as the   PAYS HIGHER PRICES FOR FINE ART AND ANTIQUES
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         Until recently, Florida law treated squatters in essentially   • Oil Paintings       • Sterling Silver               • Collectibles
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      a squatter required an owner to follow the eviction procedure   • Tapestries            • Sculptures                    • Orientalia
      outlined under Chapter 83, Florida Statutes, the Florida
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      written notice requiring the squatter to vacate the premises   • Service Plates         • Porcelain                     • Clocks
      (which could be mailed/posted), which gave the squatter
      three business days to vacate (and if the notice is mailed, you
      have to add five days for processing time). After the notice      We Also Purchase Men’s And Ladies’ Items Including:
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         Assuming no response (or legitimate response) was filed,
      the owner then would move for a default and ask the court                 One Piece Or Entire Contents Purchased
      to direct the clerk of the court to issue a writ of possession
      ordering the local county sheriff to remove any occupants     CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION, NO OBLIGATION
      in the residence. This procedure would take a few days,
      and once received by the Sheriff the writ would have to
      be delivered or posted for 24 hours at the residence. Then
      afterwards the sheriff would remove (forcibly if necessary)   CASH                    561-498-7536                                COURTEOUS
      the occupants. While the squatters would then be removed,   PAYMENTS                                                                IN HOME
      the owner would still have to deal with any possessions   UPON REQUEST                                                              SERVICE
      or damage left behind (the Sheriff no longer removes the
      squatter’s possession).
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